Thomas's Choice - Page 64/98

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“Try me!” Eddie challenged.

Thomas pulled one wrist from the restraints above his head, then the other. As he turned fully, Eddie’s gaze immediately fell to Thomas’s groin. Anger shot threw him as he saw Thomas’s erection.

“You were going to let him fuck you, weren’t you!?”


“Don’t lie to me!”

Thomas glared back at him. “It’s the truth! I had no intention of having sex with him!”

“The evidence says otherwise.” He motioned to Thomas’s erect cock.

Thomas stepped closer, bringing his body almost flush with Eddie’s, his breathing harsh and uneven. “I got hard the second you walked in here. As soon as I smelled you. The only man I wanna fuck is you.”

Eddie’s heart stood still, Thomas’s words filling it with warmth. Had he just flown into a jealous rage? Did that mean what he thought it meant? He stopped himself, not wanting to let his thoughts wander any further. He didn’t want to know what it meant.

“I don’t want anybody else but you,” Thomas said, his voice softer now, his face coming closer.

“Then why?”

Thomas sighed. “There are moments in my life when I need to be dominated. When I need to submit to another’s will. To forget that I’m powerful.”

Eddie listened to the words, but didn’t fully understand. “What does it do?”

Thomas brushed his fingers over Eddie’s cheek. “It helps me control my urges.”

“Urges?” Eddie swallowed hard, his voice raspy now, his own desire growing.

“The urge to take you and make you mine, whether you want it or not.”

A hot flame shot through Eddie’s core. Whether it was the nearness to Thomas’s naked body, the smell of his blood, or the situation he was in, Eddie wasn’t sure why he was suddenly so turned on. He only knew that he had to do something about it. He slid his hand onto Thomas’s ass, drawing him closer. “What if I dominated you and made you submit to me? Would that help?”

Thomas’s eyes blinked red, his vampire side emerging. His fangs lengthened, and a ragged breath rolled over his lips. “Yes, that would help.”

Eddie pulled back, noticing Thomas’s disappointed look at having severed the connection.

“Good.” He pointed to the leather chaise longue near one wall of the room. “Lie down on your stomach.”

“What are you planning?”

“No questions!” Eddie ordered. “Lie down!”

Barely able to contain his excitement, Eddie watched as Thomas walked to the chaise longue and lowered himself onto it, taking a prone position. He followed him slowly, looking down at him as he reached him. Thomas was spread out like a feast, his thighs slightly parted, giving him a view of not only his tight backside, but also a glimpse of his balls. Then his eyes zeroed in on the cuts on his skin.

Slowly he bent over Thomas, bringing his mouth to his wounds, but Thomas moved underneath him, sliding away.

“What are you doing?” Thomas asked in an agitated voice.

“Isn’t that pretty obvious? I’m going to heal your cuts. You’re bleeding.”


Thomas’s sharp voice got his hackles up. “So it’s ok for you to drink my blood, but not for me to drink yours?” No way would he play by those lopsided rules. He grabbed Thomas’s shoulders and pressed him back down on the chaise, using his body weight to subdue him as he struggled.

“You call that submitting?” Eddie ground out and jumped on him as if he were getting on a horse.

“Let go of me!” Thomas ordered.

“Not a chance.” Eddie held his shoulders down and bent down, scooting back to sit on the top of Thomas’s thighs.

“My blood, it’s not good,” Thomas claimed, making another attempt at stopping him.

But Eddie’s tongue already darted out and licked over the first cut, collecting the blood. As the cut sealed, he closed his eyes and let the dark liquid run down his throat. His taste buds exploded and he pulled in a sharp breath.

“Not good? It’s delicious!” And it made him feel strong. He’d never had vampire blood—not consciously anyway, since during his turning Luther had to have fed him—and he’d never known what kind of power rush it created. Without pausing, he licked over the next cut, lapping up the tantalizing drops and swallowing them.

His fingers dug into Thomas’s shoulders, holding him down as he continued to struggle.