For the Win - Page 31/147

She sent me an almost fearful look, as if whatever information she had to share with me would somehow spell her doom—like everything else I had on her wasn’t quite enough, but this admission would finally cause the axe to fall.

“I’m, um, not much of a video game player.”

“Well, as your boss, I’m telling you to start. On top of that, I want you to design and come up with three different options for a project you’re going to work on. I’ll choose from the three which one I want you to do.”

Her mouth worked and she shifted uncomfortably, her eyes dropping to the notepad on her lap. She merely nodded and started taking notes, then ripped off the top paper and folded it.

I shifted, pulling my eyes away from those delicate ankles, wondering how much she actually knew. She’d admitted to me that she knew her sex partner from the video had been an employee, and she seemed on the level with the fact that that was all she knew. Either that or she was a damn good actress.

But who could trust a woman who would video herself having sex without letting the man know he was being recorded? The now familiar heated feeling of resentment and guilt bubbled up. That sex tape had almost ruined everything—still might ruin everything. All my hopes and goals were now balancing on the edge of a knife.

And yet…I still wanted to fuck her again. God, how I wanted to fuck her. As my eyes skimmed down the tedious forms and documents and I continued to bark commands at her, a lower, baser part of me was picturing her bent over the back of my couch or spread out on my kitchen counter…or anywhere, really. Naked. Writhing. Moaning my name.

I hadn’t even had the chance to see her fully naked, either. I’d pounded her breathless and yet I still hadn’t touched those full, soft tits. Hadn’t tasted them.

Goddamn it. My eyes squeezed shut and I rubbed them through closed eyelids. She yawned loudly and I heard her stand. My eyes snapped open. Although I really didn’t need her here, there was no way in hell I was letting her leave now, internal repressed sexual torture or not. But whether I needed her here didn’t matter.

Tormenting her? That was another thing altogether. Because now it had become a game to me. I wanted to push her—see how far I could bend her until she broke. Until that cool demeanor, that pleasant façade shattered and the hellcat underneath showed herself again.

In fact, it was becoming my newest mission in life.

“Do you have something to drink? I’m falling asleep.”

“There’s bottled water in the fridge. Some energy drinks, too. And, oh—bring me a beer while you’re at it.” One beer wouldn’t hurt…

Her mouth twisted and she gave me the evil eye. I almost snickered. Good. She turned to go and suddenly she stumbled, off balance and falling.

Before I could even think about it, I bolted out of my seat and caught her before she did a face-plant onto my glass coffee table. My arms closed around her torso, pulling her away from danger as she cursed. “My heel got caught in this goddamn loopy rug!”

As she steadied herself, my arms tightened around her instead of letting go. “I told you to take the shitty things off.”

She tilted her head, looking into my face, eyes narrowing. With the three-inch heels, she was only about four inches shorter than me now, the top of her head reaching my nose. “No. I don’t want to.”

My mouth thinned and defiance formed in her eyes. As frustrating as she was, it was good to see her take a stand. She didn’t do that nearly as often as she should.

Now we were staring at each other and it was getting awkward. She shifted against me and my asshole dick decided this would be a great time to perk up again. I could tell she noticed because the look on her face changed. Her eyes darkened as they dilated and her breathing suddenly quickened.

“You can let me go now,” she said in a voice huskier than normal.

My arms flexed impulsively, as if rebelling at the thought of releasing her, unwilling to give up their prize. The feel of her pressed against me right now was just too good. Too much of what I’d been wanting all night.

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t know if you’re safe…not with those stilts attached to your feet.”

She swallowed, and I was suddenly intensely curious as to how she would handle this. Would she rise to the challenge or would she give in? Could I break her this quickly?

Slowly, she shifted, deliberately rubbing her thigh against my erection. A bolt of lightning sizzled right through me, and the slow rise of those lips in a knowing smile told me she knew exactly what she was doing.