For the Win - Page 89/147

In seconds, his hand closed around my wrist, wrenching it out of his shirt. The other hand found my other wrist. The next second, he had abruptly pushed me back on the couch so that I was lying flat on my back and he was pinning me down with his body, my hands restrained above my head.

“If this goes any further, I won’t be able to stop. We aren’t just fooling around now,” he hissed between his teeth, his eyes flashing with both irritation and lust. “I want to fuck you so badly I can taste it—I can taste you. And fuck it all, I can’t taste anything else but you.”

I swallowed tightly. He wanted me to give him the out. He wanted me to talk sense into him. And he had a point. He was feeling vulnerable right now, and to seduce him like this was taking advantage. The thought seemed ludicrous because I doubted Jordan had ever been seduced against his will.

But…maybe I had a little power to shift his judgment. Maybe I had a responsibility to be the one to keep my wits about me.

“We shouldn’t because…we work together. It might threaten your job.” My voice hardly sounded committed to this, but shakily I continued. “Um. Maybe…maybe you regretted last time.”

His grip around my wrists tightened. “Stop it,” he groaned, his head lowering so that his forehead rested against mine. “The only thing I regretted was your goddamn video.”

I swallowed. “Maybe you don’t really want this.”

He shifted, pressing the large, hard bulge in his pants against my thigh. “Does it feel like I don’t really want this?”

My breath was quickening again. I wanted him inside me so badly that my thoughts and sense were now swirling around inside my head, roiling and bubbling over like a storybook cauldron. Lust burned through every synapse, every vein, every sinew. My hips shifted and I ground them against him.

“Jordan,” I breathed. “I want you.”

His mouth was on me again, his tongue tangling with mine. He clasped me so fiercely around the wrists that I was starting to lose feeling in my hands. Suddenly, he pulled back and sat straight up, releasing me.


I wanted to scream at his sudden bout of self-control. The look he was giving me, though, was anything but controlled. He looked like a wild animal, his chest rising and falling.

His jaw set. “Stand up, April.”

I was one hundred percent certain I would not like whatever he was going to say. I sat up slowly and faced him.

“Stand,” he repeated, reaching to help me up. He rose along with me. “There are a number of indecent things I want to do to you right now—and in several different ways—but, despite what I said earlier, I didn’t bring condoms with me.”

I frowned. “That’s unfortunate.”


“Perhaps it’s too much of a temptation, then, to inform you that condoms came in the suite’s hospitality basket.” I pointed over to the counter where the basket sat, untouched, since I’d glanced through it the day before.

He gazed at the basket, all the breath hissing out of his chest. He scrubbed his hands over his face. “Fuck, Weiss. You weren’t supposed to tell me that.”

We stared at each other for a long, tense minute. I tried to regulate my breathing. His eyes dropped to my chest, likely noting the aforementioned difficulty with drawing air into my lungs.

Abruptly, he spun and strode over to the bar, where he pulled out a bottle of water, uncapped it and took a long pull. With a deep breath, I turned my back on him and faced the fire. I wasn’t ready for this to be over yet. However, it took two to waltz and my dance partner was fleeing the ball. I blinked, frustrated.

But could I blame him? There were so many reasons—some that I hadn’t even named—that he shouldn’t be into me. Number one, that virus video from Hell. Number two, I was his intern and he loved his job. Number three, he should be preparing for his talk in the morning with practice and a good night’s sleep. Number four… I frowned, rubbing my forehead between my eyebrows. I couldn’t imagine what number four would be. I was sure there had to be a number four.

Then I heard him behind me and I froze. His body was so near, so warm—warmer than the heat of the fire in front of me because he was inches—maybe even millimeters—away. And there was something else…kind of like having a compass pointing toward the source of magnetism, I felt a mystical pull between my two shoulder blades. He was drawing me under his enchantment again, simply by standing close.

When I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck, shivers scurried down my spine. His strong fingers brushed my hair away, and slowly—ever so slowly—his lips touched at the juncture of my neck and back. With that scruff and those smooth, smooth lips, he brushed along the top of my shoulder. I gasped, unable to control myself.