At Any Price - Page 66/125

I fumbled for my cell, opened my contacts and pressed Heath’s number, thankful that he’d put in the information the day before. He’d be pissed, of course, but I knew he’d come. That’s what best friends were for.

The phone rang twice before he answered. “Heath, I need your help.”

“Emilia? Are you all right?” Adam. Shit. I’d dialed the wrong number. Two contacts on this phone…two damn contacts and I’d picked the wrong one! I was drunker than I thought.

“Uh. Hi…”

“What’s wrong?”

“I thought I was calling Heath and I got you by accident.”

A pause. “Are you drunk?”

Shit. “No. Of course not. I was just studying—he had wine and so I drank some and didn’t realize I was drinking so much ’cause he kept filling up the glass.” Realizing I was blathering, I sat back and sighed. “He’s gonna come get me and take me home. Heath, I mean.”

“Where are you? I’ll come get you.”


“Emilia, tell me where you are.”

“I’m in Orange. It’s too far for you.”

“I have a fast car. Open up the GPS app and send me your location. Can you do that?”

I hadn’t used that app yet. “Is it easy to figure out?”

“I’ll talk you through it.” And he explained how to do it.

“Don’t you dare start that car, Mia,” he said, clicking off. I frowned, wondering how I’d gotten into this situation, when I heard a loud knock on my window and I jumped.

Jon stood there, gesturing for me to open my door. Instead I rolled down the window. “I’m sorry, Mia. I had no idea you’d drink so much.”

I blinked, the world spinning a little bit. “You’re the one who kept refilling my glass.”

“Come inside. Seriously, you can sleep it off in there.”

“Uh uh, sorry.” Then I swallowed. “I’m gonna be sick.”

“Mia, stop being stupid and come in. I’m sorry. Just come inside.”

“I said no, Jon. No means no.” I cranked up the window.

He disappeared and then reappeared a few minutes later, trying to talk to me through the window but I ignored him. I tapped my foot and checked the clock on my dashboard, wondering how long it would take Adam and his fast car to get here.

My insides clenched, sending the age-old warning that they were about to rebel. Nausea burned up my esophagus. I wasn’t that drunk, but I hadn’t eaten much all day and the wine was irritating the hell out of my stomach. I stumbled out of the car and over to the gutter, doubling over. I heaved a couple times but managed to keep the contents of my stomach—although at this point, getting rid of it all might have made me feel better.

As soon as I straightened up, Jon was beside me again. He had a couple books in his hand, holding them out to me. “I’m super sorry, Mia. I feel bad. You want to borrow a couple of my books to help you catch up?”

I eyed the books. They were expensive study aids that I couldn’t afford. They’d be useful. They swam in my unsteady vision and I reached out for them and managed to grab one of them, but he pulled the rest aside. “Let me put them in the car. And then come in and I’ll fix you some coffee.”

“No—I’m good. I’m getting a ride.”

He took me by the arm. “Come on. I don’t want you to try to drive home.”

I pulled back against his hold. “I’m not going to. Someone’s coming to get me. Stop pulling me around or I’ll puke on you.”

His grip tightened and he bared his teeth, yanking at my arm. “Mia, stop being so stubborn. Just let me take care of you.” His grip tightened painfully.

“You’re hurting me—let go!” My heartbeat raced in my eardrums and I grew dizzy with a sudden fear. What was this asshole trying to do? What did he want from me?

I swung the book in my hand and cracked it over his head. He spun on me with a hiss. “What the fuck, bitch?” He raised his free hand as if to hit me and I pulled back against his hold with all of my strength, falling on my butt, raising a hand to shield my face. My fall pulled him, still gripping my arm, to loom over me.

Images of that night with Zack up on the Ridge replaced Jon’s threat of violence. I’d had blood on my face, but he didn’t care. It ran down my chin, into my mouth—that bitter metallic taste mixed with my salty tears. No!

I pulled back, trying to get away from him. “Let me the fuck go!”