Tall, Silent & Lethal - Page 31/109

The first time they f**ked up, he forced them to spend the three nights of the full moon in a small metal box, just big enough for them to shift. It was pure hell for any shifter not to be able to run and hunt on the nights of the full moon, but not being able to do anything more than breathe was a form of hell that he made damn sure that all of his Pack experienced at least once.

The second time they f**ked up, he had them placed in a box, much smaller than the first so that when they shifted, their bones would dislocate and as they continued to expand, they would break, one by one, leaving the shifter in agonizing pain. They’d suffer the same torment for three nights until the third morning when they shifted back to human for the last time.

Then he, still in shifted form, would drag the offender out by using his fangs. While the rest of the pack was still experiencing the high of a shift, he would teach them a new lesson that they would never forget. If they earned a third strike…..

Well, not many earned a third strike and those that did never lived to regret it.

“Please let me go!” the young woman pleaded between choked sobs as she yanked at her chains.

“Where’s my money?” he simply asked as he reached down and pulled off one shoe.

“I-I d-don’t know what you’re talking about!” she cried, but the way that she yanked at her chains and her tone became panicked said otherwise.

“Where’s my money?” he asked again as he reached down and pulled off the other shoe. He scented the air, noting the scent of adrenaline pouring into her bloodstream. It awakened the beast inside of him, making him hunger for a taste.

“I-I don’t have it!” she cried, the scent of her fear tripling as he pulled off his socks and pants.

“Where is it?” he asked, taking his shirt off and leaving him in a pair of boxer shorts that encased the evidence of his thoughts about Cloe.

The young woman’s eyes landed on his drawers and stayed there only to shift to his erection when he yanked the boxers down low enough so that he could kick them off.

“I-I spent it all, but I can pay you back! I swear that I’ll pay you back! Please just let me go!” she begged, sobbing hysterically.

Aidan gave her a small smile as he walked over to where she sat on the metal floor. He crouched down in front of her, tilting his head to the side as he reached out and ran a finger down her jaw. She flinched back as though he’d struck her, which was pretty f**king insulting since he’d never hit a woman in his life. Tearing one apart with his fangs and claws…..

Well, that was an entirely different story altogether.

“Now, what kind of message would that send to my Pack if I let you go?” he asked with a tsk as he allowed his eyes to shift silver and his fangs to descend.

She opened her mouth, probably to beg him for another chance only to release a blood chilling scream as the finger that he was tracing down her jaw suddenly sprouted a claw, leaving a trail of blood behind as he moved his hand down to her throat.

“Now,” he said, pausing as his hand shifted into something out of a horror movie, “you were telling me where my money was?”

Chapter 17

“Oh my God, you’re insane,” Cloe said, sounding frustrated as she rubbed her hands down her face.

“Most likely,” he agreed, not because he really thought that he was insane, but because arguing with her right now wasn’t possible, not with her straddling his lap.

He’d be the first one to admit that this hadn’t been one of his best ideas, but he hadn’t been left with much of a choice, not with the damn woman trying to leave every other second. When he’d picked her up to stop her from leaving, he’d considered tossing her in his closet or in his bathroom. He’d planned on keeping her there until he was able to talk some damn sense into her, but the reminder that she didn’t like enclosed spaces or feeling trapped had him making a last second adjustment to his plan.

“Let me go,” she demanded.

“I’m not holding you,” he pointed out, technically not lying since he wasn’t holding her.

Granted, he did have his arms resting along her thighs and his hands on her hips, ready to stop her if she tried to climb off his lap, again, but he really didn’t think that counted as holding her. She’d be flipping out a hell of a lot more if she really thought that he was holding her in place. So, since she was only straddling his lap and glaring at him, she clearly didn’t feel trapped.

“Really?” she asked, cocking a brow in disbelief as she tried to move off his lap only to have his hold tighten on her hips, keeping her in place before she could do more than lift her ass.

“Really,” he said, settling back on the love seat, relaxing even as he tightened his grip on her hips.

“You do realize that this is considered kidnapping in most states,” she pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest as she narrowed her eyes to slits on him, no doubt trying to come up with a way to escape his hold and get out of the house before he found another way to stop her.

“You’re the one that has me trapped on this couch,” he explained innocently with a shrug, knowing that it would piss her off.

So, when she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths in an obvious attempt to calm down, he couldn’t help but smile. She definitely made his normally tedious life interesting, he thought as he leaned in and f**ked up his plans to convince her to stay without having to resort to chaining her to the house.

He kissed her stubborn little chin and nearly groaned from the contact. It was such a simple, innocent kiss, but it had him wanting more, wanting her. She felt so good in his arms, too damn good. Christ, he wanted her, he realized with a pained groan. He’d do anything to have her, to touch her, to hold her, to have her in his life…..

Hell, he just wanted her.

Knowing that he was close to f**king this up and making her want to leave for good, he pulled back and-

Somehow found himself leaning forward and kissing the tip of her nose. As he pulled back, admittedly not to do the right thing, he realized that she was watching him through half hooded eyes and that her breaths were coming a little faster than normal. Releasing his hold on her hips, he raised his hands and gently cupped her face, barely aware that his hands were trembling as he lightly caressed her cheeks.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” he whispered as he ran his thumb over her bottom lip.

“Is this another attempt to get me to stay?” she asked, sounding breathless as she leaned into his touch as though she couldn’t help herself.

“God yes,” he whispered, gently pulling her closer as he moved in and pressed a soft kiss against the corner of her mouth.

“What if I don’t want to stay?” she asked, reaching up and placing one of her hands over his, curling her fingers around his palm and holding it where it was.

“Do you?” he asked, leaning in and pressing a kiss against her bottom lip, loving the way she shifted on his lap, but loving the little startled gasp she released when she realized that he was hard, even more.

“Want to stay?” she clarified on a sexy little whisper that had his c**k straining against his jeans to get inside her. Reaching up with her free hand, she ran her fingers through his hair until she had the back of his head cupped in her hand and was able to keep him right where she wanted him. Licking her lips, she leaned in closer until their lips were barely touching and said, “Not on your life, Hoodie.”