Nothing Left to Lose - Page 217/236

I went to move, but Ashton wouldn’t let go of me. Carter raised his gun, aiming it directly at Ashton’s face. My world stopped spinning. This was it, he was going to die. He was going to be murdered right in front of me. I loved him so much that I would die for him; actually, I loved him so much I would live for him. Death was easy compared to Carter. If Ashton died it was going to kill me inside, and that would be worse than death. I couldn’t go through that, not again. I loved Ashton so much, more than anything and everything. He was my life, he was my soul mate. I couldn’t allow this to happen.

“Please don’t, Carter, for me. Please, baby, I’m begging you, please.” I tried desperately not to cry as I struggled against Ashton’s hold. His gaze flicked to me, a little shocked expression on his face. He was begging me with his eyes to stay with him, to stay behind him. I shook my head. “Carter, please. I’ll do anything you want, anything. Just don’t hurt him. I can’t see any other people die because of me, please?” Ashton still wouldn’t let go of my wrist, so I elbowed him in the ribs where he had the bruises. He grunted in pain. It hurt my insides to know that I had caused him pain, but it worked to my advantage, just like I thought. His hold loosened for a fraction of a second and I scooted away just out of his reach, towards Carter.

“No, Anna!” he screamed, trying to grab me, but I was too quick.

Four guns all pointed in his face, making him stop in his tracks. He was looking at me, pleading with me to go back to him, but I couldn’t. I needed to try; I needed to make him safe if I could. I put my hand on Carter’s gun and pushed it away so it wasn’t pointing at Ashton anymore.

“Please don’t hurt him, baby,” I pleaded, looking right into his brown eyes. I pushed away all my fear and hatred. I didn’t care what he did to me, but Ashton had to live. I stepped forward slowly towards Carter. “Please,” I whispered as I got right in front of him. I ran my hands up his chest, making him shiver. Lust crossed his face and I fought with every nerve in my body not to flinch. “Please don’t hurt him.”

He sighed deeply. “Tell me why not then, Princess,” he suggested, lowering his gun and trailing his fingers across my face.

Oh shit, what the hell can I say? “I’ve seen too many agents be killed because of me today. Plus, I… I know his girlfriend. I like her. She really loves him, Carter, he’s everything to her. He’s all she has in the world. He’s all she lives for. Please don’t hurt him. She needs him,” I begged, putting my arms around his neck. He looked at Ashton. I didn’t move, I couldn’t look back at him, I knew what I’d see: shock, love, horror and hurt. Carter regarded Ashton with indecision clear across his face. I could see how much he wanted to kill him for putting his hands on me, but he also didn’t want to do it because I was begging him. He always had liked to try and give me everything that I asked for. “For me? Don’t take him away from her. Just let him go home. I’m here now, we’re together. No one else needs to die because of me.” I smiled – at least, I hoped I was smiling, it felt more like a grimace. Carter rolled his eyes, and his face softened. My heart took off in a sprint knowing that he’d conceded.

Carter dipped his head slowly, and I held my breath, knowing what was coming. When his lips pressed against mine, I whimpered and fought the urge to recoil and gag. His arms snaked around my waist, crushing me against him. He moaned in the back of his throat and finally pulled away, his eyes shining with excitement.

“I’ve missed you, Princess,” he purred, kissing down my neck. I swallowed my sobs and squeezed my eyes shut. I heard Ashton groan.

“I’ve missed you too, Carter,” I mumbled.

My scalp suddenly burned as Carter gripped the back of my hair roughly, pulling my head back so I had to look up at him. “Don’t mumble, Princess, you know I don’t like that,” he growled, pulling hard on my hair, making me grit my teeth against the pain that was shooting through my scalp.

“I’ve missed you too, Carter,” I repeated, louder this time.

“Good girl.” He smiled before setting a soft kiss on my cheek.

“Keep your f**king hands off her!” Ashton growled, trying to step forward as he reached for me.

One of the men that had entered with Carter smashed his gun into the side of Ashton’s face, hard, sending him to the floor with blood pouring from his mouth. Carter ignored him. I glared at Ashton, begging him silently to be quiet. He shook his head at me as he spat a mouthful of blood onto the floor. I didn’t dare move. I needed him to be safe, I would do whatever it took, but he needed to help me by being quiet. Carter was going to let him go, and that was all I needed.

“Princess,” Carter murmured, running his hands down my body, squeezing my ass as he moaned in the back of his throat. “You are so f**king hot. I hope you got plenty of sleep last night because I’ve missed you so much, I don’t think you’ll be getting any tonight, Mrs Thomas,” he purred lustfully. Vomit rose in my throat as a cold shudder trickled down my spine. Carter didn’t seem to notice my reaction though as he used the sleeve of his expensive white shirt to wipe the side of my face. “So beautiful,” he whispered, smiling at me proudly.

Behind me, I could hear Ashton pushing himself up. Carter’s eyes flicked over my shoulder and he cocked his head to the side. “Right then, what shall we do about him?” he pondered, nodding at Ashton.