Nothing Left to Lose - Page 97/236

A smile spread slowly across her face as she took in the news again. “I really get to come to LA? Just with you?” she asked, pressing her perfectly toned body to me tightly.

I nodded. I couldn’t speak; I was incredibly turned on by this position. She was straddling me and leaning over me so our chests were pressed together. Her robe had opened at the bottom, and I could see one of her legs right up to the top of her thigh. I was rock hard, and there was no way to disguise it this time, she was sitting on top of it, for goodness’ sake.

“Thank you,” she breathed as she bent her head and kissed me, hard, making my whole body yearn for her.

I brought my hand up to the back of her head and tried to get her closer, moaning in the back of my throat as the desire took over my body. I had the bare minimum of control when she jumped on me like this. Most of the time I could manage to keep in my mind that I couldn’t upset her. If I didn’t love her so much then I wouldn’t even try to stay away from her. It was weird, but because I loved her, I almost didn’t want to be with her, because I couldn’t stand to see her upset afterwards. It was impossible to reconcile, the need to be with her, but yet, at the same time, wanting to stay away.

As she nibbled on my bottom lip, wanting to deepen the kiss, I shook my head which made her whimper with disappointment. The sound nearly killed me inside. I hated myself sometimes, I really did; I was putting her through so much. I twisted and rolled so that she was underneath me, and then kissed her again, taking control this time. When she parted her lips, I kissed her passionately, sucking on her tongue and exploring every inch of her mouth, lighting a fire deep within me.

I had more control of myself when I was on top, I knew when to stop. I pulled out of the kiss as she ran her hands down my back, scratching with her nails, making me moan breathily. I groaned. Everything about her was incredible. She was perfect for me. If I could only get her to see that I was perfect for her too, then we’d be set for life. I looked into her gorgeous brown eyes, almost losing myself. I kissed her nose gently as her breathing slowed down.

“Maddy’s changing the flights and stuff and she’s going to let me know the new details,” I told her, brushing the damp hair from her face where it had escaped the towel.

She looked at me curiously. “How did you manage to do this?”

“I asked your father.”

She gasped. “You asked my dad? And he agreed to this? Seriously?”


She looked at me proudly, making me feel like I was a hundred feet tall. “He must really like you,” she smiled, her eyes shining with pride and happiness.

“I guess so.” I shrugged dismissively, but her words were hitting me hard. Of course I wanted him to like me; I was in love with his daughter.

She grinned. “Wanna skip school today so we can pack?” she asked excitedly.

I laughed. “Whatever you say, ma’am,” I replied, climbing off her quickly before she grabbed me again. I knew she liked it when I called her that, so I did it occasionally just to tease her. I pulled her to her feet and kissed her forehead, then turned and reached up, grabbing one of the suitcases from on top of the closet. “Want to share one of these?”

She nodded, already digging in her drawers and pulling out underwear and toiletries. “Sure,” she agreed. “What kind of things should I pack? What kind of clothes do girls wear there?”

I smiled at her flustered face as she walked to the closet, opening it and peering in. I walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist, sighing at just how perfectly she fitted me. “People wear all kinds of different stuff. How you normally look is incredible, so just take what you want. Whatever you wear, I’m sure you’ll be the most beautiful thing in the whole of Los Angeles.” She didn’t need to dress up to look stunning, I’d never seen a girl rock a pair of sweats and a hoodie like she did, whatever she wore she looked beautiful.

She laughed. “Do you get these lines straight out of a how to pick up women book, Ashton?” she asked, elbowing me gently in the stomach.

I chuckled. “Yeah, is it working?”

“Most definitely,” she answered, winking at me playfully.

I grinned. “I’m gonna go make you some more breakfast, seeing as you spilled coffee over the last one,” I scolded playfully. A grin stretched across my face as I stepped away from her quickly. The hormones were raging through my body and demanding that I grab her again, so I needed to get some space to calm myself. I picked up the tray and headed back out to the kitchen, deciding on a fruit salad this time.

About an hour later, Maddy emailed me a new itinerary for the weekend. Everything was different. We still had to go to the Lake House on Friday so that Anna could see her parents for a couple of hours, but then we were to fly to LA from there. It would be a long day, but worth it by the time I got to show her off to my friends.

I dug my cell phone out of my pocket and dialled Nate, my best friend and roommate. “Hey, Taylor, what’s up, bud?” he chirped happily.

I grinned at the sound of his familiar voice. I’d missed the guy like crazy these last couple of months. “Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I’m coming home for the weekend. I’ll be there tomorrow night, around six-ish, I guess.”

“Yeah? That’s great, bud! We can go out on the hunt. I’ve missed having you as my wingman. Seth’s such a damn player that we always end up going for the same girl,” he laughed.