Come Away with Me - Page 13/104

What time shall I pick you up? :) Pretty sure of himself, isn’t he? I can’t help but laugh and turn on my side while considering my response.

Will it be safe? I will have my camera with me, and I know how that angers you. I chuckle to myself, thinking I’m quite witty when suddenly my phone starts to ring and it’s him.


“I thought you’d already forgiven me for this morning.” He sounds frustrated.

What the…?

“I was kind of being a smart ass, Luke. I’m sorry, I guess texting is not a great way to flirt.” I close my eyes.

He takes a deep breath. “No, I’m sorry. Would you mind if I join you tomorrow?” Gosh he has a sexy voice, and he sounds hopeful. Who am I to say no?

“I would love the company. Shall we say 10:00 am?”

“That works for me.” He sounds relieved and I get the giddy feeling in my chest again.

“I’ll text you my address.”

“Okay.” He sighs. “So, you’re in bed?”

Oh, now it’s gonna get good! I smile and lay on my back. “Yes. You?”

“I am too.”

“We had a long day.” I’m picturing him in that huge, gorgeous bed of his, naked and laying under the covers and my mouth is suddenly dry.

“Yes, we did.” I hear rustling as he moves in the bed.

“I hope you sleep better tonight.”

“Me too.” I hear the smile in his voice.

“Why were you having a hard time sleeping last night?”

There is a long pause, and it’s perfectly quiet, and I wonder if I’ve lost the call.


“I’m here.” He sighs again then says, “I just don’t require a lot of sleep. How about you? Why up so early today?”

I’m not entirely satisfied with his answer, but let it go.

“I’ve suffered from insomnia for a couple years now. I usually only get a few hours of sleep here and there.”

“That sucks,” he breathes.

“Yeah, but I can take advantage of the early morning light.”

“You’re something of a work-a-holic, aren’t you, Natalie?” I think he’s laughing at me!

“No, I just enjoy what I do.”

“And what are you wearing to bed tonight?” Geez! Change of subject!

“Goodnight, Luke.” My smile is in my voice.

“Sweet dreams, Natalie. See you in the morning.”

He hangs up and less than ten seconds later there is a text.

Can’t wait to see you in the morning, and to one day see what you wear to bed.

Oh, I definitely hit the nail on the head when I said he was a charmer.

There’s that mention of ‘One day’

again! I’m also looking forward to tomorrow.



tonight, Handsome, you’re going to need it. :) xoxo

For the first time in over two years I actually fall to sleep quickly, have calm dreams, and wake with the sun.

Chapter Five

Fuck! I’m late!

Luke’s going to be here to get me any minute, and I’m still running around the house, grabbing my camera equipment, purse, and sandals. I’m pulling my hair up in a pony-tail when the doorbell rings.


“Hey!” I smile as I open the door, then my mouth drops at the delicious sight of him. His dark blonde hair is still wet from his shower and all disheveled in that way he has, he’s wearing a simple grey t-shirt with his sunglasses tucked in the collar, and khaki cargo shorts.


His impossibly blue eyes shine as he smiles down at me. “Hi, beautiful. You look fantastic in red.”

I feel my cheeks heat. I love this red sleeveless top, and decided to wear the denim shorts that fit my rear just so. Just for him.


“Almost,” I step back to let him in and close the door behind him. “I’m running a bit late. Busy morning, but I’m almost ready.”

“Couldn’t sleep again?” He frowns down at me.

“The opposite, actually. Slept too well, was almost late for yoga, and had to run a couple errands.” I pick up my camera bag and grab my purse off the table by the door. I hate feeling scattered!

Luke grabs my camera bag from me, slings it over his shoulder, and I grin up at him in thanks. “How about you?

Sleep better?”

“Much, thank you.”

“I’d show you around, but I’d love to get on the road. Rain check?”

“Absolutely, let’s go.”

I whistle when I see Luke’s sporty little Lexus convertible parked in my driveway. He deposits my camera bag in the tiny back seat then opens my door for me with a huge, cat-ate-the-canary grin on his handsome face.

“Nice car.”

“I figured it would be a good day for a drive with the top down.”

“Sounds good to me.” The leather seat is low and soft and I can’t help but be just a little impressed. He has good taste.

Before long we’re zipping down the freeway through Seattle and heading out of town on Interstate 90. This car can move! The sun is warm, the wind feels great, and Luke cranks up some Maroon 5. There is no need for idle chit chat, we’re just enjoying each other’s company, and I find myself relaxing back into the seat and enjoying the lush, green scenery on our way to the falls.

It’s obvious Luke knows where Snoqualmie Falls is, and as we get closer he turns down the music, then rests his hand on my left thigh. Just that touch alone makes my libido sit up and take notice, and I take a deep breath to calm my erratic heart.