Come Away with Me - Page 77/104

“This is the last damn time you pay for me to go anywhere.” Luke grumbles behind me.

Jules and Nate laugh at him and I just smile serenely.

We buy two extra-large tubs of popcorn and buckets of soda to share and find our seats. Even though we’re more than thirty minutes early I’m surprised to see a handful of people already seated in the theater.

We climb up to the very top row of the stadium-style seats and sit in the middle, Jules and I between the boys.

Luke runs both his hands down his thighs and takes a deep breath.

“Are you nervous?” I whisper in his ear.

He smiles down at me and kisses my forehead. “A little.”

“Do you watch your movies?” I ask.

“Yeah, but I usually wait until after opening weekend to see what audiences are saying. Opening weekend is nerve-wracking, and usually busy.”

“I’m glad we’re here. It’s exciting.”

He laughs and takes a handful of popcorn out of the tub. “Me too. I hope you like it.”

“I’m gonna love it.”

The theater fills up quickly and finally the lights dim and the previews start.

I’m stunned to see that two of the five movies previewed are billed as being produced by Luke E. Williams. I look up at him, stunned, and he smiles shyly down at me. I shake my head and push some popcorn in his mouth, making him laugh.

I’m excited as Rough Shot begins, and want to stand up and cheer when Luke’s name flashes on the screen during the opening credits. Instead I kiss him soundly and give him a ridiculously proud smile.

It’s hard to tell, but I think he actually blushes.

The movie is fantastic. When a mostly-naked Channing Tatum walks across the screen, Jules and I look at each other and start laughing. We can’t resist. Luke throws popcorn at me in disgust.

It’s a fast-paced two hour film that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the end to find out “who dunnit”. There is indeed lots of action and stuff blowing up. There is also an intense love scene between Channing and his co-star and I can’t help but watch it in a very clinical way, knowing that Channing is married in real life, wondering how his wife deals with scenes like these.

I’m also incredibly happy that Luke has chosen to assume a different role in the movie business.

One particularly bloody scene makes both Jules and I squirm in our seats.

“Oh, God, really?” I clasp my hand over my mouth as I realize I said that out loud and both Nate and Luke laugh at us.

As the closing credits roll, I can’t stop smiling. I do clap, inconspicuously, when Luke’s name appears again and he grins at me. We wait until all the other customers have left and the lights come up to leave the theater. As we stand, I wrap my arms around Luke and hold him tight, burying my face in his chest and inhaling his sexy Luke scent. I lean my head back and look up into his shining blue eyes.

“I loved it. I’m so proud of you. We are doing this for every movie. I want a schedule.”

He runs his fingers down my face and smiles sweetly. “I’ll get you one.” He kisses me gently.

“Um, Nat? This is a double date.

Stop making out with your super-cool famous boyfriend, please.” I laugh and glance back at Jules.

“I’m just appreciating his art.” I say primly.

“Appreciate it in private. Come on, let’s go.” Jules and Nate walk ahead of us out of the theater. I move to follow, but Luke holds my elbow, keeping me back.

I turn back to him and he kisses me again, passionately this time, lovingly.

He pulls back and leans his forehead against mine.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Thank you for tonight. I love you, baby.”

“I love you too.”


We all decide to continue the celebration and go out for drinks. We end up near our place at the Celtic Swell, and I have to smile as I remember the first time Luke and I had drinks together here. It feels like a lifetime ago.

The bar is pretty busy with locals, and no one is really paying attention to us as we snag a booth near the back.

“They make a pretty good margarita here,” Luke comments and smiles down at me. He remembers too!

I grin and nod, and we all decide to continue with margaritas.

Luke orders mine just the way I like it.

“So Nate,” I take a sip of my margarita. Delicious. “What did you think of the movie?”

“It was excellent, as I knew it would be. You?”

“Obviously, I’m biased, but I really liked it. Except that really bloody part.”

“Yeah, what the hell is it with boys and blood?” Jules squishes up her nose prettily.

“I am man. I like blood.” Nate beats his fist on his chest and we break out into laughter.

“Mostly naked Channing Tatum is always pleasing on the eyes,” I catch Jules’ eye and we wink at each other.

Luke nudges me with his elbow as Nate glares down at Jules and I giggle.

“I do believe you have a hit on your hands, sir.” I kiss Luke’s smooth cheek and he gives me his sexy half-grin.


“I’m glad you all liked it.”

“What did you think of it?” Jules asks.

“I’m happy with how it turned out. I think the cast and crew did a good job, and the movie was entertaining. The audience seemed to like it.”

I know I have a stupid grin on my face as he talks but I can’t help it.

“What?” he asks me.