Come Away with Me - Page 9/104

Hey Nat, wanna go to dinner tonight?

Nat? Turn your phone on!

Natalie, I’m making reservations…


Oops. I lay my iPhone on the counter top and take another swallow of wine.

Luke’s watching me.

“Sorry, that was rude.” I smile apologetically. “She was worried when I didn’t respond to her texts.

Luke shakes his head. “You are definitely not rude, Natalie. So, how do you feel about alfredo sauce?”

I grin at his flirty tone. “I have a long standing love affair with alfredo sauce.”

“Really?” He chuckles and tucks a strand of my now messy hair behind my ear. “Lucky alfredo sauce.”

He turns around again and starts pulling out pots and pans and ingredients from his pantry and fridge. He’s so…

competent in the kitchen.

When he whips back around to start making order of his chaos, he sees me watching him and gives me a half smile.

“What are you thinking?”

“You’re very competent in the kitchen.”

“Why thank you.” He bows grandly and makes me laugh.

“Who taught you to cook?”

“My mom.” He puts a pot of water on to boil and starts grating cheese.

“What can I do to help?”

“Sit there and be beautiful.”

I blush. “Really, I want to help.”

“Okay, you grate this cheese and I’ll get the chicken going.”

I happily come around the island and take over the cheese grating, watching Luke move about his kitchen with ease.

Soon the room smells of grilling chicken, making my mouth water. Luke moves up behind me and puts his arms around me, checking the cheese status, without actually touching me.

My skin is on fire. Touch me! Hold me! But he doesn’t; before I know it he’s moved away and my body is almost quivering with need.

I don’t remember ever feeling this physical pull to a man before. It’s a little scary, but it’s a lot of fun.

“Okay, I think we’re almost ready to dish up. Can you strain this pasta?” I gladly assist him as he finishes the sauce, and my stomach growls.

Mmmm… a sexy man who can cook!

Luke pulls down plates, silverware and napkins. “Let’s eat outside, enjoy the view.”

“Great idea.” I smile as we dish up, grab our wine and head out to the deck off the great room. The outside eating space is spectacular. Warm tones of reds and browns, the table seats six, and there is a huge stainless steel grill with outdoor kitchen counters, fridge and sink.

We sit and my nerves from our earlier delicious kiss are gone, and I’m just plain hungry.

“Hungry?” he asks, reading my mind.


“Dig in.”

I take a bite and close my eyes.

“Mmm… s’really good.”

I cover my mouth with my napkin and laugh. Luke’s eyes dance and he smirks, taking a drink of his wine.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“So,” I scoop up another bite. “Your mom taught you to cook?”

“Yeah, she always said that all of her children needed to be able to feed themselves after we left the nest.” I watch him stab some chicken with his fork.

“How many siblings do you have?”

“I have one brother and one sister.”

“Older, younger?” I ask. God, this man can cook.

“Older sister, younger brother.”

“And what do they do?”

“Samantha, my sister, is an editor for Seattle Magazine.” Luke’s eyes are full of pride. “Mark is wasting away his college education as a fisherman in Alaska.”

“I take it you don’t approve?” I raise my brow at him as I take a sip of wine.

“Well, he’s young. I guess it’s good he sows his wild oats now.” Luke shrugs.

“Your parents?” I like hearing him talk about his family. He clearly loves them very much.

“They live in Redmond. Dad works for






homemaker.” He glances down at my empty plate.

“It was delicious, thank you.” I lean back in my chair and stretch out my legs.

“You’re very welcome.” He looks so young with his shy smile. “Would you like some more?”

“Oh no, I’m full.” I pat my belly and gaze out at the water. “This is a fantastic view.”

“Yes, it is.” I look over at him, and he’s gazing at me. My cheeks warm.

“You’re very complimentary.”

“You’re easy to compliment.”

I smirk.

He tilts his head to the side and picks my hand up in his, bringing it to his mouth. This is the first time he’s touched me since that thigh-clenching kiss and I sigh at the heat of his touch.

“You are quite beautiful, Natalie.

Why don’t you believe that?”

I’m stupefied. No one has ever called me out on my insecurities because I’ve never shown them to anyone. I shrug.

“I’m happy you think so.”

He frowns at my answer but doesn’t press me. “I do.”

“I wish I had my camera.” I don’t realize I’ve said this out loud, and I feel him tense beside me.

“Why?” his voice is cold, and looking into his eyes, they’re arctic.