Safe with Me - Page 49/76

“Excuse me, but are you Luke Williams?” The man asks Luke quietly.

“I am,” Luke nods and turns to the older gentleman.

“I’m Roger, Jake’s father,” he responds with a grin, holding out his hand for Luke to shake. Jake is the guitarist for Nash. “My wife is a big fan. Would you mind saying hello?”

“Not at all,” Luke responds with a smile and turns back to us. “I’ll be right back.”

“How did Luke hold up tonight, around all these people?” Stacy asks Natalie, referring to Luke’s phobia of crowds and being recognized thanks to his movie star celebrity.

“He’s fine,” Nat assures us with a smile. “He does well when he’s with all of us. It’s when he’s alone that it’s difficult for him.”

Will nods in understanding and rests his cheek on Meg’s head as Sam and Leo come into the room, holding hands, sharing a smile.

“Did you guys enjoy the show?” Leo asks as he steps behind Sam and wraps his arms around her shoulders, pulling her back against his front and kissing the top of her head.

“It was great, Leo,” I respond with a smile. “I love the new music.”

“Sunshine is an excellent song,” Jules agrees and winks at Sam.

I reach down and lace my fingers in Caleb’s, hoping to anchor him and bring him into the conversation. He glances down at me quickly and squeezes my hand, but otherwise continues to watch and listen, not participating in the dialogue. Finally, I rise up on my toes and whisper into his ear, “Are you ready to go?”

“Yes,” he answers immediately. “Brynna and I are going to take off,” he announces, shaking hands with the guys and kissing the girls on their cheeks. “It was a great show, man.”

“Thanks. I’ll see you in a few weeks when I come home on our break.” Leo smiles warmly at me and kisses my cheek, making my toes curl just a bit. “Give him hell,” he whispers to me and winks as I pull away.

I wink back and trail behind Caleb, my hand still held firmly in his, out to the parking lot.


“Let’s just get to the car, Bryn,” he responds quietly, but I hear the edge in his voice. He’s not mad.

He’s scared.

And that just about brings me to my knees. Caleb is the strongest man I know, but being in this crowd, worried about my safety and dealing with his own demons simply because I wanted to come be a part of the concert speaks volumes for how he feels about me.

He’d sit through hell for me.

And he did.

We reach the car and he tucks me safely inside then moves around to the driver’s side and lowers himself inside, shutting and locking the doors behind him.

He starts the car and white-knuckles the wheel, driving quickly and efficiently through the parking garage. His muscles aren’t just tight, they’re stretched and bunched under his black sweater, and every part of him is radiating sheer tension.

I reach over and lay my hand gently on his thigh and gasp. His thigh is flexed, and I can feel the outline of every muscle through his blue jeans.

“Are you okay?” I murmur.

He glances over at me, his blue eyes hot and tight, and nods. “Yeah.”

“Babe, it’s okay.” He drops one hand off the wheel and covers mine on his leg, squeezing it reassuringly.

What can I do to help him?

As an idea forms in my head, I turn in my seat and brush my knuckles down his cheek and along his jaw.

“Caleb?” I ask softly.

“Hmm?” He responds.

“Talk to me, sailor.”

He exhales deeply and concentrates on the road for a moment and just when I think he’s not going to talk, he whispers, “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” I ask, surprised.

“I know I wasn’t a lot of fun this evening. I’m not good around a bunch of people, Bryn. It makes me nervous.”

“We didn’t have to come, Caleb.”

“You wanted to be here. I wanted you to come and have a good time.” He pushes his hand through his hair and I feel him start to relax, bit by bit.

“Thank you,” I reply quietly and lean over to kiss his cheek. My fingertips move gently up and down his thigh, caressing him lightly. I drop a kiss on his shoulder and then his bicep.

“What are you up to, Legs?” He asks.

“Can I try something that I’ve never done before?”

He glances over at me and frowns slightly, curiously, and then finally offers me a half smile. “Okay.”

“You’re going to have to scoot back just a bit,” I inform him and take my seat belt off and reach for his belt.

His eyes go wide.


“I’m gonna suck you off in your car,” I say matter-of-factly and pull his zipper down, tug his underwear down and release his hard, hot cock. I pull my knees under me on the seat and brace myself on the center console and pull him into my mouth.

“Fuck,” he whispers as he rests a hand on the back of my head, threading his fingers in my hair, as I rise and fall on him, sucking and licking and tugging on his gorgeous dick.

I lick a trail from his balls, up the under side along a thick, bulging vein, to the tip and trace the ridge of his head and the slit with my tongue.

“I love your cock,” I murmur and sink down again, pulling him to the back of my throat. I hold him there, pressing with my lips and swallow, massaging the tip with my throat.