Safe with Me - Page 69/76


“I don’t see any reason that you can’t go home this morning,” the doctor remarks the next morning as he looks in my eyes with a bright light. “You’ll just need to take it easy with that shoulder for about a week. It’s going to hurt. Take your pain meds.”

“I have small children,” I remind him. “I can’t be loopy.”

“You’ll need help with them,” he tells me sternly. “And I can give you meds that won’t make you too loopy. If you take them when you’re supposed to, you should stay ahead of the pain. But if you faint, get dizzy, or have any concerns at all, come back to the hospital right away.”

“Okay,” I agree. “Can you send my mom in?” I ask the nurse.

“Oh, she left last night.”

I frown at her and then look about the room for my phone. “I guess I’ll call her.”

“You sure are a lucky woman,” she remarks as she helps me get dressed.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“That handsome guy you threw out of here? He sent the family home and camped out right by your door all night.” She grins at me and I just stare at her.

“He did what?”

“He insisted he wouldn’t leave you, so I took pity on him around midnight and got him a chair. He stayed put all night.”

“I suppose he’s still there?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“I’m right here,” Caleb responds softly behind me. The nurse has just finished helping me dress, and I close my eyes, not quite ready to face him yet.

“Will you please call my mom and ask her to come get me and take me home?” I ask him quietly.

“No,” he responds. “I’m taking you home.”


“I have some things to say, Brynna. I’m not trying to upset you. You need a ride, and I need to talk, so there you have it.”

I turn to face him and have to pull in a sharp breath when I see him. His dark blonde hair is a messy riot from his fingers combing through it over and over. He’s in a black t-shirt and faded blue jeans.

His eyes are shadowed and his chin is stubbled.

He looks like shit.

He looks amazing.

I shrug like I don’t care either way and glance around the room. “Suit yourself.”

“What are you looking for, dear?” The nurse asks.

“My purse and… things.”

“Oh, you don’t have anything with you, honey.”

“Oh.” I frown and look down at my empty hands. It feels weird.

“Can I take her home now?” Caleb asks her.

“Yes, you’re good to go,” she responds with a smile. “Remember; take your meds when you’re supposed to, and take it easy.”

“Thank you,” I murmur and follow Caleb out of the room where a wheelchair is waiting for me. He helps me into the chair and pushes me slowly to the elevator and out to his car.

He gently takes my uninjured hand and helps me from the chair to the car, scowling when I wince. After I’m settled, he shuts my door and joins me in the car.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m sore,” I admit. “Tired.”

“Brynna, I’m so fucking sorry. For everything.”

I settle back against the seat and close my eyes.

“Can we talk when we get to my house?” I ask. “I want to be able to see you when you answer my questions.”

“Sure,” he responds and reaches over to lay his hand on my thigh, but I pull it away. “Can I fix this, Bryn?” He asks with a whisper.

“I don’t know,” I reply.

We ride in silence to the house, and when we pull into the driveway, he goes through the motions again of helping me from the car and inside.

“Couch or bed?” He asks.

“Couch. I don’t have the energy to climb the stairs.”

“I’ll carry you.”

“Couch,” I repeat, ignoring his scowl. I lower myself into the corner of the sofa and adjust the pillows until I’m as comfortable as can be.

Until I need to readjust everything in about four minutes.

“Sit on the ottoman,” I order him. I want to see him square on when we’re talking. I need to see his face. His eyes.

He complies and leans forward, his elbows on his knees and watches my face.

“I hate that you’re hurt,” he mutters.

“I’m not enjoying it myself,” I reply dryly.

“I want to kill him,” he growls, and I can see that he means every single word.

“I understand he’s in jail,” I respond and watch him for a moment. “Where did you go?”

“You don’t know?” He asks with surprise.

“No. I wouldn’t let anyone talk about you around me.”

He flinches. “I was in San Diego, on a training contract with the Navy.”

“SEALs,” I guess.

“Yeah,” he nods. “The contract is over now. I’m going back to work at the old job.”

“You hurt my kids,” I blurt, unable to keep it in anymore. “You hurt me too, but the most important thing is that you hurt them, and they didn’t deserve that.”

“I know,” he sighs. “I’m so sorry I said the things I did. I didn’t mean any of it, I swear. I just didn’t know how to make you let me go. I got scared, Bryn.”