Safe with Me - Page 74/76

“You two are so sappy!”

“I can’t help it!” Jules wails and wipes her cheeks. “It’s these damn hormones.”

“I hate being pregnant,” Natalie grumbles, but smiles when she rubs her round belly. “He’s making me all emotional.”

“It’s a boy?” I ask excitedly.

Natalie smiles and nods happily. “We just found out yesterday.”

“Oh my God, that’s so exciting!” I wrap my arms around her in a big hug.

“I need a hug too!” Jules exclaims and hugs us both.

“What is happening over here?”

We pull apart to find Nate, Luke, Will, Matt and Dom watching us with confused looks.

“We’re happy,” I respond with a shrug.

“Why do girls always cry when they’re happy?” Mark asks as he approaches with a loaded plate.

“Dude, you got food?” Will asks and takes off running toward the house.

“We won’t see him for a while,” Meg smirks and hands me a glass of champagne. “Have you seen your cake?”

“Yes, it’s so pretty!”

“Did the owner of Succulent Sweets in downtown do it?” Sam asks, her blue eyes excited. “Cause if she did, I may eat it all.”

Leo laughs at her and shakes his head. “We just had cupcakes from there this morning.”

“Don’t judge me,” she responds with a scowl. “That woman is really talented. Baking is an art form, you know.”

“What’s your favorite flavor?” I ask her and glace over to where Caleb is still laughing and dancing with the girls. Now Bix is barking and bouncing around them in his black bowtie, getting in on the action.

That dog is never far from the girls.

“Chocolate,” Sam responds automatically.

“I went with chocolate in one tier and lemon in the other,” I respond.

“Yes!” Leo pumps his fist and high fives Sam. “That’s our other favorite.”

“You guys are a hot mess,” Jules shakes her head at them and then seems to reconsider. “Wait. There’s chocolate? You can’t hide chocolate from the pregnant chicks!”

“It’s over there,” I point to the table under the patio where our beautiful two-tiered cake is set up and the baker, Nicole Dolan, is fussing over it. “Have you guys met Nic?”

“No, get her genius self over here,” Sam responds.

I wave to Nic and she grins and joins us in the grass. She’s a petite brunette with her hair in a short asymmetrical bob. Her eyes are bright green.

“Congratulations, friend!” She raises on her tip-toes and wraps her arms around me to hug me tight. “Where is your man?”

“Right here,” Caleb murmurs and grins at us as we pull apart. “The cake is beautiful, thank you.”

“My pleasure,” Nic beams.

“You make the best cake in the whole world,” Sam gushes, but Nic’s gaze is stuck on Matt. She’s gone pale and takes a step back.

“Holy shit,” she whispers.

“Do you know each other?” Caleb asks.

Nic recovers with a shake of the head and forces a fake smile. “I’m so happy that you like the cake. It’s ready to go for you. Congratulations again.” She turns to go but Matt interrupts her.

“Stop,” Matt commands, his voice deceptively soft. Everyone watches in awe as Nic immediately stops talking and folds her hands in front of her, watching Matt warily.

I glance at the men and all of their eyebrows are high on their foreheads as they watch the exchange.

Matt walks forward and gently takes Nic by the elbow and leads her a few feet away where he leans in and whispers something in her ear. She blushes furiously, but her eyes flash in anger as she pulls her arm out of his grasp. She says nothing as she turns her back on him and stomps away.

“Spank her ass,” he whispers angrily and marches after her.

“I guess they know each other,” Will observes while stuffing a dinner roll in his mouth.

“Do you know anything about this?” Isaac asks Caleb, who shakes his head in bewilderment.

“Not a clue.”

“You know, I know it’s hard for you all to believe this, but you don’t know everything there is to know about each other,” Meg reminds them with a smug grin.

The brothers frown at Meg as Nate smirks.

“Don’t know why you’re smirking,” Will elbows Nate. “We know you have your cock…”

“Daddy dance with us again!” Josie interrupts as she skips up to Caleb.

“I will in a little while, sugar.” Caleb smiles at her as she skips away and then scowls at Will. “Dude, watch your language.”

“It’s true,” Will shrugs.

Dom scowls at all of us. “What am I missing?”

“Nothing,” Nate hurries to assure him and glares at Jules. “You’re getting a spanking of your own later.”

“Don’t tease me now, ace,” Jules purrs.

I laugh as I lean my head on Caleb’s arm and gaze lovingly at the people surrounding me.

“I love this family,” I chuckle.

“I love you,” Caleb whispers in my ear and kisses my temple. “Mrs. Montgomery.”



I pour some cream in Bryn’s coffee and carry it out onto the patio. She’s lounging in one of the many plush lounge chairs that sit on the massive space just outside my brother, Dominic’s home in Tuscany.