Breathe with Me - Page 23/84

I reach for his boxers, but he suddenly stops cold, grips my wrist to stop me from touching him.

“Mark, hurry,” I begin, but he interrupts me.

“Don’t talk.”


His eyes are roaming up and down my naked body like he’s a starved man at an all you can eat buffet.

“Just the sound of your voice is going to make me come right now, M. Fuck me, you’re so…” He shakes his head as if he just can’t find the right word.

“I thought you were going to fuck me,” I pout and then grin at him but his eyes meet mine and they are on fire. His face is tight, his jaw clenched as he closes the gap between us, lifts me easily in his arms and lays me on the bed. He kisses up my body, from my belly, between my breasts, up my neck and finally covers me completely and kisses me softly.

“Trust me, I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to fuck you blind, but I’m not going to fuck you right now, baby.” He strokes my hair and nudges my nose with his. “I’ve waited such a long time for this moment. I’m going to make long, slow love to you. I’m going to explore every inch of this amazing body. I have to relearn you, M.”

Tears prick my eyes at his sweet words. His fingers are infinitely gentle as they stroke down my cheek. My hands can’t stop roaming up and down his back, down his arms and then over his back again. His skin is warm and smooth and the muscles jump beneath my touch.

“I love touching you,” I whisper.

He grins and lowers his lips to my lips, then drags them down my jawline to my neck and begins a slow journey down my body. He doesn’t leave one inch untouched. He pauses at my breasts and pulls back to admire them, and I can’t help but giggle.

“So you’re a boob man.”

The naughty smile spreads over his lips and he leans in to circle his nose around one tight areola. “Your breasts filled out nicely.”

“Told you,” I murmur and push my fingers through his hair.

“Your body was always magnificent. You kept me in a perpetual state of horniness for a long time, but my God, Mer, seeing you as a woman, it’s just breathtaking.”

“You’re getting laid, M. You don’t have to shower me with pretty words.”

His eyes find mine and I know he’s not kidding. “I’ll give you all the pretty words I want to, and you should know that I mean every single one of them.”

His hands glide down my stomach, over my hips and between my thighs, but he doesn’t touch me where my body is begging him to. My hips come up off the bed, begging for his attention.

“Beautiful skin,” he continues and kisses the path his hands just took, down my belly to my hip. “What is this?”

“A tattoo.” I grin down at him and laugh when his jaw drops. “You don’t like it?”

His fingers dance over the ink. “It’s tiny.”

I glance down where he’s looking and nod. It’s a simple eighth note, and in the middle of the circle part of the note is an M.

“I kept two things with me while I was dancing,” I begin and bite my lip. “Music…” I take a deep breath. Jesus, I’m laying myself bare here.



His eyes connect with mine. “You’re unbelievable.”

He brushes his thumb over the ink as he watches me quietly for a long moment, then places several kisses over my hip, nuzzles my small tattoo, and then travels farther down my thigh.

“You’re killing me,” I tell him and wiggle my hips.

“Settle in, baby, because you’re in for a long ride.”

“Jesus Christ, what did you just do with your finger?” I boost myself up on my elbows and stare down at him as he kisses my knee.

“Who says that was my finger?”

I laugh and fall to my back and then moan when he reaches my foot and begins to rub it in strong circles.

“Oh God.”

“Your feet have taken a beating.”

“Don’t look directly at them. You’ll run screaming.”

He chuckles and kisses the top of my foot then moves to the other one and repeats the process.

“I’m not going anywhere, baby.”

He moves up my leg to make me writhe and moan as he pays extra attention behind my knee and just when I think he’s going to dive into the sweet spot, he avoids it completely, kisses up my hip, belly and teases the other breast.


“Yes, love.”

“Take your shorts off and let me have a turn.”

“You got very bossy,” he murmurs and kisses my jaw. “I’m clearly not doing my job right if you’re still able to string words together.”

“You’re doing fine.”

“I’m going to do a lot better than fine, sweetheart.”

His hand drifts down my belly and his fingers finally slide between my folds and into my wet core.

“Holy fuck,” he whispers against my lips. “You’re so fucking wet, M.”

“Need you,” I reply and gasp when his fingers move slowly in and out then up to circle my clit.

“Is this what you need?”

I shake my head and lift my hips, pushing against his hand. Dear God, he’s good with his hands.

“What do you need?”


“I’m right here,” he replies. I can feel the bed shift as he shuffles out of his shorts then kneels between my thighs. “I’m going to eat this pussy before the night is out.”