Breathe with Me - Page 34/84

“Good for you. I’d love to watch you and Jax dance sometime.”

“Come to the studio tomorrow,” she replies. “We have rehearsal early in the morning.”

“On a Saturday?” I ask with a frown. “You usually take weekends off.”

“Not this weekend. We have to make sure the routine is perfect before we head to LA on Monday,” Jax replies. “You can come watch if you want,” he tells Logan.

“I do,” Logan says.

“Hopefully you won’t have to witness me land on my ass anymore,” Mer says and glares at Jax. “This one likes to throw me around.”

She shifts her legs, uncrossing and recrossing them under the table, and the thought of her bare pussy under those jeans makes my cock throb.

“Will you excuse us, please?” I stand, pulling Meredith with me. “I have to talk to Meredith about something.”

I turn and lead her away from the table without waiting for an answer. We walk into a dark hallway that separates the restaurant and the bar and when we’re out of sight from nearby tables, I cage her in against the wall and press my thigh against her pussy, cup her face in my hands and kiss her hard and deep. No lead in. No softness, just hot kisses.

She clamps her hands on my arms, holding on tight when I drag my nose down her jaw to her ear and growl. “I need to get you home and bury myself inside you for hours. The thought of how wet you are right now is making me crazy.”

“Let’s go—” she begins but I interrupt her.

“No. We’re going to spend some more time with Jax and Logan and make small talk and you’re going to know the whole time how fucking hard I am for you. Just you.” I kiss her again and boost her up on the wall with my thigh, making her moan softly. “You make me nuts.”

“I’m feeling a little nutty right now myself,” she whispers and pushes her hands through my hair. “I like it.”

“You’re going to fucking love it.”

Chapter Nine


“Everything okay?” Jax asks when Mark and I return to the table. My pussy is throbbing in anticipation and my cheeks feel hot. It’s a wonder I don’t have I’M ABOUT TO GET LAID tattooed on my forehead.

“Fine,” I reply and sit in my chair, then squirm a bit in my seat, trying to relieve the ache between my legs. Mark is trying to kill me.

Death by horniness.

Mark lays his hand on my thigh and it slowly drifts up to rest just below the juncture of my legs. I cover his hand with mine and squeeze out of pure self-preservation. His lips twitch when I glance up at him.

“That was delicious,” I announce and push my plate away, ready to get the hell out of here.

“You barely ate anything,” Jax says.

“I’m full,” I insist.

“Did you save room for dessert?” Logan asks and gazes at the dessert menu. “The churros with chocolate sauce sound good.”

“Yes, let’s get dessert,” Mark agrees and squeezes my thigh. “We have time.”

I’m going to torture him later. I’m going to suck his cock until he’s begging me to let him come and then I’m not going to. I’m going to keep him on the edge for as long as possible.

I grin at my new plan and nod. I’ll play his game.

I slide my hand under the tablecloth to rest over his hard erection and give it a little squeeze through his jeans. Mark’s face doesn’t change a bit, he just takes my hand in his and lifts it to his lips to kiss my knuckles then rests our hands on the table.

Jax places our dessert order then jerks his head toward Logan in surprise when Logan also lifts his hand and kisses his knuckles. Logan’s face is calm and happy and he winks at me across the table before pinning Jax with a hot look.


Jax blinks and glances down at their linked hands then returns his gaze to Logan. “No.”

I smile widely at my friend as he stares back at me with a what in the hell am I supposed to do now look.

Dessert is delivered quickly. The sugary pastry is delicious, especially when Mark drenches it in the warm chocolate sauce and offers it to me then licks his fingers clean.

I can’t wait to lick him clean.

Finally the check comes but Logan is fast, snatching it up before anyone else can react.

“Dude, that’s mine,” Mark says and reaches for his wallet.

“No, I don’t believe it is,” Logan replies and drops his debit card in the plastic tray.

“At least let me cover mine and Mer’s,” Mark tries again but Logan shakes his head no.

“You can grab it next time,” he says.

“Thank you,” I say and grin at the kind man. I’m pleased with this first meeting. Logan is smart and good-looking and clearly into my best friend. Jax chose well this time.

I hope he doesn’t fuck it up.

We all walk out into the cool spring evening and stand on the sidewalk for a moment, taking a deep breath, ready to part ways for the night.

“Thanks again for dinner,” Mark says and shakes Logan’s hand, then Jax’s. “We’ll do it again soon.”

“Absolutely. Nice to meet you,” Logan replies, then turns to me and hugs me tight. “Have fun,” he whispers.

“Goodnight,” I say and grin at Jax. His eyes widen because he knows what’s coming, but he can’t stop me before I call out, “Use condoms! Be safe!”