Breathe with Me - Page 41/84

“Oh, Star, it’s okay. Thank you for calling that day. I knew you were thinking of me.”

She nods and then sighs. “Geez, why am I nervous?”

“What’s up, little girl?” Jax asks. He always called her little girl because Starla is so petite.

“I miss you guys. We toured together for so many years, you’re just a part of this whole family that we have going here. I want you to come back on tour with me next year, and choreograph the whole tour too.”

“That would mean that I’d have to start working on that as soon as we get back to Seattle,” Jax says in surprise. Starla nods, watching us both.

“We have a studio now, Star, with clients and kids who depend on us.” I’m shaking my head slowly as the possibilities run through my head.

“You can hire people to take care of the studio while you’re gone,” she replies. Rick continues to watch us silently. “Think about it. I’ll give you both raises of course. And I’m now offering a benefits package too.”

“You’re so generous,” Jax says dryly.

“It’s tax deductible,” she says.

Do I want to go back on tour? Never knowing what time zone I’m in, not to mention what city. The long hours on planes and buses. The grueling, constant rehearsal. Late nights. Weird sleep patterns.

No Mark.

No way.

I shake my head and look Starla in the eye as I answer her honestly. “Thank you for this opportunity, Star. I’m going to pass. I’ve only got a year or two left in me before I start getting injured from the rigorous routines, and honestly, I’m happy with my life in Seattle.”

“You met someone,” Rick guesses.

“I’ve reconnected with someone,” I reply. “And I love him. I’m done touring. But I love that you thought enough of me to ask me back.”

“Keep in touch,” she says. “I’ll need regular updates on how it’s going with your man.”

“I’ll do that.”

“I’m going to pass too,” Jax says with a sigh. “I’m happy at the studio, and I have some choreography opportunities with the university dance team as well.”

“You met someone too, you bitch!” Starla cries and throws a pillow at him.

“He did,” I say and clap my hands. “And he’s hot.”

“Why did you all have to leave me and find sexy people to have sex with and not want to come back with me?” She sticks out her lower lip in a pout before burying her face in another pillow. “Moo haff me.”

“What was that?” I ask with a laugh.

“You hate me.”

“We love you.” I blow her a kiss and grin widely. “But I love Mark more.”

“Well, then, let’s get all our gossiping in now while I have your undivided attention.” She clears her throat and begins telling us stories of the band and their sexcapades and which celebrity fell backstage at the Grammys.

I settle back in the cushions and listen, laughing, and counting the hours until I can go home to Mark.


“Hey,” I whisper as I borough down into the covers and cup the phone to my ear.

“Hi, sweetheart. Why are you whispering?”

“Because it’s late and I’m tired and it seems appropriate.”

“How was your day?” His voice sounds tired. I wish he was here, cuddled up next to me where I could smell him and feel him.


“Tell me.”

“Well,” I begin and turn onto my back so I can stare at the ceiling. “We checked into the hotel, which you know because I texted you. After Jax showered and we both changed, we went directly to the studio and worked with Starla and Brian until about six this evening.”

“Who’s Brian?” he asks and then I hear him chewing something crunchy.

“The male dancer. What are you eating?”


“This late?”

“I worked through dinner.”

I can’t help but be sad at the thought of Mark working alone in his big house all evening, skipping dinner and eating only popcorn.

“Do all women have the undeniable urge to take care of their men?” I ask aloud and bite the inside of my cheek.

“What are you talking about?”

“I suddenly wish I was there to make sure you didn’t forget to eat dinner.”

“I wish you were here for far more interesting things than dinner,” he says with a dry voice, making me giggle. “What else happened today?”

“Starla invited Jax and I back to her place for dinner with her and Rick, her fiancé.”

“Was that fun?” More chewing, and now I’m suddenly craving popcorn.

“Yes. They’re both really cool people, and she filled us in on all of the gossip we’ve been missing out on. She wants us to come to the wedding in Paris this fall.”

“That’ll be fun for you guys.”

I frown and look at the phone and then press it back to my ear.

“It’ll be fun for all of us. She invited all four of us, silly.”

“Wow. Okay. I’m glad you’re having a good time.”

“It’s fun, but I’m ready to come home.”

“So, what are you wearing?”

“You always ask me that,” I reply. “What are you wearing?”

“Well, I took my shirt off a while ago because I was getting too warm, so no shirt and jeans.”