Breathe with Me - Page 61/84

“You think I’m a hot piece of ass?” Jax asks with a delighted smile.

“Oh yeah,” Brynna says with a decisive nod as the others smile and agree.

“I don’t.” I curl my lip and eye Jax then dissolve into giggles and admit, “Okay, yeah, you’re a hot piece of ass. But stop feeding his ego! We’ll never get his head through the door on the way out.”

“That’s what he said,” Jax says, making us all laugh again.

“I’m so glad we have a gay friend now,” Jules announces and raises her drink in a toast. “To Jax, the missing link in our circle!”

“To Jax!” We all slam back another shot and clap, some of us dancing in our seats to the pulsing music around us.

“Okay, no more alcohol for me,” Nic announces and orders a diet soda.

“Why?” Meg pouts. “It’s my party. We have to get stupid drunk.”

“Liquor and diabetes don’t mix well,” Nic says with a grimace. “But don’t worry. I can be stupid without it.”

“Oh good,” Meg says and kisses Nic’s cheek. “I’m so glad you’re all here. I’m so glad I’m finally marrying that big, sweet football star.”

“We are too. You waited long enough,” Nat says.

“There’s always something that comes up. Football and family stuff and my promotion at the hospital.”

“We knew you’d get around to it,” Jules says. “God, these lemon drops are insanely delicious.”

“You know what’s insanely delicious?” Sam asks.

“What?” We all ask in unison then high five each other because, clearly, that was hilarious.

“When Leo slaps my ass.” She bites on the straw of her vodka and cranberry juice.

“I bet Leo is insane in bed,” Jules says with a sigh.

“Jules!” Nat cries as we all giggle.

“What? He’s one of the few around here that I’m not related to! Let me lust after him.”

“That’s fair,” Brynna says. “We get to lust after five hot Montgomerys, two hot Williams and a McKenna. Jules can have Leo.”

In our fuzzy alcohol minds, this sounds perfectly logical.

“I want to know more about these apagasms I’ve heard so much about,” Nic says, leaning forward in excitement. “Spill it, McKenna.”

“Wait, what’s an apagasm?” Jax asks.

“Nate has an apa,” Meg informs him, as if these things happen every day.

“A what-a?” I ask and Jules breaks out in laughter.

“That’s what I said the first time I saw it!”

“What is it?” I sip my sweet drink and lean in with Nic, ready to hear what this magical thing is.

“He has his dick pierced,” Nat says, but cups her hand around her mouth and says it like it’s a big secret, but the dude sitting at the table next to us whips his head around when he hears her and then laughs.

“Dude!” Jax exclaims and cups his hand protectively over his own junk.

“It’s just… fantastic,” Jules says with a dreamy sigh.

“I hate you,” Brynna says with a glare.

“Are you saying Caleb is slacking in the sex department?” I ask.

“Hell no. The man can make me come just by looking at me. And he does this sixty-nine thing that I swear to Jesus is illegal in all fifty states.” She covers her heart with her hand and bites her lip as the waitress magically reappears with more drinks.

God bless her.

“Did having babies change stuff?” I ask. “Like, how it feels?”

“For a little while, but it’s still good, and then your body figures it all out again and you get back to normal,” Natalie says.

“I don’t want to hear about this part.” Jax cringes. “Sorry, girls, but your bits and pieces don’t interest me.”

“Oh!” A very drunk Meg jumps up and down in her seat. “I have a question for you.” She points her hand at Jax and then throws him a naughty grin.

“Yes! We can ask boy sex questions,” Stacy agrees.

Jax clears his throat and then sits back in his chair and offers all the girls a fake serious look. “Yes, I am at your service, ladies. The doctor is in.”

“Me first,” Meg says. “What does an orgasm feel like?”

Jax blinks rapidly and we all snicker at him.

“What does it feel like for a girl?” he asks.

“Tingly, melty, explosive, tingly goodness,” Nat says with a sigh. “Fuck, my husband’s good at the orgasms.”

We all nod in agreement. It must be genetic because Mark’s fucking brilliant at them as well.

I believe I’ve had about thirty-seven of them since we’ve been in Vegas. It’s like it’s his life’s mission to keep me permanently aroused.

It’s awesome.

“Wait,” Sam says and holds up a hand just as Jax begins to answer the question. “Let’s get more specific than that. Where does the orgasm start?”

“Start?” Now Jax just looks confused. “Sugar, who gives a fuck where it starts? The end result is the most important part.”

“God, I love the way he says sugar.” Stacy smiles dreamily at Jax. “I’m so glad you’re gay. I can flirt with you without my husband killing you.”

“That’s convenient,” Jax sputters and then just covers his face with his hands and dissolves into laughter. “I love you ladies.”