Rules of Contact - Page 63/92

“I’m ready when you are. Trust me, babe, when you come, so will I.”

She reached up to tease her breast with the tip of her finger. “Here? On me?”

“Is that what you want?”

“Yes. I want to watch come spurt from your cock. All over me.”

Christ, she was driving him crazy. “Scoot to the edge of the bed.”

She adjusted her body accordingly. It was positioned perfectly and his desire soared. “Oh. Yes. I’m ready. And I need to see you come.”

Her fingers moved faster in and out of her pussy and she used her thumb to tease the crest of her clit.

“That’s it, baby. Make yourself come. Make me come.” He was sweating now, and doing whatever it took to hold back. Because he was drawn up so damn tight his legs were shaking.

“I’m coming, Flynn. I’m coming.”

She cried out, and it was the sweetest sound and the hottest thing he’d ever seen, watching her thrash around on the mattress with her orgasm. He couldn’t hold back as a stream of come spurted forth from his cock and onto her breasts. He jerked uncontrollably as his orgasm jettisoned from him and onto her sweet creamy flesh. And when she slid her fingers into his come and rubbed it over her nipples, he felt light-headed and more turned on than he could remember being in a long damn time.

Out of breath, he leaned down and brushed his lips over hers, then deepened the kiss, wishing they had all damn day to play together.

“Mmm,” she finally said. “I wish we had more time.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

“But now I need to clean up—again.”

He grinned down at her. “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be sorry. That was amazing.”

He moved aside, then held out his hand and helped her up off the bed. They went into the bathroom together and washed up. He left Amelia alone to get ready while he dressed and went to the kitchen to find something cold to drink. He poured both of them a glass of ice water.

“I could definitely use that,” she said, accepting the glass of water from him after she came out of the bedroom. “You made me thirsty.”

“You make me horny. Like all the damn time, Amelia.”

She laughed, wound her hair up in a bun and stuck a couple of hairpins into it. “You ready?”

“For more sex? Hell yeah. Let’s do it.”

She laughed. “No. To go to work. Though I like your idea better.”

He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, lingering a bit as she met him and kissed him back. His cock twitched and came to life again. “I am the owner, ya know. You could call in sick with no repercussions.”

Unfortunately, she pulled back and drank more water. “Ha. That’s not my style. Plus, I love my job.”

“Fine, then. I’m ready to leave. As soon as my hard-on goes away.”

She looked down at him, then smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind for after work.”

“Yeah, you do that.”

He grabbed his coat and let Amelia walk out the door, then shut it behind him. He followed her to Ninety-Two and parked near her, a couple of blocks down the street from the restaurant. He met her at her car, then took her hand.

She looked down where their hands were clasped. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Holding hands? Always a good idea.”

“No. Your employees seeing us holding hands.”

“You got a problem with holding my hand?”

“I don’t have a problem with it, but some of your employees might see favoritism in this. And that could be an issue for me.”

He wanted to argue about it, but the logical side of him saw her point, so when they got closer to the restaurant he let go of her hand.

She turned to face him. “Thank you for understanding and for not making a big deal out of it.”

“Hey, the last thing you need are disgruntled cooks.”

She laughed. “So true.”

“You go on inside. I think I’ll head to the market and buy the ingredients I’ll need to cook tonight.”

She wrinkled her brows. “You’re just giving me a head start so no one sees us walking in together.”

“Would I do that?”

“You would, and I’d kiss you for that except we’re too close to the restaurant and someone might see us. So imagine me kissing you.”

“If I think about you kissing me right now, my imagination will go a little crazy and then my dick will get hard and then I’ll have to go sit in my car.”

She laughed. “I’ll see you inside.”

She walked through the door and he went down the street where there was a great fish market. He already had an idea of what he wanted to make, so he purchased some sea bass and lobster, then headed back to the restaurant. When he entered, he greeted Clifford, the manager on duty, since Ken was still out on leave.

“Hey, boss,” Clifford said. “Didn’t expect to see you here tonight.”

“It was a spur of the moment thing. I’m going to be in the kitchen if someone needs me.”

Clifford didn’t even blink or ask questions about why the owner was going to the kitchen. Which suited him just fine because explaining it might be awkward. “Sure thing.”

Flynn stopped in the kitchen long enough to put his purchases in the refrigerator, then washed his hands and headed back onto the main floor to say hello to some of the regular guests. That took about a half hour. When he was satisfied he’d done his PR job, he returned to the kitchen to see that Amelia had things well under way.