Not Planning on You - Page 6/30

That had been the start of months of hell. To say that she hadn’t taken it well would be an understatement. Gray had tried to be understanding because, in truth, he felt guilty for letting it go that far to start with. Unlike his brother Nick, Gray wasn’t the type to sleep around. When he was involved with a woman, it was exclusive, and they always parted as friends. Never had he been faced with a woman who hated him afterwards.

After several weeks and hundreds of phone calls, emails and appearances at his office, Gray had had enough. He tried one last time to reason with her on the telephone and then had notified security too nicely but firmly turn Reva away when she showed up at Mericom; he’d changed his home and cell phone number and had informed security at his condominium. For all of a week, life was peaceful. Then Reva somehow had his new cell phone number, and the phone calls and threats had again started. He’d changed his cell phone number at least five times, and each time she had it within days. He also received various hate mail at his office and home. Friends looked uncomfortable and embarrassed as they told him the latest lies that Reva had spread within their social circle.

Still, Gray was hesitant to involve the police. He felt as if he’d somehow caused the problem even though he’d never been anything but honest with Reva. There had been no promises made, and he’d always treated her well. He’d also wanted to avoid the negative publicity that was sure to come when something like this came out. Even though Jason had encouraged him to take proper steps to protect himself, he still hated to open Danvers up to this type of publicity so soon after the merger. The most important reason, however, was his fear of Suzy finding out. Logically, he knew she couldn’t expect that he hadn’t seen other women since he met her. They were not dating; hell he’d never even kissed her. Their foreplay had spanned over a year, and he thought maybe she was coming to terms with the inevitability of their involvement.

Something inside him said that she’d feel betrayed by his sexual involvement with another woman. Truthfully he even felt that he’d betrayed her when there was no reason why he should. To his knowledge, Suzy hadn’t been involved with anyone since her break up with her fiancé. He’d dated a few times casually since meeting her. In the beginning, he saw her very little, and they lived miles apart so it was more of an infatuation. As the merger between Mericom and Danvers became reality, he was in Myrtle Beach at the Danvers headquarters at least once a week, and suddenly he was seeing Suzy regularly. He asked her out each time he saw her, and she told him no.

In the last few months, though, something seemed to have changed, and even though she hadn’t spoken the words, Gray could feel the softening in her attitude towards him. She still tried to hide behind her sassy mouth, but much of the heat had gone out of her comments. When he asked her out yesterday he’d known that something would happen between them that evening. Of course instead of sex, Suzy damn near broke her neck. Boy, couldn’t a guy catch a break?

Apparently, the silence on his end of the phone line had finally irritated Reva enough to end her rant and hang-up. Gray knew it was just a matter of time before the next call. Another phone number would soon be required. He was starting to question whether he was doing the right thing trying to handle this on his own. He hoped that with his permanent move to Myrtle Beach, Reva would soon lose interest when he was no longer easily harassed.

Chapter Seven

“For God’s sake Beth, if you don’t help me get in that bathroom to bathe and wash my hair I’m going to kick your butt all the way to kingdom come when I get off these damn crutches.”

With a sigh, Beth said, “I don’t know why I thought pain medication would make you a pleasant patient; it obviously hasn’t done a thing for your disposition. If you fall and break your neck along with your ankle, I don’t want to hear any complaining.” With that remark, Beth walked over to the bed and leant down so that Suzy could loop an arm around her neck. “Geez, and I thought I was the fat one, does this cast add like fifty pounds or something? I thought it was a soft cast.”

Beth got an obscene hand gesture for her comment. “You’re not fat Beth. If you get any thinner, I’ll be able to hold both your feet together and pick my teeth with you. Now zip it and let’s get this party started.”

Flattered by her sister’s assessment of her thin size, Beth was ready to carry her over her shoulder if necessary. They made it to the bathroom and she helped Suzy sit on the shower seat. “Umm, how are we supposed to keep the water off your bandages?”

Crap, she hadn’t thought ahead. After making it this far, she wasn’t going to be denied a shower. “Ok, unroll the bandages Beth, as soon as we finish, we can just put them back on. We are two pretty intelligent women; I know we can do this.”

“Suzy, I don’t know. I think there is actually a reason for them.”

Waving her hand impatiently, Suzy said, “Suck it up, sis, and start unrolling. What’re they going to do if they find out, break my leg or something?”

“Alright, but please note that I’m doing this under protest.” Beth started with the ankle first, trying not to show her reaction to the swollen and discolored nature of her sister’s usually dainty ankle. It looked like it could pass for one of Barney’s ankles or cankles now. Beth was starting to feel confident as she made quick work of the ankle bandage and turned her attention to removing her night-gown. When she was half way finished, Suzy suddenly screamed and her face turned white. “Oh God, did I hurt you?”

Suzy’s hand was trembling as she raised it as if to brace herself. Suddenly, the bathroom door flew open and Gray stood in the doorway, disbelief on his face. “What in the hell are you doing? Have you lost your mind? Beth go press the button and tell the nurse to get in here, now!” Even though his tone was hard, his hands were gentle as he grabbed her robe off of the hanger on the wall and gently wrapped it around her shoulders. He ran his hand down her cheek, his eyes bright with something that she couldn’t look away from. “Baby, what have you done? I can’t leave you alone for a minute, can I?”

At that moment, Beth returned with a nurse in tow. She brushed them both aside to survey the damage. “Ms. Denton, what were you thinking? You could have seriously injured yourself. Let me call another nurse so that we can lift you back into bed.”

“No,” Suzy mumbled. She looked at Gray in the doorway, and lifted her arms. No matter how much she denied her feelings for him, she knew he was her safe haven. She needed him right now like she needed to breathe. It’s probably just the drugs; no way does he look this good all the time, that wouldn’t be fair to the rest of the male population.

Gray gently lifted her and took slow steps until he deposited her back on the bed. The nurse left and returned with more bandages and pain medication. Soon she was drifting away as the nurse began the task of replacing what they had removed.


With Gray staring a hole in her, Beth lowered her head and said, “I know what you’re thinking, and you’re right. In my defense, though, you don’t know how hard it is to say no to my sister when she makes up her mind.”

Gray softened because he knew just exactly what Beth had been up against. Suzy wasn’t a woman to take no for an answer. “I know, Beth. I’d have had a hard time saying no, too. I believe she’s probably learned a lesson. How’s she been today?”

“She’s better. This is the first pain medication she’s taken even though they have stressed that she needs to keep it at a constant level for pain management. I know she’s hurting, but she’s determined to fight it. Were you able to find a house today?”

“Yes, the papers have been signed, and it’s ready to move in. I was able to keep the furnishing so Suzy should be comfortable. Did you bring a suitcase with you for her?

“Yes, I have it in my car. When they release her, we can transfer it to your vehicle. “

“Beth, I meant what I said. You’re more than welcome to stay with us. I don’t want you to feel like you’re being excluded because your sister needs you.”

Touched by his concern for her, Beth smiled and said, “Really Gray it’s fine. You don’t have to worry about me. I should be the one worrying about you. This isn’t going to be easy. I’m going to leave you my cell number and when you’re settled in I’d appreciate a phone call to let me know how the patient is faring.”

The doctor arrived at that moment, and with one final check and a list of instructions, Suzy was cleared for discharge. By this time, Suzy was awake, and Gray braced himself for the argument that was surely coming over her living arrangements.

“Oh thank God, I’m so ready to get out of here. The décor is circa 1980s and its smells funny. The nurse keeps giving me an evil look. I think she spat in my fruit cup this morning. Please tell me your place is better than here, although, it must surely be because the bar hasn’t been set very high.”

Gray was temporarily at a loss for words. Prepared to threaten, plead, or bribe her to be reasonable, he was surprised that she was going along with the program so easily. Whatever she was taking must be good stuff. He decided to hurry before it wore off. Luckily, the nurse arrived, and soon they were moving smoothly down the halls. Suzy and the nurse waited at the front door while he and Beth went to collect Suzy’s suitcase and Gray’s car.

Gray thanked Beth and promised to call her that evening. Soon he was pulling his car to the front, and he quickly went around to help Suzy into the passenger seat. It took some adjustments with the seat and some colorful cursing from Suzy, but they were finally in the car and heading towards his new home.


Suzy tried to focus in on her surroundings and wondered when exactly she’d lost her mind. She was in the car with Gray on her way to his house where she’d apparently agreed to live until she recovered. Her hormones kicked into overdrive as she risked a side glance at him. Gray was one major hunk. He looked good and smelled even better. She had the desire to shut her eyes and just inhale his fragrance. He might think it a little strange if she suddenly started sniffing so she controlled the urge.

Gray had been wonderful since the accident. A part of her heart that she thought had been broken beyond repair by her sleaze-ball ex-fiancé Jeff had started to heal. Surely Gray had a flaw. She’d yet to find it, but it had to be there. Maybe living with him for a while would truly show her what type of person he was. He probably left the seat up on the toilet, the cap off the toothpaste and his underwear in the floor. She knew she was attracted to him, and even though she didn’t sleep around, she fully planned to make an exception for him. There was just something so powerful between them, she was having a hard time walking—or hobbling—away.

Chapter Eight

Suzy jolted out of her thoughts as Gray slowed the car at an intersection. Suzy recognized the tourist area as Garden City Beach. This was one of her favorite areas. Only a few miles from the huge crowds of Myrtle Beach, Garden City was small and quaint and attracted mainly families looking for a vacation spot with more family- friendly amenities and the freedom to enjoy the beach with a little more privacy than Myrtle Beach offered.

They were now heading from the main hub of the hotels of Garden City and to the section with many privately owned beach houses. As they got farther away, the houses were more elaborate and more private. Suzy felt as if her heart would stop as Gray pulled into the drive of what she could only call her dream house.

When she was little, her parents hadn’t really encouraged the whole fairy tale thing. She’d always wanted to be a princess. Her parents only purchased practical, educational books for them and refused to buy any of the more fanciful ones that she and Beth preferred. Luckily, the school library provided an endless supply, and as most little girls do, Suzy had read them and dreamed of one day being the princess in the book.

As she’d grown older, she’d buried the dreams of her childhood behind her and went for the shock value of leather and lace. At least, this was always guaranteed to get a reaction from her parents. Through the years, the provocative dress attire had become her signature and her shield. No one messed with a girl who could run for a mile in six-inch heels.

The house that they pulled up to brought all those hopes and dreams back from where she’d buried them long ago. It was a beautiful Victorian complete with gables and a turret. The façade was a blue-gray with white trim and a veranda that ran the side of the house disappearing around the back. It was quite simply, the house of her dreams and something she’d have never believed that Gray would choose. She pictured him in glass and steel, very contemporary and modern. Come to think of it, that was probably what he thought she’d select. This house was beautiful, unique and, yeah, she had to admit, almost magical. It was a castle for the modern girl who didn’t require a moat or drawbridge.