Officer off Limits - Page 14/45

His jaw flexed. “Nothing will ever be easy with you, will it?”

“I hope not.”

The lyrics came up on the screen. After a long-suffering sigh, Daniel began to sing. Or tried to, at least. His voice came out sounding mostly flat and monotone, but it still counted.

Story stepped off the stage next to Hayden in order to watch him, positive that she was grinning up at him like a complete lunatic. In between verses, wherein he sang about a guy named Mickey being so fine he blows people’s minds, he cast dark looks in her direction, only succeeding in making her grin wider. To her right, two men she assumed to be Daniel’s friends were doubled over laughing as they watched, wiping tears from their eyes. As much as she was enjoying herself, after about a minute passed of what had to be torture for Daniel, she decided to put him out of his misery,

Story climbed back on stage with the intention of helping him finish the song, but he looked so grateful for her intervention that she had the sudden urge to kiss him. Rising onto her tiptoes, she locked her arms around Daniel’s neck. Then she laid a kiss on him that sent the entire bar into an explosion of boisterous applause and shrill whistles. A couple of customers even pounded thunderously on the bar, cheering them on. Story didn’t register any of it, however, because after a brief moment of surprise, Daniel’s arms circled her waist, lifting until her feet were off the ground, her body flush against his larger, muscular frame.

He tore his mouth away. “I can’t do it. I can’t stay away from you,” he growled, barely audible among the yells and catcalls being leveled at them.

“Good.” She planted another swift kiss on his lips. “Daniel?”

“Tell me, sunshine.”

Inhaling his scent like a lifeline, she leaned in and spoke urgently against his ear. “Take me home. Make it better.”

His answering groan rumbled against her chest. He sank his hands into her hair. “Oh baby, I’m going to make it so much better.” Then his mouth descended on hers, kissing her more urgently than before. Story’s pulse pounded in her ears, drowning everything else out. One strong hand dropped to her waist, pulling her tightly against him as she moaned into his mouth.

He anticipated every movement of her lips and tongue, somehow already having become an expert on what she liked. Had she honestly thought to deny herself this?

“Hey, kids? Just a friendly reminder that we’re in a public place.” Hayden’s voice pierced the haze of lust obscuring any trace of rational thought in her head.

“Yeah,” a deep, male voice laughed. “You going to introduce us, Danny boy?”

Daniel pulled away with a sound of irritation, keeping hungry eyes locked on her. “No. Fuck off.”

As the reality of their surroundings finally began to intrude, Story somehow found the willpower to unwind her arms from around Daniel’s neck. Every pair of eyes in the establishment was trained on them with interest, their song having long since ended.

Noticing her blush, Daniel’s lips twitched in amusement. He reached down to take her hand, then pulled her out of the spotlight toward the front of the bar and the exit. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Hayden following in her wake alongside Daniel’s two friends, currently grinning like a pair of court jesters. Hayden’s expression communicated two things: What the f**k? And I want one!

Once they’d pushed through the door onto the sidewalk, Daniel stopped abruptly. Story stumbled into his chest with an oof. When she attempted to pull away, he locked an arm around her shoulders to keep her pressed to his side. Their three friends piled out after them.

“Hell of a show. We could have charged at the door for that,” the bouncer commented with a wink as they passed. Daniel’s friends erupted into laughter again. Story turned her head into Daniel’s shoulder and groaned.

He frowned. “All right, all right. Has everybody gotten it out of their system?”

“Hell, no,” the bulky, dark-blond one said. Next to him, his familiar-looking friend shook his head. “You’ve got weeks of this coming,” the blond said. He reached a hand out toward Story. “You must be Story. We’ve heard so much about you.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “You have?”

“Brent,” Daniel warned.

“Nice to meet you, Brent.” She shook his hand. “Did you enjoy my song?”

“Loved it. You’re a real talent.”

She squinted at him. “You’re very lucky I’m buzzed or I would take issue with your sarcasm.” Ignoring Daniel’s impatient shifting beside her, Story smiled at the other man. “I remember you from this morning. Matt, right?”

He nodded, looking highly amused by the entire situation.

“Story, I just realized I have an early hair appointment tomorrow. Mind if I take off?” Hayden asked, none-too-subtly sending her a hint. Still, she hadn’t seen her friend in forever and it didn’t feel right abandoning her for a man. Chicks before dicks, and all that good stuff.

“But Hayden, are you sure—?”

“She’s sure,” all three men interrupted at the same time.

Story looked up at Daniel and frowned.

“Oh, no. After what I just did in there, you don’t get to frown at me.” He turned and addressed his buddies. “Can you guys make sure Story’s friend gets home all right?” They bobbed their heads like good little soldiers, so he turned back to Story. “Ready to go?”

She opened her mouth to reply, but Daniel had already started pulling her down the sidewalk. “Bye, Hayden!” She called over her shoulder.

“If you don’t call me tomorrow, consider this friendship over!” Hayden yelled back. Story laughed and stumbled a little in Daniel’s wake.

Then they were finally alone, practically jogging down the street, cabs whizzing past on the warm summer evening. Passing traffic created a soft breeze, teasing the hair from her shoulders and carrying myriad smells. Cigar smoke, Daniel’s cologne, fresh baked bagels. Loud bursts of music and conversation washed over them as they passed packed bars and nightclubs, customers pouring out onto the sidewalk. New York felt electric this late on a Friday night, and Story relished being part of its magic.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Your place. Mine is farther,” Daniel answered brusquely.

Story looked around. “I don’t recognize anything.”

“We’re only two blocks from your apartment.” Holding her hand tightly, he steered them down a side street, leading to the East Side. “Please tell me you were planning on getting a cab home and not walking alone.”

“I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

He gave her a dark look.

She chuckled at his expression, already regretting what she was about to say next. And unable to care. “I think in the back of my head, I knew you were going to show up at some point. To take me home.”

Before the words were completely free of her mouth, Daniel had backed her into a darkened doorway and pinned her there with his hard body. “Is that right?”

Biting her lip, she nodded, loving the way her answer made his eyelids droop, his breath quicken. A fierce ache moved through her, originating where their lower bodies pressed together intimately. The way he so easily commanded her body’s response left her dizzy.