Officer off Limits - Page 25/45

Story watched with pleasure as Daniel nearly spit out his beer. “You’re shitting me.”

“I shit you not.”

He raised his plastic cup. “To Will Gergitch. American hero.”

Chapter Thirteen

Unfortunately, conversation between Story and Daniel, not to mention among the entire crowd, came to a standstill by the time the Padres led the Mets eight to zero after the fifth inning. Their eavesdropping neighbor spat on the ground near his feet and left in disgust, shouting epithets at the Mets dugout as he stormed up the stairs.

Daniel started looking nervous as the reality of their bet set in. His face had gone completely white, his eyes splitting time between the scoreboard and the field.

“You’re not going to hold me to that bet are you, sunshine?”

She snorted. “Bet’s a bet, trail mix.”

“I thought people from California were supposed to be nice.”

“It’s all a ruse.”


During the seventh-inning stretch, Story looked around and saw that most of the crowd had filed out, chalking the game up to a loss. Daniel’s hair strayed in every direction on his head thanks to his anxious fingers combing through it. His hat had long since been shoved somewhere inside Story’s purse.

As they stood to stretch their legs, Story decided to take his mind off the bet. Noting that their entire section now sat empty, she stood on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Eyes dropping to her lips, he looked immediately distracted, she noticed with satisfaction.

“What are you doing?”

“Just saying hi.”

He pulled his bottom lip through his teeth and leaned in close to her ear, his voice dropping to a harsh whisper. “It’s not a wise move, pressing those sweet, round br**sts against me in public. I’ve been craving another taste of them for days. So unless you want to get carried out of here over my shoulder and f**ked in my backseat, I’d step back a little.”

Story’s breath hitched, warmth sliding through her belly. The announcer’s voice made her jump and having no choice, she practically fell back into her seat.

The eighth inning proved to be torture for herself and the Mets. They gave up two more runs to the Padres, clearing the stadium almost completely.

Daniel’s hand, starting at her knee, slid higher and higher as the inning wore on. Every once in a while he would squeeze her flesh, a blatant reminder of his earlier threat. He appeared totally unconcerned about the remaining people nearby possibly seeing his possessive grip on her leg and the massaging motions of his long fingers. And after a while, her senses were too overwhelmed to care. Finally, his thumb slipped underneath the hem of her skirt, skimming back and forth just inches from her panties. She couldn’t hold back the low moan that slipped past her lips at the anticipation he created.

The ticking of his jaw was the only indication Daniel gave that’d he’d heard her. But instead of moving his hand higher, he removed his thumb from underneath her skirt and slowly ran his fingers, featherlight, down the inside of her thigh. She felt the answering tickle between her legs and deep in her stomach.

Thighs shaking, ni**les pressing against her tank top, she knew her appearance bordered on indecent. If she sat there letting Daniel continue his expert teasing for much longer, she would certainly disgrace herself in a public place.

Nice girls didn’t let men touch them intimately in a baseball stadium. But at the moment, she didn’t want to be a nice girl. She wanted Daniel to do very bad things to her, make her feel the things only he could. The realization freed her. Remembering his earlier reaction to her simple embrace filled her with power. Story wanted him so badly, her heart raced, goose bumps broke out along her skin. And she could have him. Now.

Turning, she saw that his eyes had narrowed on her face as if sensing her thoughts, his body perfectly attuned to hers. “Say the word, gorgeous.”

She swallowed any remaining fear. “How big is your backseat?”

“Big enough.”

Daniel took her hand and pulled her out of their row to ascend the concrete stairwell, his brisk stride forcing Story into a jog behind him. None of the people or vendors they passed registered in her mind, her sole focus being Daniel moving in front of her with sensual grace, layered with drum-tight tension. His muscular back shifted underneath his thin T-shirt with every movement, and she imagined her nails raking over all that strength down to his ass. Story squeezed Daniel’s hand tighter, nails digging into his palm, and he picked up the pace even more.

Finally, they pushed out of the stadium into the surrounding courtyard. She could see the parking lot in the distance and anticipation drummed through her, beating in her ears. Although the stands had mostly cleared of people, their lot remained full of police vehicles.

“Most of these guys are here to work security,” Daniel explained in a strained voice. “They won’t be leaving until the game officially ends.”

Story could only nod as he pulled her through the fence toward the car, scanning the parking lot for other people, of whom there were none. The darkened parking lot appeared completely deserted, the only sound their feet walking along the pavement. Daniel pulled the keys from his pocket, his movements uncharacteristically jerky. When they reached the car, which he’d parked in between two larger vans, Daniel pressed the button to unlock the doors and yanked the back one open.

Suddenly, he turned to her and stopped. “I shouldn’t be doing this kind of thing with you, sunshine. God, what are you even doing here with me?”

A flare of panic rose in her chest at the thought that he might back out. She needed him too badly to stop now. Wouldn’t survive it if he refused her. Bolstering her courage, Story moved forward until they stood flush against each other, then she reached between their bodies and unbuckled his belt, maintaining eye contact the entire time. His eyes slid shut and he whispered her name.

Story’s arousal increased with every shudder of his breath. He groaned when her fingers brushed against his swollen erection. After unhooking his belt, she worked on the button of his jeans, unzipping them to finally free his hard length. Hands clenched and unclenched at his sides, as he clearly tried to give her control of the situation. She sensed it stemmed from a need to assuage his guilt over his earlier behavior. And for what they were about to do.

Kissing his jaw, she let her hand venture down to encircle his unyielding length, squeezing gently. His head dropped back to rest on the car’s roof, air hissing through his teeth. He felt thick and smooth in her hand, growing and hardening even more with every stroke. Just imagining him thrusting inside her had Story squeezing her legs together in an attempt to alleviate the longing. A needy sound escaped her throat.

Daniel’s eyes snapped to hers, a knowledge there that stole her breath. “You need it right now, baby. Look at you. Just dying to be f**ked.” Then he disappeared inside the dark car, holding his hand out for her to follow. Sliding her fingers against his, she followed him into the backseat. Before she could take a breath, Daniel slammed the door closed behind her and dragged her over his lap to straddle him.

The position made her jean skirt ride high on her thighs, but it still restricted her movements. She made a sound of frustration, desperate for her lower body to make contact with his. Then Daniel’s hands tugged the skirt over her hips and she slid down, her damp center pressing against his erection. Sensation speared through her, nearly making her orgasm on the spot.