Chronicles of Primordial Wars - Page 151/274

Chapter 150 – Setting sail

Translated by Idontreallycare

If people were observing the tribe, it would look as if nothing had changed. Yet, if one looked closely, it wasn’t difficult to spot the many changes that had been quietly occurring. And so, when everyone had gathered together once again, they realised to their surprise that almost nothing was the same.

For example, a few elderly silhouettes were frequently seen strolling along the riverside, often including the head chief. This aroused the curiosity of those who lived at the base of the mountain. So much so, that even when it wasn’t time to fish, they would run over and observe them.

Thus, before long, the tribe members had developed a habit of heading to the river when they were free. Perhaps they could encounter a prominent member of the tribe and talk about life?

Additionally, those living in the upper mountain discovered that the ill-tempered elders treated Shao Xuan quite amicably! This was something that they couldn’t believe!

Even more, the gaze that the two team leaders gave Shao Xuan was extremely strange.

However, there was still a matter that left everyone puzzled. During the rainy season, several important members of the tribe would still brave the rain every day and go to the river, something that had never happened in the past. Through each successive generation’s stories, the people of the tribe had grown to fear the river. Although people’s perception of the river had slightly improved in the last few years due to the fishing, it wouldn’t cause the elders to run over there, right?

Doubtful people continued to doubt, while hopeful people continued to hope.

This year the focus and planning was all for the rainy season.

As Shao Xuan’s sixteenth year progressed, important members of the tribe started to suffer from insomnia due to nerves and excitement. Every day, they would gather together to discuss the plan and to see if there were any necessary changes to be made.

Some members of the tribe proceeded with the tasks of searching for wood, crafting a boat, and weaving a sail. While completing them, it became increasingly difficult to keep the people in the dark.

The Shaman finally informed the whole tribe about the plan during the ceremony. This caused everyone to have heated discussions for a long time, from the start and until the end of the rainy season, Shao Xuan was frequently stopped by the tribe members and flooded with questions.

Everyone in the tribe had a strong sense of anticipation. Although many people didn’t understand all of the Shaman’s words, it didn’t stop them from being caught up in the atmosphere.

Finally, the rainy season, with its abundant and harsh rain, arrived. The hegemons of the river emerged in large groups, seeming to be endless as they swam downstream. The insects that ate wood also gradually left, and along with them, so did many other creatures that had followed the giant animals downstream. They would only return when the two rounded moons eclipsed. There were also those that had appeared for a period of time following the frogs, then disappeared to some other place.

And this time, Shao Xuan took advantage of the time between when the rainy season ended, and before the two moons reunited to set off.

The day that the rainy season ended, every member inside the tribe went down the mountain. From the elderly to the children, from the top of the mountain to the foot, everyone dropped what they were doing and gathered at Path of Glory to watch.

“Move it out.” The Shaman said, standing at the mountain peak.

Ao and the two team leaders, along with a couple of robust warriors cautiously and solemnly moved the canoe out.

The canoe was shaped like a spindle. It was ten meters long and nearly three meters at its widest. They had made it so big to allow Chacha to be able to rest inside; if it was only Shao Xuan riding, the canoe wouldn’t need to be this large.

The wood used to craft the boat had been selected by Shao Xuan after the hunting teams brought back many different types from outside. Once the wood type was selected, they then went out in search of the best, most satisfactory tree.

The canoe was then crafted by Shao Xuan, along with some of the tribe’s best stone crafters, including Old Ke. They first cut down the tree and then hollowed out the center, resulting in a spacious, yet nimble ship.

This process was relatively straightforward, yet it was difficult to make sure it was entirely leak free and wouldn’t capsize in the wind.

The design blueprint was also personally drawn by Shao Xuan. He had consulted with the elderly warriors while drawing; they might not understand canoes, but they were knowledgeable regarding useful techniques to cross the river. Shao Xuan had used these suggestions and altered his original plans.

With the completion of the design, the stone crafters got to work, chopping down many trees to practice their skills. Since wooden tools were not the same as stone tools, they didn’t dare to carelessly start on the canoe. Only after they grasped the fundamentals and a few tricks of the trade, did they feel comfortable enough to start.

The canoe wasn’t considered heavy to the tribe’s totem warriors. On a regular day, they would carry stones without any problem, how could carrying wood be any harder?

Yet, to show the importance of this event to the tribe, several high level totem warriors were dispatched to carry the canoe down the mountain, giving the atmosphere of a solemn ritual.

Shao Xuan sat cross legged as the Shaman drew on his face. Just like the warriors, this was considered a blessing of sorts. The Shaman had even drawn pictures on Chacha’s leg that resembled the giant eagle’s found at Eagle Mountain.

After the Shaman had finish the drawings, Shao Xuan paid respects to the fire pit, and then marched down the Path of Glory with the totem warriors, heading towards the canoe. Chacha directly shot up in the sky, and flew ahead.

The Shaman and the elders could be seen behind the canoe, their faces displaying a wide range of emotions. Some looked excited and others looked worried, some elders looked peaceful, but none could control the twitches of their facial muscles, showing their hearts did not truly feel any sort of peace at all. This was something that the ancestors had always desired, how can they be calm?

Along this route, the spectators too gathered behind the canoe, following its movement. Adults had brought their kids, and disabled people hobbled on their crutches, causing those around them to lend a hand as they closely stuck together.

Together, they sang the “Hunting Song” and the “Prayer Song”. Originally only those in the upper mountain sang, but before long, those in the lower mountain joined in. The whole tribe’s voices, tender, aged, sharp or rough belted through the air at the same rhythm, singing the same song. For them, singing represented how they felt at this moment in time.

The majority of the tribe weren’t adept at showing their emotions or thoughts, so singing allowed them a medium to do so.

Usually the Hunting Song brought out a feeling of impatient murderous air, this time, for the first time, it had carried with it a sense of fearlessness and hope.

And so, on this day, the whole tribe had collectively gathered to send Shao Xuan off.

What was on the other side of the river? They didn’t know and had never attempted to find out. In the eyes of many, Shao Xuan’s actions were admirable, but they didn’t believe he would be able to safely cross. This river was truly too dangerous! Too fierce!

After the canoe had been delivered down the mountain, Ao’s group had carefully pushed it into the river.

The boat that they had crafted could be classified as a double outrigger canoe.

Its name came from the miniature boat like structures on either side of the canoe. Shao Xuan had designed it like that to provide extra support; he had seen it during a vacation abroad in his past life.

With this design, the canoe could overcome the risk of capsizing due to the fierce winds. Furthermore, the canoe had the advantage of being lightweight. Back in his previous world, this boat was used for long distance travel and transportation.

The sail was also an important part of the boat, helping the boat navigate through the waters. This sail was woven from a combination of tree leaves and vines. These flexible yet sturdy vines were discovered in the hunting grounds and sent to the finest weavers to create a triangular sail.

In the eyes of the Shaman, these kinds of materials with unpredictable uses should be collected, the more the better. However, those vines were were truly difficult to find, and in the end, they could only find two chunks. One of those chunks had been used to weave the sail, while the other one was set as a reserve. With only one in reserve, they didn’t know if it would be enough.

In his past life, Shao Xuan had learnt that this kind of boat could sail for more than 200 kilometers a day. However, in this world, he wasn’t too sure how far he could go with the different conditions.

Shao Xuan continued to attach the side supports to the main canoe, examining every nook and cranny and checking if he brought everything he needed. When he was finished, he looked back towards the shore.

Caesar was carrying Old Ke as he stood on the shore, observing Shao Xuan and the descending Chacha. Caesar was whimpering as he too wanted to follow after the pair, but Shao Xuan simply couldn’t bring him along. If they encounter any dangers in the river, Shao Xuan could escape along with Chacha, but Caesar couldn’t.

Had Chacha been the same size as the giant eagles at Eagle Mountain, he could’ve brought a couple of people along. Unfortunately, he was still too small.

“Goodbye. I’m leaving.” Shao Xuan said to the shore as he cupped his hands in farewell.

Under the direction of the Shaman, everyone followed in his manner as they too mimicked Shao Xuan’s actions. This was, in the past million years, something never seen before.

For the members of the tribe, Shao Xuan was their sole hope. If he did not succeed, then how much longer would they have to wait until they could try again? No one knew, perhaps even after a thousand years, nothing would change.

With a pull of the sail, the wind filled it and the canoe launched out.

The sail was incredibly big. If it wasn’t for the totem’s power, Shao Xuan might not be able to operate it.

Chacha, this rascal! Standing inside the canoe, he curiously looked around both sides. For him, this was an extremely novel experience. To think that he could be able to stand on water!

However, despite being such a big ship, compared to Chacha, it was still considered small. He couldn’t move around, at best he could only stand stationary for a while before flying back up again towards the direction Shao Xuan told him. The sky truly had more freedom, and when he tired of flying, he could return back to the canoe to rest.

On the shore, the tribe continued to sing the prayer song together.

Shao Xuan turned his head, looking back as the people on the shore grew smaller and smaller. The houses situated on the mountain grew hazier and hazier, and the mountain where he had spent eight years of his life grew fainter and fainter as the water finally touched the sky.

Other than the howling of the wind, all else was quiet.

Looking towards the direction of the sun, feeling the changes in the wind, Shao Xuan adjusted his sails, heading towards the unknown.