Chronicles of Primordial Wars - Page 166/274

Chapter 165 – Guang Hou

Translated by Joycelyn

Shao Xuan stared at the person standing on the lotus. The ‘Gua’ sound he heard just now reminded him of those long tailed frogs that came ashore during the raining season. That was why he took out his knife at the first moment.

The guy standing on the lotus leaf was the one in charge of border patrol from the Pu tribe; therefore he was frequently in contact with the trading group from the Drumming Tribe. He was also familiar with Qing Yi.

Hearing the guy’s statement, Qing Yi helplessly said: “The trouble this time was bigger.”

Aside from the Martyr tribe, there were people from other tribes participating as well. However, Qing Yi did not mention this, he would also not easily tell this to the outsiders.

The guy on the lotus leaf nodded his head. He had also received news that this time the ones invading the Drumming tribe were from the Martyr tribe. Qing Yi and the others had to rest a little longer after the battle as well, and therefore would naturally be delayed leaving. He swept a glance among the Drumming tribe group and landed his gaze on Shao Xuan.

“Who is he?” The Drumming tribe’s characteristics are very obvious and there was no need for a second look to see that there was someone different mixed among this group.

“Drumming tribe’s guest, he came from the Flaming Horns tribe. He’s called Shao Xuan.” Qing Yi introduced.

The guy on the lotus leaf narrowed his eyes, scrutinised Shao Xuan over once, seemingly trying to determine this stranger’s threat potential. As to what the Flaming Horns tribe was, it was probably an unknown small tribe. This world had too many unknown tribes; there was no need for them to remember each and every one of them. However towards Drumming tribe’s guest, they still had to give some face. After all, the Drumming tribe members were all pretty rich, especially after the combining of the two moons; the harvest time for the Drumming tribe. One rattan baskets after another full of water moonstones. The Pu tribe would always welcome this kind of wealthy trading partner.

“Let’s go, everyone’s been waiting for quite some time already.” The guy on the lotus leaf jumped back a few steps onto another lotus leaf. His cheek drummed just like a frog, giving out a ‘gu gua’ sound.

Shortly after the sound was out, Shao Xuan felt that there was something under the water. His two feet in the water could feel the vibrations of the water. At the same time, the area in front of the Drumming tribe, that was filled with tall and high lotus leaves, tilted to both sides, revealing a waterway in the middle.

“Go.” Qing Yi stepped off the crocodile first, heading towards the waterway.

The rest in the group followed.

The lotus leaves here were enormous. The parts exposed above the water were even thicker than a human’s thigh. The green lotus leaves were covered in thorns, so if someone forced an entry, the thorns would scrape the flesh off the human body.

This river was somewhat different from the drumming tribe’s. This river was clearer, however it was covered with many duckweeds, so it was difficult to see underwater.

As the crocodiles swam over, the duckweeds were pushed aside. In the waves made by the crocodiles, Shao Xuan could see many green frogs hidden under the leaves of the duckweeds.

The more timid ones immediately ran away, vigorously pedalling away in the water. Their pedal was like that of frogs swimming away. Those who were bold enough stood their spot, revealing half a head. Two round eyes stared at the humans as they passed through the water, their pupils like slits. They were not like the cold crocodiles; instead they gave people a kind of delighted feeling.

Gua sounds could be heard from time to time. Sometimes far, sometimes near.

“They are from the Pu tribe. The one who talked to Qing Yi is called Pu Ye, he is in charge of border patrol and defence.” Fu Shi explained to Shao Xuan.

Pu Ye was not far in front, jumping from one lotus leaf to another. He did not wear any beast skin, revealing his body’s paintings. They did not look like totem tattoos; instead it was done using a type of special ink, those that would not wash off due to water. At the same time, just now, when Pu Ye and Qing Yi were talking, Shao Xuan also found out that there were some drawings around Pu Ye’s eyes. These were the Pu tribe’s hobby. The ones with different preferences had a different painting done around their eyes. This was the Pu tribe’s custom, passed down from their ancestors.

Pu Ye leaped from one surface of the lotus leaves to another. Sometimes when he leapt, the leaves would tilt and the dew collected at the surface would flow down. They dripped into the water, issuing a trickling sound.

Down the river, there were many like Pu Ye, patrolling around the borders. They would pull apart the lotus leaves, creating a pathway.

No matter if it’s a Drumming or Pu tribe member; they all had good affinities with water.

Going along the pathway that the Pu tribe made, the trading group moved forward, continuing onwards. Shao Xuan could feel that the temperature had increased gradually. There were no mountains with cold winds, it had become warm and humid.

If you stood on a high spot, all you could see were patches of green; Green lotus leaves, green duckweeds, and the dense green trees surrounding the river.

The frogs calls were getting more frequent, this also meant that there were more frogs in the surrounding now. Fortunately, Shao Xuan did not find the large long tailed frogs in the river.

The Pu tribe’s totem character was a frog. This proved that their relationship with frogs was that intimate. Here, those who indiscriminately killed frogs would all receive the Pu tribe’s punishment.

Chacha did not enter the Pu tribe’s territory. He instead flew around its borders. Without getting the permission from the Pu tribe, he would be treated as an intruder and get attacked if he entered.

The Pu tribe members were proficient in poison.

After going along the pathway for some time, Shao Xuan heard cheers from the people ahead.

“They are here!”

“Quick, quick! The Drumming tribe is here!”

“Dad, the trading group is here, hurry up and get the stuff out!!”

Some of the voices came from ashore and some from the top of the lotus leaves up front.

Above the umbrellas of the lotus leaves, a wavering silhouette could be seen.

“They are quite welcoming.” Shao Xuan said to Fu Shi.

“Of course, I don’t come here often to trade with them, but those that I’m acquainted with, we have a good relationship. Ha Ha!” Fu Shi seldom heard people say that his tribe was welcomed, therefore he was very happy.

With Qing Yi and the rests’ status, they would of course be welcomed. They were the Pu tribe’s most important customers. Without the Drumming tribe, the Pu tribe’s situation would most likely become strained.

Following the opened pathway, the group made a turn, heading up ashore. On the shore, there were already many Pu tribe’s members waiting. The huge and small ones, the old and young ones, each and every one were grinning….to the point their mouths were splitting apart.

It was different from the Drumming tribe’s ‘rapacious aggressor with a wide mouth to devour beasts’. Although the Pu tribe’s mouths were more towards the larger side, but among them many had their mouths slightly upturned, plus their jaws were not stiff like the Drumming tribe’s. This made them look a lot more enthusiastic.

Other than their mouth, the Pu tribe members also generally had larger eyes, plus their strange custom of having paintings around their eyes.

Shao Xuan heard from the more frequent traders from the Drumming Tribe that you can determine the Pu tribe members’ personality from their eye paintings. Some more experienced old warriors advised Shao Xuan: Stay away from those with gorgeous striking paintings, those people were extremely dangerous.

Just like those frogs with striking colours, the more striking it is, the more poisonous it might be.

“Ha, you guys are finally here!” A middle aged person stepped forward, speaking a few words to Qing Yi.

“Are the things prepared?” Qing Yi stepped up onto the shore, following that guy towards the Pu tribe.

“Long been prepared, we’ve already been waiting for two days.”

Shao Xuan went with Fu Shi and the rest up ashore, and as for the crocodiles who were acting as boats, they would rest in the rivers nearby. The Pu tribe would take care of them.

An aunty with beast skin wrapped around her brought a large wooden plate and smiled, walking over to welcome the Drumming tribe! “Here, freshly done, just finished baking!”

Shao Xuan looked over to see a bunch of different insects, each one died without peace. They still had their eyes open even as they were baking.

Shao Xuan: “….” How nice of them.

Fu Shi and the rest were already used to it, and just extended their arms and grabbed some to eat.

Seeing that Shao Xuan did not move, Fu Shi and the rest encouraged: “Shao Xuan, these that the Pu tribe baked are not bad, you can try them, later when you leave, it will be difficult to eat them again.”

Shao Xuan stared at the insects who had died agonisingly for a few seconds, held out his hand and grabbed a four legged one with a complete body. However who would have known that the aunty would be so enthusiastic and directly grabbed a handful and stuffed them into Shao Xuan’s hand.

Shao Xuan: “…..Um, thanks.”

Although it looked horrifying, but the taste was just like what Fu Shi said. It was actually pretty good, if, you could forget about what you were eating.

In the Pu tribe’s village, the area where they slept, their houses were not very big, and were made with branches and leaves. Some houses made an encirclement, and at the edge had an opening. Some formed big triangles, without any fixed form. They look quite artistic. It was not that they did not have the skill to make sturdier houses, but it was just their habit and preferences. They were just more inclined to this architectural style.

The sun was quite strong during the afternoon. Some even went around with a lotus leaf as an umbrella.

Because there was still the matter with Chacha, Qing Yi let the rest of the group go ahead to the trade meet and brought Shao Xuan to the Pu tribe’s chief’s place.

The Pu tribe’s Shaman often stayed in his stone cave and rarely came out. Every time the Drumming tribe come over to the Pu tribe, the one they met was always the Pu tribe’s chief ‘Guang Hou’.

Guang Hou’s house was in the core area of the Pu tribe. Because the people here lived packed together, they did not have to walk too far to arrive in front of Guang Hou’s house.

The steeple’s roof was made of grass and stuff like tree leaves. The door was open, signifying they could walk into the house.

After going in, the first thing Shao Xuan saw was a mass of meat sitting right at the front – that was the Pu tribe’s chief, Guang Hou.

Guang Hou had prominent eyebrows, just like two corners edges. Around his eyes were paintings of yellow-green and black stripes patterns. Compared with the people in the Flaming Horns tribe, Guang Hou’s appearance looked quite hideous. His stature was much larger, just like a meat dumpling, looking very oppressive.

Now, Guang Hou was sitting right there, eating some unidentifiable animal with his coarse thick hand. Seeing Shao Xuan walk in, Guang Hou’s eyes narrowed, he scanned Shao Xuan over, his mouth chewing his food, not resting.

“You come from the Flaming Horns tribe?” Guang Hou questioned.

“That is correct.”

“Flaming Horns tribe, I seem to have heard it before.” Guang Hou said.