Darkhouse (Experiment in Terror #1) - Page 20/42

He paused in the darkness for several seconds before saying, “OK.”

The key resumed rattling.


I heard the door creak open.

“Great. Can we get out of here now?” I asked. The longer I stood there watching my shadow dance in the dust around me, the more my eyes were starting to play tricks on me.

“You don’t want to check out the second floor?” I heard his voice getting more muffled, as if he was out of the room and onto the staircase of the interior hall. I could see it in my head—the trails of kelp on the stairs. I wanted to warn him to not go up there, to watch his step, but instead I scooted myself out of the building and into the bright, howling wind outside.

I looked up at the sky, eyes wide open and took in the deepest breath I could imagine.


I jumped and looked over at Dex, who had come out of the building.

“We don’t have to go up there until later anyway. Though I’m sure there will be enough interesting events downstairs.” He turned and locked the door behind him.

I didn’t even want to begin to think about what “events” could transpire.


Despite the fact that we would be returning to the lighthouse later that evening, I was especially glad (and relieved) when we came back to the house to find it warm and cozy, with the twins playing video games and a giant mess of Chinese food on the kitchen table.

“Right on time!” Uncle Al exclaimed as we walked in the door. “Please sit, you must be hungry. You’re both pale as...ghosts!” He laughed at that last line.

I managed a wry smile and plopped down in the chair.

“Boys!” Al yelled at the living room, his voice booming. “Put down those video games and come eat your damn food!”

I heard the twins moan from the other room, and in a few moments they appeared, looking bleary-eyed as if they had just gotten up from a nap or a graphic-induced coma.

“Hey, cuz!” Matt slapped me hard on the back. He looked over at Dex then back at me. “This one of the ghosts you found at the lighthouse?” He exchanged a mocking look with his brother.

I rolled my eyes. “Har har. This is Dex. Dex, these are my cousins Matt and Tony.”

Dex gave them a casual salute and nod. “I’d ask which one is the evil one but you’re probably both evil. Am I right?”

Matt and Tony exchanged a worried glance but smiled once they realized Dex was kidding.

Tony laughed and looked at me. “Where did you find this joker?”

“At the lighthouse, sheesh,” Dex joked.

“Boys, sit and shut up!” commanded Al, throwing paper plates down on the table in front of us and keeping his eyes on Dex and the twins. I could tell he wasn’t sure how well his sons would mesh would Dex. Something told me that he had been in a similar situation before. The twins did seem volatile at times, but I didn’t know Dex well enough (or at all) to know what to expect from him either. “Expect the unexpected” seemed to be his life’s motto.

The boys sat down obediently and started scooping mounds of chow mein on their plates.

“Boys!” Al barked again. “The guests eat first.”

He shot Dex and me an apologetic look.

“Don’t worry about it, Uncle Al,” Dex said. I couldn’t help but smile at his choice of words. “Back where I come from, it’s customary for guests to eat last. You know, how like the lioness eats first before feeding her cubs.”

“And where do you come from?”

“Seattle,” was Dex’s sincere reply.

Al laughed. “Remind me not to eat at your house then!”

“Oh, but you’d be missing out. My girlfriend is an amazing cook.” He leaned back in his chair, the smug smile returning. His eyes sparkled brightly. I did not appreciate how much more relaxed, and adorable, he looked when he mentioned her.

“Girlfriend?” Matt questioned and looked over at me suspiciously as he handed over a carton of sweet and sour pork. I gave him a look, trying to let him know that Dex was in no way a love interest to me. “Is she hot?”

“Oh phfff,” I chided him. ”What does that matter?”

Dex looked at me, surprised. “Of course it matters.” He looked at the boys and Al. “For your information, yes, she is.”

Oh geez. Please don’t say it’s Jennifer.

“How hot?” Tony asked, goading him.

Dex pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and took out a wallet-sized photo. He handed it across the table to Tony, who shared it with Matt. I couldn’t see it from where I was.

Tony and Matt’s eyes widened. Even Al looked over and let out a low whistle.

“Seriously? This is your girlfriend?” Matt asked incredulously.

“Either that or it’s some random hot girl I’m groping in a photo booth. Still win-win.” Dex grinned, and for the first time I was not charmed by his smile. I felt low. Lower than cave dweller in a really low cave. I busily stuffed food in my face.

“She looks really familiar,” Tony mused.

“Well, she was in Maxim,” Dex announced.

I choked on a piece of pork at the same time the twins cried out “Maxim?!?”

I started coughing, my face turning red. Everyone turned to look at me.

“Are you OK, Perry?” Al asked, about to get up.

I nodded frantically and waved for him to sit back down. This was the last thing I needed.

The boys turned their attention back to the photo, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see Dex was watching me. I refused to look at him.

“Why was she in Maxim? Is she famous?” Tony asked.

“Ever seen the show Wine Babes? It’s on the Shownet website but also gets viewed a lot on YouTube.” Dex was still looking at me as he said this.

“No way!” Matt cried out. “I love that show! I mean, I’ve seen it. She’s one of the babes.”

“Is this the video of the girls with wine who recommended what McDonald’s hamburger it should go with?” Al asked. I looked at him, surprised. He gave me an explanatory look. “I don’t even know how to operate the internet half the time, but I’ve seen that show.”

Dex turned his attention to Al (thank God). “You have? That’s excellent! Good to know the demographic is broadening. Yes, that’s my girlfriend Jennifer Rodriguez, and I’m the show’s cameraman and music composer.”

“She’s your girlfriend? What the hell are doing with her?” Tony said, looking disgusted and obviously referring to me.

“Hey!” I exclaimed indignantly.

Dex laughed. “Management. Gotta do what the boss says!”

My jaw dropped. I looked at Dex, livid. Management? Boss? This whole damn show was his fucking idea, excuse my language, that dirty stinking liar!

Now, Dex was the one who was ignoring my blatant stare. Man, if looks could kill then I was trying to commit a triple homicide with mine.

Al kicked me under the table. I snapped my head at him. He gave me a worried look. I think he thought I was about to blow a gasket. In the past I had been known to blow up a lot at my parents—my temper isn’t exactly a mild one—so I guess he thought I might do the same to Dex. He was also probably a little unsure of how to handle a female’s wrath. Either way, though Dex and the boys weren’t noticing my flushed face and grinding teeth, Uncle Al sure was.

I took a deep breath, composed myself and started shoving more food in my mouth. I suddenly had no idea what the truth was. Was Dex here because he wanted to be or what? Was this the lie or was everything that he told me earlier the lie?

I was so mad.

“Wow,” Tony said and handed the picture back to Dex. I was glad he didn’t even attempt to show it to me.

The rest of the dinner went swimmingly—for everyone else. I just kept admonishing myself for being attracted to Dex in the first place and for even thinking that he could be attracted to me. Granted, I never actually had those thoughts, but I figured I must have subconsciously wanted that because I was feeling so stupid and disappointed over his “hot girlfriend.” On the surface, however, I played it cool. I laughed at Uncle Al’s stupid jokes and pretended to be interested in whatever video games Dex and the twins were bonding over. I avoided all eye contact with Dex, though, lest his inquisitive eyes pick up on something. I had no doubt he’d see how I really felt inside, and for the sake of my pride, I would rather he think I was an antisocial bitch than to let him know the truth.

When dinner was over and the twins had convinced Dex to watch a few rounds of some lame zombie game they were playing, I headed for Uncle Al’s liquor cabinet in the kitchen.

Al watched me curiously as he threw the paper plates in the garbage.

“I can make you something, Perry,” he offered sweetly. I felt like he was handling me with kid gloves.

I grabbed a bottle of vodka. Ah, dependable vodka.

“No, that’s OK. I just need some juice of some sort.”

He opened the fridge and handed me a carton of pulpy orange juice and watched me as I made my drink. I was getting very tired of people watching me all day.

“He’s an interesting fellow,” he said quietly.

I took a slow sip of my drink. It was very strong. I wasn’t used to that.

“Just watch out,” he said, looking over at the living room. “I know you are a grown woman now, but you’re still my niece and your parents would kill me if you got hurt.”

“I’ll be fine. I can defend myself, remember? Knee strike?” I joked, making a kicking motion with my right leg.

Uncle Al smiled. “Oh, I remember, Perry. I saw your karate recitals. But you know what I mean. This man is a lot older than you and has his own agenda. Have fun. Enjoy this moment. And I really hope you get something out of this in the end. But watch your heart, OK, bella?”

I gave Al a tired look. “Heart? Oh, come on, Uncle Al, I just met the guy. Men are the last thing on my mind right now, especially someone like that. I have a hard enough time dealing with myself, let alone another head case.”

He chuckled and nodded. “I know, but what kind of uncle would I be if I didn’t try and protect little Perry?”

He reached over for the phone and handed it to me. “By the way, call your mother. She phoned a few times before dinner. I didn’t want to tell you before you had some food in your system.”

I exhaled grumpily and snatched the phone from him.

By the time I was done dealing with my mother, I was exhausted beyond words. I was just about to go plunk myself down on the couch and mindlessly watch the twins play their games when a huge sound exploded and the whole house shook for a second. The kitchen door flew open, blowing the leftover paper plates off of the table.

“What was that?” I yelled. I hoped it wasn’t the lurch of an earthquake since we were in prime tsunami zone.

Dex hopped to his feet. The windows all started to rattle and Al ran out of his study to the kitchen door.

“I guess the real storm is starting!” he cried out.

He went to close the door but Dex snuck past him and ran out into the stormy night.