Affliction - Page 5/104

“Be careful, brother,” Brooks warns, sitting back in his chair, while he scopes out the club. Liquid is one of the four businesses the Knights Rebels MC own in town. With an average size club and legitimate business dealings, we do well enough to live comfortably and then some. Hence this overdone club Jesse runs. “She looks more like trouble than fun,” he continues, taking the words right out of my mouth. He’s right, but as I sit here watching her, it just makes me want her more. I don’t say anything, just watch as she looks up at the guy and smiles before turning her back to him, rubbing her ass against him again. “I can see it all coming down around you,” he laughs, shaking his head. “First Nix and now you.”

“Me? Fuck that. No way am I going there,” I tell him, forcing myself not to search for her again. He’s wrong. There is no way I’m turning into our Prez.

“No? You haven’t fucking stopped looking at her since we walked in,” he accuses, letting me know just how perceptive he is. Brooks is one of the old boys, and the only Rebel married with a daughter. He’s a good, family man, but most of all, he lives and breathes the brotherhood.

“Kind of our fucking job, Brooks,” I say, looking at him. He just smirks. “Do you think I want to be watching her?” I ask him, pissed that one, I’m even here tonight when I have more important things to do and two, he’s gonna give me a hard time about it.

So much has happened in the last week. The front of Ink Me was destroyed in a fire right after I had taken Holly home, and the Rebels had to call in the help of our rival club, the Warriors. Things have been tense. The shop was a mess, and we’ve all been on high alert.

“I think you’re having a hard time watching her about to go home with that asshole,” he adds, pointing over to the fucker who just had his hands all over her. He’s right. I don’t know why it’s bothering me so much. I have no claim over her, but sitting here, watching her about to pick up when I’m about to go home alone—it’s just too fucking much.

“Whatever, Brooks. I’m out,” I’m done with watching her and pissed he’s seeing what I’m only just realizing now. Jesus, I am a jealous fucker.

“Aww, don’t be like that,” he laughs, watching me throw a twenty down.

“I gotta go. Ink Me re-opens tomorrow and I have a shitload to work through.”

“You need any help?” he asks, but the boys have all worked their asses off this week to get it back up and running. It was only the front of the shop that was damaged, thank fuck, but still a pain when it had to be gutted and repainted.

“No, go home to your wife and girl, Brooks. I know that’s where I would rather be if I were you.” I flick my hand goodbye as I turn away before he asks me what that was about. I don’t talk about my past with my brothers. I don’t let them in on the shit that lives in my head. That’s not to say the fuckers haven’t clued in on it, but sharing? No. That shit is not for me.

I walk through the crowd, hoping to see her one last time before I head out. Neither she nor Kadence have noticed they’ve been followed and I’m glad for that. After the shit that’s been going down with T and his boys, who knows what Gunner could be planning. Kadence really has no clue who she was once engaged to. The man is dangerous, and knowing he has a pull over us now only puts me on edge.

After looking around the club and not finding Holly, I give up and head down the back hall to leave. Not ten seconds after admitting defeat, I run into her.

“Oh, sorry,” she stumbles as my hands come up to steady her. Looking up, it takes her a second to register before she smiles her sexy smile. “Why hello, Sunshine,” she acknowledges me, not missing a beat and I can’t help the scowl that forms at the stupid name she called me last week at the shop. Why does her happiness make me angry? “Aww, nice to see you’re so happy to bump into me,” she jokes, pulling back from me, but I don’t let her out of my grasp. Watching her dance up against some asshole all night had me wanting to rip her off the dance floor, yet now when she’s teasing me, making a joke of everything, I want to unleash my anger on her.

“Jesus, do you even talk?” she snaps when I don’t reply. I fight the pull she has on me. “Nothing? Really? Okay, well good chat,” she says, stepping out of my hold. “See you later.” She waves, making her way around me, ready to meet back up with that fucker I bet.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” My voice stops her, and she spins on her heel to face me. I should let her walk away, not let myself get caught up in this game, but for reasons beyond me, I can’t.

“Sunshine, you talk!” She lights up like she just received the greatest news.

Yeah, I fucking talk.

“You pick up all your fucks from clubs?” I ask, like the fucker I am.

She’s unfazed by my harshness. “No, not always. I like variety.” She smiles up at me. “You should try it sometime, Sunshine. Maybe you just need a good fuck.” She winks, and if I wasn’t such an angry fuck, I’d give her a lip twitch.

“Do you know that guy?” I ask, ignoring her jab. She’s right. I need a good fuck, but she doesn’t need to know that.

“No, but I do know I’m going to get laid,” she laughs, pissing me off again. “Why? What’s the issue here?”

“You ready?” the asshole who thinks he is getting his dick wet tonight asks Holly as he comes up behind her, enveloping her in his arms.