Affliction - Page 55/104

“That’s what I wanted,” he murmurs, rubbing his jaw along mine, and every time he touches me gently, I fall a little more for him.

“So this is what happens when you take things slow?” I ask after my breathing goes back to normal.

“No, that is what happens when you tease me,” he counters, nipping and kissing at my neck.

“I’ll make sure I do it more often,” I joke, tilting my head back granting him better access along my neck.

“I don’t doubt it.” He pulls back and smiles down at me. I can feel the after effects of his cock slightly pulsing while still inside of me.

“Does anyone know I’m here?” I ask, realizing what just happened and how loud we were.

“Don’t know,” he says, slowly sliding out of me.

“Well, does Kadence know I’m here?” I ask, watching him climb out of bed and walk to the bathroom to take care of the condom.

“She went home with Nix, but knows you stayed at the club.” He comes back, handing me a glass of water.

“Oh, okay,” I say, feeling relieved I won’t have to walk out and face her.

“Why? You worried what she might say?” he asks, taking the glass back from me, placing it on the side table and climbing back into bed beside me. Am I afraid of what she’ll say about Sy and me, or what she’ll say when she learns I’ve been keeping this from her?

“No,” I lie. I know what’s she going to say and I’m just not ready to hear it.

“Good, now come here,” he says, pulling me close to his naked body. “I’m not done with you.”

“What? You’re not gonna leave?” I ask, trying not to laugh at my joke, even if a small part of me is worried that now that we’ve had sex, this is what is going to happen again.

“What the fuck?” he pulls back, his eyes hardening through his stare.

“Sorry, just a joke,” I assure him, biting at my bruised lip. Oh, God, way to go. He watches the movement and I see his gaze heat up.

“What am I gonna do with you?” he asks, softening when he knows I’m playing. “Seems you’ve bewitched me with your smile, your pussy and now your humor,” he says between kisses.

“Aww, now, now. You’ve always loved my humor.”

“Only when it’s not pissing me off, Holly,” he says,

“Is there anything that doesn’t piss you off?” I ask, holding back my laughter when he narrows his eyes. “Oh, my God. You are such a cranky ass, Sy,” I tell him as I roll over and cover him with my weight. I trace the tattoos on his chest, the ink containing so many stories I can't wait to ask him about.

“You smiling at me doesn’t make me cranky,” he answers, running his fingers through my hair.

“Umm… I’m pretty sure you just fucked me hard because I was smiling,” I tease, leaning forward and kissing his lips.

“No, I was pissy ‘cause you weren’t smiling at me, not the other way around,” he sets me straight, taking my arms, and rolling me to my back, and covering me again. "Now, I’m gonna eat you out hard for reminding me how pissy you made me,” he states, and if that’s punishment for making him pissy, I’ll take it willingly.



“What are you doing here, Sunshine?” she asks through the small gap of the old chapel door. It’s Nix and Kadence’s wedding—exactly two weeks since I woke up with her in my bed and made her mine. She hasn’t accepted that fact yet, but she will soon. Preferably tonight.

“I wanted to see you,” I answer simply, forgetting why Nix sent me back here. Shit, I became distracted when I saw her standing there looking so fucking beautiful and when she called me Sunshine. She hasn’t called me that name in such a long time. I don’t know how to react.

“You look handsome,” she says quietly, looking back over her shoulder, “but you shouldn’t be here. Kadence is getting changed and then I need to fix her hair." She leans forward bringing her lips to mine in a chaste kiss.

“Can’t wait to get you out of this dress,” I admit, drinking her in.

“Go, before someone comes.” She pushes me back, but I don’t leave until I sneak one more kiss. She rolls her eyes, closing the door on me before we get caught. I’m so fucking over hiding from everyone; I’m about to shout it out for all the assholes in this chapel to hear. I walk away only to remember what Nix sent me to do. Knocking again, I wait for her to answer.

“What now?” she asks when she sees it’s me again. I narrow my eyes and she grins.

“I forgot this. Nix wanted me to give them to Kadence,” I say, pulling out a small package.

“How did you forget that?” she asks, shaking her head.

“Well, you opened the door and I was lost in your beauty,” I smoothly reply, not even giving a fuck that I sound like fucking Jesse.

“Yeah, yeah… go, before anyone sees you.” She takes the package from me and steps back.

“Wait,” I say, putting my booted foot in the way to stop the door from closing.

“Sy, we’re going to get caught,” she pleads, and I know in this moment, I’m not hiding anymore.

“Who cares?” I ask.

“Well…erm, I don’t know?” she hesitates.

“Told you I don't want to hide us, Holly,” I growl, not understanding what her issues are. We might have started off as friends, but we’ve been growing closer every moment we spend together. As far as I'm concerned, the moment she let me sink inside of her she became mine.