Keep Me - Page 17/81

I lick her until her orgasm is fully over, then I move up over her again, supporting myself with my right elbow. Using my left hand, I grasp her jaw, forcing her to meet my gaze. Her eyes look unfocused, clouded with the aftermath of pleasure, and I lower my head, claiming her mouth with a deep, thorough kiss. I know she can taste herself on my lips, and the thought excites me, causing my pulse to spike. At the same time, her arms fold around my neck, embracing me, and I feel her breasts pushing against my chest, her nipples like hard little pebbles.

Holy fuck. I have to have her. Now.

My self-control fraying, I continue kissing her as I use my knees to spread open her thighs. Pressing the head of my cock against her opening, I slide my left hand into her hair to cradle the back of her skull.

Then I begin to push into her body.

She’s small inside too, her pussy tighter than any I’ve known before. I can feel her wet flesh gradually engulfing me, stretching for me, and my spine tingles, my balls drawing up against my body. I’m not even fully inside her yet, and I’m about to explode from the mind-numbing pleasure. Slow, I harshly remind myself. Go slow.

She tears her mouth away from mine, her breath coming in soft little pants against my ear. “I want you,” she whispers, her legs coming up to clasp my hips. The movement brings me deeper into her, making me groan in desperate need. “Please, Julian . . .”

Her words destroy whatever shreds of restraint I still possess. To hell with going slow. A low growl vibrates deep within my chest, and my hand fists in her hair as I begin to thrust into her, savagely, relentlessly. She cries out, and her arms tighten around my neck, her body eagerly welcoming my ruthless assault.

My mind explodes with sensations, with overwhelming ecstasy. This, right here, is what I want, what I need. Why I will never let her go. Our bodies strain together on the bed, wet sheets tangling around our limbs as I lose myself in her, in the sounds and smells of hot, no-holds-barred sex. Nora is like liquid fire in my arms, her slim body arching against me, her legs twining around my thighs. Each thrust brings me deeper into her until I feel like we’re fusing together, melding into one another.

She reaches her peak first, her pussy squeezing me even tighter. I hear her strangled cry as she bites my shoulder in the throes of her orgasm, and then I’m there, shuddering over her as my seed shoots out in continuous heated spurts.

Breathing harshly, I sink down on top of her, my arms no longer able to support my weight. Every muscle in my body is shaking from the force of my release, and I’m covered with a thin veil of sweat. After a few moments, I muster the strength to roll over onto my back, pulling her to lie on top of me.

It shouldn’t be this intense again, not after the way we fucked earlier, but it is. It always is. There’s never a moment when I don’t want her, when I don’t think about her. If I ever lost her—

No. I refuse to think about that. It won’t happen. I won’t let it.

I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

Safe from everyone but me.

Chapter 8


When I wake up in the morning, Julian is already gone.

Climbing out of bed, I head straight for the shower, feeling grimy and sticky after last night. We both fell asleep right after sex, too worn out to bother washing up or changing the wet sheets. Then, just before dawn, Julian woke me up by sliding inside me again, his skilled fingers bringing me to orgasm before I was fully awake. It’s as if he can’t get enough of me after our long separation, his already-strong libido going into overdrive.

Of course, I can’t get enough of him either.

A smile curves my lips as I remember the searing passion of last night. Julian promised me the wedding night of my dreams, and he certainly delivered. I don’t even know how many orgasms I’ve had over the past twenty-four hours. Of course, now I’m even more sore, my insides raw from so much fucking.

Still, I feel immeasurably better today, both physically and mentally. The bruises on my thighs are less tender to the touch, and I’m no longer feeling quite as overwhelmed. Even the idea of being married to Julian doesn’t seem as frightening in the morning light. Nothing has truly changed, except that now there is a piece of paper joining us together, letting the world know that I belong to him. Captor, lover, or husband—it’s all the same; the label doesn’t alter the reality of our dysfunctional relationship.

Stepping under the shower spray, I tilt my head back, letting the hot water flow over my face. The shower is as luxurious as the rest of the house, the circular stall big enough to accommodate ten people. I wash and scrub every inch of my body until I begin to feel human again. Then I go back into the bedroom to get dressed.

I find an enormous closet in the back of the room, filled mostly with light summer clothes. Remembering the stifling heat outside, I select a simple blue sundress, then slide my feet into a pair of brown flip-flops. It’s not the most sophisticated outfit, but it’ll do.

I’m ready to explore my new home.

* * *

The estate is huge, much bigger than I thought yesterday. Besides the main house, there are also barracks for the two-hundred-plus guards who patrol the perimeter, and a number of houses occupied by other employees and their families. It’s almost like a small town—or maybe some type of military compound.

I learn all this from Ana over breakfast. Apparently Julian left instructions that I was to be fed and shown around when I woke up. Julian himself is occupied with work, as usual.

“Señor Esguerra has an important meeting,” Ana explains, serving me a dish she calls Migas de Arepa—scrambled eggs made with pieces of corn cakes and a tomato-onion sauce. “He asked me to look after you today, so please let me know if you need anything. After breakfast I can have Rosa give you a tour if you like.”