Keep Me - Page 56/81

I smile at him blandly. “Is that all?”

“We would also prefer it if you avoided any dealings with Ukraine at this time,” he says without blinking. “Two chairs and one ass and all that.”

I assume that last statement makes more sense in Russian, but I understand the gist of what he’s saying. Buschekov is not the first client to demand this from me, and he won’t be the last. “I’m afraid I will require additional compensation for that,” I say calmly. “As you know, I don’t usually take sides in these types of conflicts.”

“Yes, so we’ve heard.” Buschekov picks up a piece of salted fish with his fork and chews it slowly as he looks at me. “Perhaps you might reconsider that position in our case. The Soviet Union may be gone, but our influence in this region is still quite substantial.”

“Yes, I’m aware. Why do you think I’m here right now?” The smile that I give him now has a sharper edge. “But neutrality is an expensive commodity to give up. I’m sure you understand.”

Something icy flickers in Buschekov’s gaze. “I do. I’m authorized to offer you twenty percent more than the usual payment for your cooperation in this matter.”

“Twenty percent? When you’re cutting my potential profits in half?” I laugh softly. “I don’t think so.”

He pours himself another shot of vodka and swirls it around the glass, regarding me thoughtfully. “Twenty percent more and the captured Al-Quadar terrorist remitted into your custody,” he says after a few moments. “This is our final offer.”

I study him while I pour myself some vodka as well. Truthfully, this is better than I had been hoping to get out of him, and I know better than to push too far with the Russians. “We have a deal then,” I say and, lifting my glass in an ironic toast, knock back the shot.

* * *

My car is waiting for us on the street when we exit the restaurant. The driver finally made it through the traffic, which means we won’t freeze on our way to the hotel.

“Would you mind giving me a lift to the nearest subway?” Yulia asks as Lucas and I approach the car. I can see her already beginning to shiver. “It should be about ten blocks from here.”

I give her a considering look, then motion Lucas over with a short gesture. “Frisk her.”

Lucas walks over and pats her down. “She’s clean.”

“Okay, then,” I say, opening the car door for her. “Hop in.”

She climbs in and settles next to me in the back, while Lucas joins the driver in the front. “Thank you,” she says with a pretty smile. “I really appreciate it. This is one of the worst winters in recent years.”

“No problem.” I’m not in the mood to make small talk, so I pull out my phone and begin answering emails. There’s one from Nora, which makes me grin. She wants to know if I landed safely. Yes, I write back. Now just trying not to get frostbite in Moscow.

“Are you staying here for long?” Yulia’s soft voice interrupts me as I’m about to pull up a report detailing Nora’s movements around the estate in my absence. When I glance up at her, the Russian girl smiles and crosses her long legs. “I could show you around town if you’d like.”

Her invitation couldn’t be more blatant if she’d palmed my cock right then and there. I can see the hungry gleam in her eyes as she looks at me, and I realize that she’s one of those: a woman turned on by power and danger. She wants me because of what I represent—because of the thrill it gives her to play with fire. I have no doubt that she would let me do whatever I want to her, no matter how sadistic or depraved, and then she would beg for more.

She’s exactly the type of woman I would’ve gladly fucked before meeting Nora. Unfortunately for Yulia, her pale beauty does nothing for me now. The only woman I want in my bed is the dark-haired girl who’s currently several thousand miles away.

“Thanks for the invitation,” I say, giving Yulia a cool smile. “But we’ll be leaving soon, and I’m afraid I’m too exhausted to do your town justice tonight.”

“Of course.” Yulia smiles back, unfazed by my rejection. She clearly has enough self-confidence not to be offended. “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.” And as the car rolls to a halt in front of the subway stop, she gracefully climbs out, leaving behind a faint trail of expensive perfume.

As the car begins moving again, Lucas turns around to face me. “If you don’t want her, I’d be happy to entertain her tonight,” he offers casually. “If that’s all right with you, of course.”

I grin. Hot blondes have always been Lucas’s weakness. “Why not,” I say. “She’s all yours if you want her.” We don’t fly out until tomorrow morning, and I have plenty of security in place. If Lucas wants to spend the night fucking our interpreter, I’m not about to deny him that pleasure.

As for me, I plan to use my fist in the shower while thinking of Nora, and then get a good night’s rest.

Tomorrow is going to be an eventful day.

* * *

The flight to Tajikistan from Moscow is supposed to take a little over six hours in my Boeing C-17. It’s one of the three military airplanes that I own, and it’s big enough for this mission, easily fitting in all of my men and our equipment.

Everyone, myself included, is dressed in the latest combat gear. Our suits are bulletproof and flame-retardant, and we’re fully armed with assault rifles, grenades, and explosives. It may be overkill, but I’m not taking chances with my men’s lives. I enjoy danger, but I’m not suicidal, and all the risks I take in my business are carefully calculated. Nora’s rescue in Thailand was probably the most perilous operation I’ve been involved with in recent years, and I wouldn’t have done it for anyone else.