Legally Wed - Page 12/14

“After a week? You must be kidding,” he said biting my earlobe. “Besides, didn’t you look at the pictures of the room? I’m going to play desert sheik and harem girl with you.”

“Let’s save that for our wedding night.” I giggled with anticipation. “I’ve been taking those belly dancing lessons and I bought an outfit to wear so I could dance for you then.”

“Oh my God. That’s better than Princess Leia and the gold bikini.”

It wasn’t all banter, though. We also talked about other things, details about the wedding, plans for the future, even just books and movies. Don’t ever think that Adam and I just argue and have make-up sex. We can talk for hours about mutual interests and issues that matter to us. I just don’t always describe those conversations because I’m not convinced that anyone else cares what we think about Twentieth Century literature, our favorite X-Files episodes or Middle Eastern politics.

We arrived in Las Vegas that afternoon and cars were waiting to take us to the hotel. I could feel Adam’s excitement, and not in the usual way. He was looking out the windows like a puppy dog. I half expected him to race back and forth from one side of the car to the other. When we pulled up to Marrakesh, the expression on his face looked like we had just discovered El Dorado.

There was a huge intricate stone arch that we drove through, and there were exotic-looking fountains just beyond. We circled up the drive and approached the huge entrance. Bellmen, dressed like Arabian palace guards, immediately swarmed. I didn’t point out that Arabia was a bit of a schlep from Morocco.

Adam had Vegas fever. He vaulted out of the car and looked around like he had just spent 40 years in the desert searching for this place. I was very happy to be there too, though. After leaving a bleak January day in Philly, the sun on my skin felt wonderful. Mr. Jonathan came out of the entrance and welcomed us enthusiastically.

“You’re all checked in! I have keys for everyone and the bellman will take your things up. The wedding party will have its own wing. Adam and Lily will have the honeymoon suite on their wedding night and a regular room before that.”

“Let’s get unpacked and check out the hotel,” Gab said, sounding excited.

“Let’s check out our room first,” Braden said, sounding excited in a different way. I had a feeling that all of the guys had an urge to play desert sheik and harem girl.

“After Braden and Gabrielle are done breaking in their bed, I say we hit that famous swimming pool,” Mark suggested.

“Okay, everybody, let’s do this!” Adam said, sounding like an excited kid. He grabbed my hand and practically skipped up the stone steps into the ornate lobby.

Having never been to Morocco, I had no idea what the real Marrakesh looked like, but it looked good to me. Actually, it reminded me of pictures I had seen of Moorish palaces in Spain. There were beautifully carved arches and vivid colors everywhere. The centerpiece of the lobby was a huge fountain painted gold. At least I think was painted. “Opulent” was the word that came to mind. It was quite a change from the place I had been living in just prior to moving in with Adam. “Tenement” was the word that came to mind with that place. I half expected to see Ali Baba come by on a flying carpet and I have to admit that while it might have been a little tacky, it was fun tacky.

Our rooms were well-equipped to support Adam’s role play fantasies. There was an arch leading to a private balcony and a sunken bathtub big enough for the whole harem. The bed was covered in brightly colored pillows and a sheer, dark purple canopy cascaded down from the ceiling, creating our own little harem tent.

“On our wedding night, I’ll dress in my costume and dance for you and feed you grapes and read to you from the 1001 Nights,” I said giving Adam a come-hither look and a hip wiggle.

“I’m so happy.” He sounded like he might cry.

Chapter Seventeen

An hour later, everyone met down by the pool. Because the weather wasn’t all that warm yet, it was enclosed and covered by a glass roof, but it was still breathtaking. There were fountains and exotic plants all over the place. There was even a swim-up bar. We found a group of lounge chairs together and settled in as waiters appeared out of nowhere to take our drink orders. I sat back for a chat with my girls and Bruce while Adam and the other guys headed off for a swim.

“Any word about what the boys have planned, Mata Hari?” Jess asked Gabrielle. Gabrielle was good at getting information out of Braden.

“They’re going to see Fantasy; it’s a burlesque type show at Luxor,” she answered.

“And you, Lily, are going to see the Chippendale’s revue at Rio,” Beth said wiggling her eyebrows. Bruce whooped. Jason had put himself through college as a Chippendale’s dancer.

“Oh my. Well, I guess if Adam can watch sexy women strut around half-naked …”

“That’s the spirit, honey,” Jess said with a smile.

“And then we’ll send you back to your room with Adam and you can strut around half-naked for him,” Gabrielle said.

“We’ll make sure nobody disturbs you two tomorrow morning,” Beth added.

“I may be asleep by the time he gets back.”

“Nope, we’ve got everything time coordinated with the boys,” Jess said.

“Yeah, we’ll be checking in with them periodically,” Gab put in. “We’ll make sure that you and Adam wind up together and awake at the end of the night.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll get you laid, sweetie,” Bruce said, sipping his daiquiri.

“Thanks, Pimp Daddy,” I said with a smile.

We joined the guys for a swim and then went back to our rooms to change for dinner and our respective nights out. Adam looked yummy in a royal blue button down shirt, black jacket and pants. I wore my red dress – the one that he had liked so much last summer. He still liked it.

“You’re wearing that dress.” He walked over and pulled me into his arms, squeezing my bottom and leaning down to kiss my neck.

“This time you’ll get to take it off,” I whispered in his ear. He breathed in deeply and I felt him start to get hard against my belly.

“Maybe I shouldn’t go,” he said in a thick voice, pulling me against him more tightly.

“Spend time with your friends and whet your appetite. As long as only I get the benefit.”

“Only you, Lily.” He was trailing kisses along my jaw and I could sense he was getting very excited. His muscles were tensing and his breathing was getting faster and heavier. Time for a break if we were going to get out of the room.

“They’re expecting us now, but later we’ll have all night.” I gave him one last tender kiss on the lips and pulled away.

Dinner was fantastic. We sat on banquettes around low tables and shared food that we ate with our hands. Adam stared into my eyes as he sucked some hummus off my fingers and I felt my tummy fill with butterflies. I knew that by the time he got back to me, he would more than ready to play. A week apart, the exotic room, the anticipation … this was going to be one hot night in Marrakesh.

Later that evening I found myself at Rio. I had to admit it was fun. We drank fruity drinks and Jason told us raunchy stories from his days as a dancer. Although I laughed, and yes, ogled a little, I behaved myself. I can’t say the same for all of my friends. The ladies and Jason were fine, but Bruce … oy vey. The show was wild, but he was wilder. I thought we might have to hose him down. I had a feeling Jason would be putting on a private show for him when we got back to the hotel. I had a few fruity cocktails, and I’ll be honest, I was feeling no pain. We had fun, dancing, laughing, joking and teasing each other. Finally, Gabrielle’s phone buzzed and she talked for a minute or two and then hung up and leaned over to whisper to me, sounding a little tipsy herself.

“Adam and Braden want us to come back.” She laughed. “They miss us.”

“So, you’re saying they’re horny and they want to get laid.” I joked.

“Exactly, but that’s okay with me, because so am I. I keep picturing Braden peeling off his clothes and strutting his stuff like that for me.”

“I know what you mean. Adam has the cockiness for it too.”

“They both have the body,” Gab said with a tipsy giggle.

“We’ve got some hot men waiting for us back at the hotel. What are we doing here?”

The others were still having fun, and wanted to stay a while longer, so Gab and I grabbed a cab back to the hotel together. When we walked in the lobby, I immediately saw Adam and Braden standing near the fountain, waiting for us. They would have been hard to miss even in this lobby full of other beautiful sights. They were laughing together and they really did look so incredibly good, my tall dark and handsome fiancé, and Gabrielle’s Norse god husband.

They looked up at the same time and both of them smiled. We walked up to them and I couldn’t resist wrapping my arms around Adam and pulling him against me tightly. I just wanted to be touching him. In all kinds of places. The feeling seemed to be mutual and he was running his hands all over me.

“So, how was your naughty show?” I asked, smiling up at my naughty guy.

“Tame compared to you,” he answered, staring at my lips like maybe he was remembering that day in his office.

“How was your naughty show?” Braden asked, giving Gabrielle a hungry look.

“I was thinking that I would have you do those moves for me later.” She laughed.

“No time like the present,” he said smiling suggestively.

“Time for bed!” she replied. I had a feeling she knew that look he was giving her.

“Bed sounds good,” Adam said, stroking my back in the way that drove me wild.

“Let’s go now,” I said, swallowing.

We listened to a MUZAC version of Rhinestone Cowboy as we ascended to the twenty-third floor. Braden drummed his fingers on the wall. Adam tapped his foot. Gabrielle shifted her weight back and forth from one foot to the other and I bit my lip and fidgeted. We were two very amorous couples dying to get to our private places. In more ways than one. There was a lot of tension in that elevator. It wasn’t helped along by the six other people, from six different floors, sharing it with us. When one drunken looking guy accidentally pushed the wrong button, Adam looked at him like he was planning to throw him down the stairs.

Finally, the bell dinged for twenty-three and we practically sprinted out to our rooms, which were next to each other. There were hurried goodnights and Adam quickly put out the “Do Not Disturb” sign and flipped the latch. Then, he slowly turned, and gave me one of the hottest looks I’ve ever seen. I started breathing faster and getting all tingly.

He took off his jacket and tossed it aside. Then he untucked and unbuttoned his shirt and took off his belt, shoes and socks. He dimmed the lights, found Skin by Rhianna on my iPod and plugged it in to the speakers. Finally, he turned the chair from the desk around to face the middle of the room and sat down to wait.

I took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, feeling my heart pounding in my chest and a tingling ache between my legs. He was beautiful, his dark eyes flashing, that sinful mouth curved up with just the hint of a sexy smile. Moments like this, I could hardly believe he was mine. The guy everyone had always wanted, that every girl had fantasized about. Now he was a man, a man sexy enough to have any woman he wanted, and he wanted me. And God knows, I wanted him!

I kept looking deeply into his eyes as I reached behind myself and eased down the zipper of my dress. I let the straps fall from my shoulders, and then let my dress fall to the floor. I stood there in a black lacy bra and panties, black thigh high stockings and high heels. I saw him swallow and run his tongue over his lips as his eyes slowly traveled up and down my body appreciatively.

“Come and sit on my lap,” he said thickly.

I walked up to him slowly and swung a leg over his lap, straddling him and bracing my hands on his shoulders. That cocky smirk that used to annoy the hell out me now set my body on fire. Now I knew first-hand that Adam had something to be cocky about.

“What do you want me to do now?”

“You know what I want you to do.”

With my feet planted on the floor, I began slowly circling my h*ps to the beat of the music, rubbing up against his cock. He held my waist and his breathing grew heavy.

“You like that?” I asked seductively.

“Oh, yeah.” He groaned. I started mixing in hard little thrusts with my movements, and his eyes got hazy, as he started moving into a state of intense arousal.

“Did watching those dancers turn you on?”

“Made me want you. Made me want this. Oh yeah, like that.” I was moving faster now, circling and thrusting against him, massaging him with my pussy.

“You want it harder, baby?”

“Yes.” His voice was hoarse.

I paused and unzipped his pants, reaching into his briefs and freeing him. I felt so powerful knowing that this sexy, strong, confident, man was helpless with desire beneath me. That I could bring him to orgasm just by rubbing my body against him. I started riding him harder and faster, rubbing against his bare cock. His breathing was ragged and his face was flushed. I liked the way it made me feel too and I was so wet I was soaking through my panties. The beat of the music urged me on and he started praising me, pleading and swearing.

“You want me to make you come like this?”

“Yes!” His grip became like a vice around my waist as he tensed up. Pushing his h*ps up against me, he threw his head back and groaned loudly.

“Do you feel it, baby? Are you going to come?” I kept it up relentlessly, rubbing and circling and thrusting my wet pu**y against his dick to the rhythm of the music.