Syndelle's Possession (The Angelini #2) - Page 12/21

Syndelle moved through the crowds of people, opening herself to their thoughts and feelings as she tried to imagine what it was like to live as they did.

Their lives were short movies on a screen that spanned centuries. And yet in so many ways they had more choices than one born Angelini.

The ancient magic that created the Angelini also gave them a preordained destiny. They had always been hunters, law enforcers, guardians who helped keep the supernatural beings in check. And while the Angelini could choose where they lived, how they hunted, sometimes even what they considered to be justice-there was no choice in who they would mate with, no choice in what they would become.

Part of her wanted to turn away from her destiny-at least for a while. To ignore her mates in favor of exploring this human world and experiencing the freedom that came with choice. It was a heady temptation fueled by the powerful emotions of the humans around her-the intoxicating sensation that anything was possible in Vegas.

With a thought, she could tell that Rafael was safe, guarded by Detective Augustino, protected by Brann's magic, and to a lesser extent, her own. Nothing would happen to her mate while she yielded to temptation, free to explore for the first time in her life, free to pretend that her existence was no different than a human's. Putting off for a little while, the moment that was nearing. The moment when she would truly become The Masada. The vampire's myth turned into reality.

This night she would claim her freedom. This night she would taste what others took for granted, she would embrace it fully, knowing that it might be the only night she experienced it.

Brann prowled through the crowds of humans, casting his net and fishing through their minds for glimpses of Syndelle.

Rage and fear swirled inside him. It was one thing for Rafael to defy him, to take risks. He didn't worry that his often-troublesome companion could take care of himself. Beyond the hint of magic and the sheer lust that had first attracted him to Rafael, it was Rafe's ability to survive, his innate intelligence that had made him worth pursuing despite the aggravation Brann often experienced.

But Syndelle was another matter. He didn't need to see her memories to know how sheltered she'd been kept. Her family would never have allowed her to wander freely. Nor did he intend to allow her to do so once she was back in his possession.

He'd been too lenient with Syndelle just as he'd probably been too lenient with Rafael. But after being alive for so many centuries, time had become meaningless, something to be noted but not concerned with.

No longer. She was priceless to any vampire who could possess her. He couldn't risk losing her. He couldn't risk that she would fall into another's hands, or be destroyed by someone who understood just what she was.

The Masada.

He felt it in every cell of his body.

And though she fought her destiny, perhaps even doubted it, there was no escaping it. Some of the same ancient magic that flowed through her also flowed through him. Brann recognized her for what she was and she would never be free to escape him again.

She would be his companion, even if he had to take her to the point of death to make it so. Through her he would walk in the sunshine again. And through her, those of his blood might one day feel the sun on their faces as well.

He should have immersed himself in the entire gift that was Syndelle, instead of unwrapping and savoring it slowly. But she'd beguiled him, made him hesitate when he should have struck.

His thoughts touched Gian's and the others of his line, frustration making Brann dangerous, his temper growing shorter and his muscles tightening when he saw that none of them had found anything but fleeting evidence of Syndelle's passing.

A fitting punishment for one who so often advises his get on how to handle an Angelini mate, Gian said, his voice amused, though Brann could also feel Gian's underlying concern.

And were it not for your Angelini mate, then my own wouldn't be roaming free.

True, but perhaps now you more fully understand...

Brann snarled, There is nothing to understand, other than the lesson that it is foolish to be controlled by your cock!

Gian laughed. Spoken by one who is newly mated. One, who for all his supposed wisdom, has not yet realized that each coupling with an Angelini mate only makes it more impossible to control them, not less.

You will see that lie for what it is once I have Syndelle back in my possession.

Then I await the revelation with bated breath, Gian said, his amusement stronger than ever.

And once again, I see I have sired a disrespectful ass. One who makes me think of a promising harvest that has aged into vinegar instead of fine wine.

Ah, you crush me, Sire.

If only that were true, then perhaps I could remake you into a less aggravating son of my line.

An image flickered in Brann's mind and he dropped the link with Gian so he could focus on its source-a man who'd seen Syndelle, who'd tried to lure her to his bed. Brann's gums tingled as his fangs prepared to lengthen so that he could sink them into the human's throat and drain him of his lifeblood for daring to approach Syndelle.

That'd be really helpful, Rafael said, his mind joining with Brann's though they were miles apart. Perhaps the council would even invite one of Syndelle's relatives to hunt you down for such an offense.

Brann's snarl vibrated down the line between them. Forget the search for this killer of humans, join me in looking for our missing Angelini mate.

And risk that she'll show up in one of the places she knows I'm supposed to hunt tonight, while I'm not around to protect her? She's safer on the strip. Rafe showed Brann the view in front of him, the drunk men and the calculating and strung-out whores who serviced them. Anything from the others looking for her?


We'll find her. Or she'll come back to us, Rafe said, though his heart stuttered for a moment, and he almost wanted to feel the lash of Brann's temper so that his own guilt wouldn't continue to tear at him. He should never have let her out of his sight. But fuck, how was he to know...

Enough! Even I did not guess what she intended. Now she's gotten a taste of freedom and she rushes to embrace it. I can't fault her in that, though it will never happen again. You are blameless in this.

There was no way Rafe could hide his gratitude at hearing Brann's words. Emotion swelled inside him, sending warmth to his heart and blood to his cock. For the first time since Brann had saved his life, they had a cause they shared to the deepest part of their souls, something that bound them together and made them equals.

I can leave here, Rafael volunteered, wanting to demonstrate that finding Syndelle was more important to him than finding the man who'd killed Justin.

No, you were right. She may well come to the places she expects you to be. It would be unwise to entrust her safety to others. Even with her blocks, your body will know she is near, just as you know when I am near.

Rafe stiffened as an invisible hand stroked his cock, an intimate caress along the link he shared with Brann. He'd experienced it before, many times, but usually when Brann was frustrated and trying to prove a point, never like this, when there was a softer emotion between the two of them, a warmth that spoke of true companionship, a touch that both took and gave comfort.

A man bumped up against Rafe, drawing his attention back to his surroundings and immediately filling him with wariness at the sight of the vampire slave now leaning against the bar next to him.

"Well, if it isn't Brann's fuck-toy. Long time no see, Rafael."

"Not long enough, Frankie," Rafe said, looking at the man who'd lured him to Drac's and into Lilith's deadly trap.

A sweat-soaked human with silver studs outlining the shape of his mouth, took up a position on the other side of Rafael, moving into Rafael's space as though trying to provoke him into a fight.

"Back off," Rafe said.

The human grinned. "Or what? Your daddy will come beat me up?" He licked a stud-pierced tongue over his lips. "I'd like that. Does he give good pain?"

The human reached for Rafe and it was all he could do to allow the touch so that Brann's power could flow through him and explore the other man's mind. Filth poured in, blood-slick and dark, coating over an image that had been taken from Yvonne's mind when she'd opened her door and found Skye, Rafael and Syndelle standing there. But before Brann could push deeper, Frankie's fist slammed into his companion's face, sending him to the floor where he remained with blood pouring from his nose and leaking past his metal-studded lips. "Stupid fucker."

"Why are you here, Frankie?"

The other man smiled. "I heard a rumor that you were back to fucking girls. What's wrong? Brann not live up to your expectations? He such a pussy in bed that you'd rather have a cunt?"

Rafe touched his mind to Brann's. What if I beat the shit out of him and find out what he knows at the same time?

Brann's voice was sardonic. As you said to me earlier, "That'd be really helpful." Leave him alone. Whatever game he's playing, he's doing so on another's orders.

Rafael frowned, sensing that Brann didn't know who owned Frankie. I thought he belonged to Lilith.

No. When we saw him last, he was not anyone's slave. But Lilith would never form a blood-tie with someone like him. Even her slaves have descended from kings. Her companion, Ishana, was once revered as a minor goddess. Lilith would view the exchanging of even a single drop of blood with Frankie as wallowing in filth and allowing it to embrace her.

If I touched him, could you tell who he belonged to?

Perhaps. But he may well be a trap that neither of us wants to stumble into right now. Especially while Syndelle is unguarded.

Muscles knotted in Rafael's stomach at the mention of Syndelle. There were vampire politics swirling into play. Dangerous, deadly games that he wasn't sure Syndelle could survive.

He'd been with Brann long enough to know some of the rules and some of the players, but he knew very little about the Angelini hunters and even less about their females. Except for Skye and Syndelle, the few he'd met had always been clearly marked with a winged creature tattooed on their necks. They'd also been mated to vampires and had worn companion necklaces.

Syndelle had neither a tattoo nor a medallion to offer her protection. Will she be safe if she encounters a vampire?

A young vampire, yes. An ancient one, no.

Rafe's heart jerked in his chest. He tried to follow the trail of Brann's thoughts, to see why Brann was so sure that she wouldn't be safe, but there was a barrier, an impenetrable wall blocking the path. You will learn soon enough, but it is safer for all of us if you don't know right now. A small flash of humor offset the rebuff. Though I am pleased to find you suddenly interested in the "fucking vampire politics" you have railed against for the last two years.

Do I have a choice? Rafael growled out of habit.

As I have told you before. There are always choices.

As if death is an alternative.

Whether quick or slow, it is for many. The children you grew up with were taught to welcome it. You yourself were indoctrinated with such beliefs and yet you escaped.

Now it was Rafael's turn to slam his mind shut. To close off his memories of the cult that had spawned him. Rage swelled inside him. Despite all the successful witch and vampire hunts he'd accompanied Brann on, they'd never been able to find Diego or his band of perverted fanatics. They'd never been able to send them to the demon-infested hell where they belonged.

I will continue this hunt then, Rafe said.

And I will continue mine.

Along the bond, Rafe felt a hint of Brann's resolve to make Syndelle his companion. His implacable resolve that it would happen as soon as she was back in their possession.

I want to be there, Rafe said, knowing that being in the presence of so much magic, being a participant, would only tighten the leash he'd been fighting for the last two years.

It's your choice, Brann said-words that had Rafe gritting his teeth, fighting out of habit, though he knew that in Syndelle's presence he might finally yield to both his own and Brann's desires.