Mystic's Run (The Angelini #3) - Page 5/25

Gabrielle found a pad of hotel stationary and scribbled a note for her brother. She left out the details of where she was going but she did include the news about Mystic finding a mate-one who would also be hunting for the Weres who'd killed the vampire.

If she was really, really lucky, she'd be back before he woke up and realized she had the Jeep. But if he did wake up, she hoped he'd stay in the hotel room and wait for her to return with more information about Mystic, her new mate and the search for the rogue Weres.

She'd secretly hoped Hawk was one of Mystic's mates. She'd almost been sure he was. Of course, he might still be one of them since Angelinis always took two mates.

Gabrielle shivered as she thought about the repercussions of this adventure. A Were and a policeman, she didn't think that could be a good combination. Pack members almost always lived close together and worked in businesses owned by the pack. Rarely did they work for humans in a human-run organization.

Unless they were outcasts. Or loners. Or had been sired by a loner or outcast on a human female and hadn't yet joined a pack.

Gabe growled, making Gabrielle start. She turned to look at him but he rolled over, grumbling in his sleep.

It wouldn't be long now before he was awake. She probably had just enough time to get to Fangs and find out more about Mystic's mate.

Gabrielle cringed. She didn't blame Mystic for what had happened. They'd all been anxious to turn over the wallet to someone else. And who would have guessed Mystic would find a mate in Las Vegas?

Sure, Gabe had joked about Mystic finding mates and getting hitched in the chapel of Elvis. But if he'd had any idea his joke would become a reality, he would have turned the Jeep around and headed straight to the Howl.

The Zevantis were responsible for Mystic. They were linked to the Renaldis by blood-ties that went back for centuries.

If Mystic ended up with a Were mate who was truly a loner, an outcast, or a renegade, then the Zevantis would feel the sting of shame. And she and Gabe would pay for it-if they survived Hawk.

This time true fear rippled through Gabrielle. She didn't doubt for a minute Hawk was hunting them. He'd made it very, very clear. He intended to be one of Mystic's mates.

Gabrielle left the note for her brother and slipped from the room. It took only a few minutes to learn the address for Fangs and get directions. When she got there she had to park the Jeep several blocks away and walk.

She was surprised to see the long line of people still hoping to get inside the club. They snaked through the parking lot, drinking, laughing, some sitting on jackets as though they already guessed it would be a long time, if ever, before they joined the lucky ones who were inside. It made her laugh. Humans! Who else would wait in line and pay to serve as food and entertainment for vampires?

She and Mystic had cruised through several vampire chat rooms on the Net after Mystic's parents mentioned Fangs while discussing Falcone's sire. But even knowing what to expect, Gabby still found the sight in front of her amazing.

Every human was dressed in black. Some had gone so far as to paint their lips and nails in the same color.

Most sported silver jewelry. And more than a few had cosmetically extended then filed their canine teeth into sharp points.

Gabby ran her tongue over her own very humanlike canines. When she was in her fur, the teeth were essential and her muzzle accommodated them, but in her human skin... She shook her head, amused, amazed, enjoying the adventure-until she remembered the purpose of her visit. Then uneasiness returned with a jarring crash.

She needed to find Mystic. As much as she hated the thought of doing it, she knew she had to convince Mystic to take her new mate and return to the Howl before there was trouble.

Several of the humans whistled at Gabrielle as she passed them. She went directly to where a gorgeous human with long black hair guarded the entrance.

His eyes narrowed slightly when she stopped in front of him. His nostrils flared, taking in her scent-or more likely, feeling the brush of a supernatural's aura against his skin in the same way she felt his tie to a vampire along hers.

She didn't think he was a vampire slave or a companion. And for a moment, she was distracted by him. She'd never been interested in humans, but this one... Even with only one form he was as alpha as any wolf. It oozed from him. It rubbed over her body and stroked between her legs.

One corner of the human's mouth curled upward in an arrogant acknowledgement that he knew his effect on her. Gabrielle ground her teeth together. Her lips pulling back slightly in a silent warning even as her vulva continued to swell and grow slick.

Something moved through his eyes. It made her shiver and wonder if he was a vampire's companion after all. Involuntarily she glanced at his neck. When she didn't see a medallion her stomach tightened at the thought of him being a slave.

"What's your name?" Gabrielle asked, unable to stop herself.

"Altaer. And yours?"

"Gabrielle Zevanti."

"What brings you here? Your kind doesn't usually come to places like this one."

Gabe barely had enough time to shower, dress, find the note Gabby left and start wondering what he should do before all choice was taken from him. He opened the hotel door, intending to get some breakfast, only to find himself on the floor with Hawk's booted foot on his chest.

"Where is she?"

Gabe didn't pretend Hawk was looking for Gabby. He grimaced and the gesture pulled his lips back in a small show of teeth that was the wolf way of saying, I know you're alpha and can kill me. Please don't.

The weight on Gabe's chest grew heavier in silent threat. The expression on Hawk's face was equally full of menace. "Where is she?" he growled, impatience written on every line of his body.

"I don't know, but I can guess."

Gabe's eyes shifted to the bed where he'd left the note. He desperately hoped Hawk would take the hint and read the note for himself. He did not want to be the one who had to tell Hawk about Mystic finding a mate.

For a long minute the room remained deadly silent. Gabe didn't twitch. He tried not to breathe.

Finally Hawk took his foot from Gabe's chest and walked to the bed. Gabe stayed where he was. He figured it was safer that way.

He wasn't an alpha. Hell, he wasn't even close right now. And even if he had been, he'd have thought twice about taking Hawk on-especially when it came to Mystic. He did not have a death wish, ergo, he intended to do nothing that might draw Hawk's attention back to him at this particular moment in time. And if he was very, very lucky, he might just live long enough to one day joke about this.

Hawk growled as he read the note. His fury and frustration raged alongside his sense of urgency and panic.

She'd found one of her mates!

The second would follow quickly. Rarely did much time elapse between the claiming of Angelini mates.

"Get up," he said, wanting to rip Gabe apart for his part in helping Mystic escape. "Take me to where the vampire died."

Roman parked in front of Fangs. His eyes went automatically to the human women still waiting in line. His cock stirred, more out of habit than true desire.

There would be no other for him until he found his mate. There wouldn't be any satisfaction in fucking anyone else, not now.

Mystic. He was sure she was the one he needed to find. Her name whispered through his veins along with the ancient vampire magic and the ghost wolf he'd gained from Syndelle's blood.

He was no friend of the Angelini, save for Sabin's Coronado wife, Richelle. He was no friend of the vampire, despite centuries of being one and despite the fact that only the truly ancient remembered what he had once been.

He'd once been nearly a god to the shapeshifters, not only because of his form, but because he'd been created to destroy vampires and he had done his job well. Back in those days of wild magic and grim survival, all the supernaturals had loathed and feared the vampire. Why wouldn't they? Given a choice between feasting on a mortal or a supernatural, no vampire would pass up the opportunity to gorge on magic-rich blood until nothing remained but an empty husk. The death of their victim was like an after-dinner drink of the best cognac.

Roman ignored the flirtatious looks of those who waited to get into Fangs. His footsteps slowed when he caught sight of the woman talking to Altaer. She was small and beautiful, dark and deadly. She was a lithe predator who was out of place here, as out of place as he would be if vampire magic didn't claim the part of him that took a human shape.

Altaer's question reached him, echoing his own. "What brings you here? Your kind doesn't usually come to places like this one."

The female Were hesitated before answering. Her reply was cautious with so many humans present. "I'm looking for a friend of mine. She has no tattoo but she is a Renaldi and Gian is the sire of her father, Falcone."

Mystic. There was only one child from Falcone's Angelini union.

Pure joy raced through Roman as he glided to a stop next to the female Were. The lion and eagle pressed against his skin. They wanted to acknowledge and be acknowledged by this shapeshifter, the first they could truly greet after centuries of having only the memory of a form, and even then, a combined one. But Roman held that part of himself back. The instinct for survival urged him to move cautiously, if not for his sake, then for Syndelle's.

Even knowing who he had once been, all would wonder how he could now be both shapeshifter and vampire. And there would some, ancient vampires, shapeshifters, and Angelini, who would consider that only the return of the old magic could make it possible.

"Has Mystic been here?" Roman asked, watching as the Were's eyes widened in surprise.

Altaer smiled slightly and stepped away from the door to allow Roman to pass. "Gian's inside."

Gabby felt reluctant to enter Fangs but she was honest enough with herself to admit the reason for her reluctance had everything to do with Altaer and nothing to do with being afraid of supplying some vampire with a meal. Her stomach tightened as she forced herself to move through the door. Her cunt clenched in protest as she forced herself to stop thinking about the human with a vampire blood-tie.

Since she didn't know what Gian looked like it was easier to let the blond vampire lead the way-and probably safer. Gabrielle shivered as she felt hungry eyes follow her. Belatedly she wondered if stepping into the club made her fair game, of a sort.

They skirted the dance floor then moved along the bar, toward a private area. Six people stood talking around a table. Four of them were human though three were young, barely legal. Two were supernatural, a vampire and an Angelini woman. Surprise hit Gabby when the Angelini turned toward them and she saw there was no tattoo.

The golden vampire glided to a stop. His eyes swept over the three young humans before meeting the other vampire's. Something passed between the two men before the dark vampire smiled and gently sent the young humans on their way.

Gabby focused her attention on the Angelini female. She felt a burst of shock when the introductions were made. The Coronado line was as old as the one Mystic came from.

Her attention shifted to Gian and her heart fluttered slightly. Maybe Mystic could ask Falcone's sire about... Gabby grimaced. About a human with a blood-tie to a vampire? Hah. Her pack would probably hunt her if she dared to mate with anyone other than a Were.

With few exceptions, the Renaldi Angelini being one of them, only couplings between full-blooded female Weres and males capable of changing form produced female Were offspring. So pure females were a prize not to be wasted-especially on a human.

Gabrielle shivered as she realized that once again her thoughts had drifted from her purpose in coming to Fangs. Her stomach tightened and she wondered if this was how it had been for Mystic when the Angelini magic presented her with a mate.

Gabby forced herself to meet Gian's gaze. "Mystic called and said she'd been here. She said she'd found a mate, a Were who is also a policeman, someone known to you."

"Augustino?" Roman said, his voice a soft, menacing growl.

It was Skye's human mate, Rico, who answered. "What's this got to do with you, Roman?"

The air around them vibrated with tension as Roman gathered his control at being confronted so soon with the fact he would have to share Mystic. His mind had known it but the deepest part of him, the part created gryphon railed violently against the idea of sharing its mate.

He closed his eyes and let the ancient vampire magic that was both Syndelle's gift and curse seep further into his soul. He let it invade a place he had always kept protected, secret.

The magic was icy hot. Its purpose and will spanned all eternity. But rather than rush in and try to overtake the part of him that was also ancient, it swirled around the gryphon's ghost like a dense fog. It whispered a dark promise that the future was vast, and better things awaited if this path was taken.

The beast shrieked in a piercing eagle's cry even as its chest vibrated with a lion's roar. But in the end it yielded and was seduced by what was to come. It accepted that it would share Mystic.

Roman opened his eyes. He offered his hand to Skye and dropped some of his mental barriers. His smile was genuine when she took his hand and gave a small gasp, recognizing her sister's blood and magic in him.

"I visited with Syndelle. Your sister thinks Mystic Renaldi might be my mate."

This time it was Gabrielle who couldn't suppress a gasp though hers was one of distress. Hawk's features rose in her mind. Could it get any worse?

As quickly as the question arose, she suppressed it for fear of bringing more trouble for Gabe and herself. Their great adventure had rapidly become a nightmare from which she wasn't positive she would ever emerge-much less survive.

Skye's human mate narrowed his eyes while her vampire mate grinned. Gian's eyes danced with amusement and anticipation. But it was Rico who spoke, his frown and tense features indicating where his loyalty was just as clearly as his words did. "If you want to find Augustino and Mystic, then have Gabrielle take you to where they found the dead vampire. Wait for them there."

Roman nodded. He accepted Rico's unspoken warning not to look for the Were and Mystic until after they'd finished mating. It would be foolish to barge into Augustino's territory.

Roman wrapped his hand around Gabrielle's arm. He felt her resistance to helping him but he didn't intend to let it stop him.

"Shall we go?" he asked in a soft purr, reminding himself that she was a friend of his future mate's and needed to be treated accordingly.

Gabby's stomach roiled as Roman led her to the door. Her spirits lifted slightly when Altaer momentarily blocked their way. But then he stepped aside as if he'd received a silent order to let them pass.

She couldn't stop herself from glancing at him once she was secured in Roman's car. The vampire's laugh made her blush and look away.

"Do you often court trouble, little wolf?"

His words made her curious. "What do you mean by that?"

Roman's teeth flashed as white as a wolf's. "Altaer is the scion of Sabatino Licata."

Gabrielle shuddered. Only ancient, old-world vampires used scions. The majority of vampires lost interest in their mortal descendents, especially after several generations had been born and died. The vampires they themselves created became their children, their family. Most had changed with the times and preferred to have companions or humans they could control through blood and money.

Disappointment crowded through her despite the fact she'd been trying to ignore her interest in Altaer all along. Now she knew without a doubt it would be insane to couple with him, even casually.

Altaer was the oldest still-human member of Sabatino's family. He was human now so he could see to whatever family business needed to be taken care of during the daylight hours. But eventually he would become a vampire himself, his destiny determined by a relative who'd been dead centuries upon centuries before Altaer's birth.

"Where to?" Roman asked, interrupting her thoughts.

"Do you have a cell phone?" Gabrielle countered, thinking of her brother.

Roman indicated the glove compartment. "In there."

Gabrielle retrieved the phone and punched in the hotel number only to find Gabe wasn't there. She grimaced. So much for their great plan to delay trouble by getting throwaway phones in Vegas and leaving theirs at home so they couldn't be contacted and ordered back by pack members. With a sigh Gabby left Gabe a message telling him where she was going, but leaving out the part about Roman-at least for now.

Mystic slid from Christian's car and stretched in the near-dawn light. A small feminine smile formed as her body reminded her just how thoroughly she'd been mated. The smile widened when Christian moved around to her side and pulled her against him.

He was aroused. Again.

It was good timing. So was she.

Mystic twined her arms around his neck and rubbed her pelvis against his erection. She stood on her tiptoes so she could tease his lips with her own.

His laugh was husky, satisfied, utterly masculine. It curled deep in her belly and made her womb flutter and her cunt clench.

His tongue licked along the seam of her lips. It teased hers to come out and play.

Mystic shivered. She could feel her labia swelling, parting in invitation. It wanted Christian's kiss just as much as her mouth did.

She sighed softly and pressed more tightly against him. He groaned and deepened the kiss.

His hands roamed over her and pulled at her shirt until he could touch her flesh. They didn't stop moving until his fingers found her tight, hard nipples.

When the need for air drove them apart, Mystic laughed. Her cheeks flushed as she said, "I guess I'm more like Estelle than I knew."

Christian's eyebrows rose in question.

"My mother," Mystic said and the color in her face deepened. "Let's just say she's gotta have it."

Christian laughed softly. His palms rubbed over her nipples. His mouth went to her neck and trailed kisses down to the spot where he'd marked her.

Mystic moaned when his teeth gripped her flesh and sent a jolt of searing heat straight to her clit. "I need you again," she whispered.

"Take off your clothes."

Lust moved through her at his confident command. There was a hint of dominance and dark anticipation in his tone. She shivered. She'd do what he told her to. She'd do so much more if it would entice him to mount her again.

Christian loosened his arms and she stepped back. There was little chance of another car coming down this remote road but she looked around anyway. For a minute her thoughts returned to the Zevanti compound and Hawk, to the Howl she would have been at tonight if she hadn't escaped with Gabe and Gabby.

Nervousness found a familiar spot in her stomach and settled in. Christian's lips once again trailed along her neck. His teeth nibbled at her skin until he found his mark and clamped down, tighter this time, a male's hold on his female. I'll take care of you, Mystic. Always.

She pressed against him, wrapped her arms around his waist and enjoyed his scent, his heat, his protectiveness-his underlying possessiveness. She let the newfound closeness with him chase away her worry.

When the last of her anxiety had faded her hands lingered for a minute. They smoothed over the hard muscles of his back before dropping to his jeans-covered ass, his hips, and around to his abdomen. Her fingers hooked in his waistband and wiggled against his rigid stomach muscles.

Christian growled, a playful sound that made her laugh and look up at his face from underneath her eyelashes. In that instant she wondered why she'd ever thought she wanted sex without a bond, why she'd ever thought she wanted to avoid taking a mate.

She wriggled her fingers again, dancing them teasingly against his flesh until she encountered his penis. It was full and hard and wet.

His cock jerked in greeting. It brushed itself against her fingers.

Mystic smiled when Christian growled again. Despite his earlier command to take off her clothes, she dared to unsnap his jeans and lower his zipper. Her own need to be mounted gave way temporarily to the desire to explore her mate as thoroughly as he'd explored her earlier.

Heat blossomed in her cunt at the sight of his erection. Desire spread like a wolf stretching.

Her breasts grew heavy and her nipples ached. She wanted to rub against his cock. She wanted to lick and suck and pleasure him with her mouth until he came.

Mystic looked up at him from underneath her lashes again. Feminine satisfaction filled her at the sight of his face and the need she saw there. It echoed her own. Amplified it.

She gave in to temptation, sank to her knees and nuzzled his cock. Her cheek brushed against his penis as her mouth sought the mating mark she'd left on his inner thigh. She knew from her own marks just how sensitive the area was, how sensitive it would be from now on. It was an erogenous zone created to enhance the bond and he shuddered when she licked over the bite, teased it with her tongue.

Christian's hands tangled in Mystic's hair. He fought the urge to force her mouth to his cock. He fought to keep from shaking with the desperate need whipping through him. She was burning him alive, making him almost crazed with lust.

A moan escaped and his breath came in panting gasps. "Mystic." It was more a rumble than a word, more a plea than a command.

He felt her smile against his skin. Then her teeth clamped down on his flesh in a reclaiming that made him cry out.

Fierce emotion surged through Mystic as Christian's penis pulsed violently against her cheek. She'd intended to explore his cock, to lick and tease, but now she wanted to eat him up. She wanted to claim him completely. The intensity of his desire and pleasure were flooding their link and ratcheting up her own need. She bit him harder then released the grip on his inner thigh and turned her head.

He bucked when she took as much of his penis into her mouth as she could. He shuddered as she used her hands to manipulate the shaft, to control the depth of his thrusts. He growled as she cupped his heavy testicles and kept him from orgasming while she laved, and sucked, and hungrily pleasured him.

The wildness inside her grew with each of his panting grasps for air, with each of his groans and growled commands. She fought him when he tried to wrench her away from his cock. She thrilled at how he fought himself, torn between the desire to lean her over the hood of the car and thrust into her sheath or to experience the exquisite pleasure of coming in her mouth.

Feminine power swelled inside her, ancient and primitive. In this wild, wicked dance she and Christian were equal partners though one could choose to lead and the other to follow. In that moment she chose to lead, to take him over the edge and hear his cries of release.

Gabe briefly considered delaying the impending confrontation by "getting lost" on one of the nameless, deserted roads that crisscrossed desert and wooded area alike. But loyalty to his pack and an unexpected sympathy for Hawk prevented him from doing it.

He grimaced. Like Hawk needed his sympathy.

If anyone needed sympathy it was Gabby and him. They were going to be in a shitload of trouble over this-even if Hawk succeeded in becoming Mystic's mate.

Gabe shifted uncomfortably in the passenger seat. The silence in the car was getting a little hard to take. He was used to Gabby's chatter and the teasing they directed at one another.

Hawk hadn't spoken more than a handful of words since they left the hotel room. But unfortunately everything Gabe could think of to talk about led back to Mystic and he was not going to speak her name out loud. He was already sweating bullets, silver ones.

What if the Angelini magic didn't choose Hawk? What if Mystic had already found a second mate? Could it get any worse than that?

As quickly as the question arose he suppressed it. He knew the answer to that one.

Oh yeah, it could get worse. Then he'd be lucky if his own pack didn't kill him and give his fur to Mystic's grandparents for use as a doormat.