Wicked White - Page 57/69

“It’s my understanding that you were involved with a certain young woman during your three-month period away from stardom. Can you tell us a little about Iris Easton?”

My heart squeezes at the mention of her name. Even though I’m still angry and hurt by the way she ended things between us, I refuse to drag her any further into the madness that is my life right now. I won’t hurt her chances of landing a Broadway role on her own merits by publicizing our relationship any more than it’s already been. I know how important it is to her to get a role. I don’t want it to be another source of heartbreak for her if she gains a role, only to learn later on that she got it because of me and not because of her remarkable talent.

I shake my head. “I won’t answer any questions pertaining to Ms. Easton.”

Linda Bronson raises her eyebrows, like this surprises her, but she doesn’t press me any more about Iris. “Okay, well, let’s move on to the record label. Have you gotten a chance to speak with Mopar Records since your return a few days ago?”

“My tour manager, Jane Ann, has, yes.”

“And what are they saying?” Linda probes.

I scratch the corner of my mouth, trying to ignore the dry-mouth feeling that’s come over me since this interview started. “My contract still stands. The Wicked White shows that were canceled because of my absence will be rescheduled.”

“Really? Just like that and you’re back in the label’s good graces? They aren’t going to sue you?”

I shake my head. “I’m going to have to work really, really hard to prove to the label that mentally I’m back on track and that they can trust me. If I fulfill my contract, then there’s no reason for them to seek legal action against me. I will, however, be exerting more creative control in the songs Wicked White produces, along with what songs we perform. I’ll be leading the band in a new creative direction.”

“Will you be sticking to the same type of songs that you’ve been producing?”

“No. We will be changing up the sound of Wicked White.”

Linda leans over and lays her hand on my forearm. “I can’t wait to see the direction you go in. Good luck, and I personally wish you the best in your future endeavors.” She turns away from me and faces the camera again. “For Celebrity Pop Buzz Nightly, I’m Linda Bronson.”

The camerawoman cuts the filming, and Linda’s body visibly relaxes as she turns to me. “That was great. I wish you would’ve talked a little about Iris, but it was still good.”

I shake my head as the sound woman reaches in my shirt and unhooks my microphone. “I don’t want to drag her in this any more than I already have.”

She nods. “Iris is such a sweet girl. That girl really loved you.”

I don’t miss the past-tense wording in that sentence. “You don’t think she loves me anymore?”

Linda glances up at me as she leans forward so the sound technician can remove her mic pack from the waistband of her skirt. “Ace, honey, how much longer do you think she’s going to wait around for you? The girl was desperate enough to find you that she allowed me to interview her, even though it was clear that she was uncomfortable. She truly didn’t believe that she had any other way of reaching you, other than through begging for you to contact her on national television. She really put herself out there, and I’m going to bet that you still haven’t called her.”

I frown and my eyes dart down to the ground.

Linda sighs. “That’s what I thought. Don’t worry, though. She’s a smart girl, and she’ll realize that you were with her out of convenience and nothing more. I mean, my God, look at you. You’re insanely attractive, and this new broken bad-boy image will drive the female fans wild. If I didn’t know any better, I would say this was just a brilliant publicity stunt.”

“It’s not like that at all. I’m not . . . I didn’t . . .” I shove my hand through my hair, frustrated that I can’t even seem to communicate how I feel about Iris. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly between pursed lips. “I honestly doubt she wants me around, and if she does, I’m not sure I can take her back after what she said to me.”

“Trust me. She wants you.” Linda stands. “And if I were you, I wouldn’t take too much time figuring that out. I imagine a girl like her won’t stay single long. Some guy will snap her up in a heartbeat if she allows herself to get over you.”

“Linda, we need to move on to the next location,” the camerawoman calls, hurrying her star reporter along.

Linda nods and then gives me a sad smile. “Good luck, Ace. I hope you find whatever it is that you’re looking for and that I don’t have to go on any more wild chases across the country searching for you.”

I swallow down the lump that’s building in my throat as I think about how Linda might just have a point. Iris is a beautiful, intelligent woman who has the voice of an angel. Any man would be a fool if he didn’t instantly fall for her like I did.

As bad as I want to rush back into her life, I know it’s not fair if I can’t give her a realistic timeline when all this label drama will be over. A few more days sorting things out and I’ll go find her. I’ll prove to her that I’m a good man—the kind who will cherish her forever. I’ll show her that I can rein in my emotions and that I can keep myself in check.

Jane Ann steps up next to me with a huge smile. “That was perfect. You had the right emotion and gave just enough details without giving away too much. Gah! Linda Bronson was correct, this will be huge publicity for you.”