Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans - Page 40/58

I rubbed my own forehead. This wasn’t making much sense. But then we were talking paranormals. Freaks. Logic rarely had much to do with our world, even if Ian was always trying to make a case for it.

“I’m trying to remember how I attracted the men I had relationships with in Europe. If I had to put any effort into it.” Lucky opened her eyes and smiled. “Of course I’d had work done before I was turned and was in the best shape of my life, thanks be to God. So I had plenty of success. Men were after me all the time. But I thought, okay, it’s the vampire thing. It’s sexy to flash your fangs. And we have that great libido.” She winked. “Of course men go for a woman who wants it often and likes to get her kink on. I know my way around a bedroom too. I certainly never had any complaints in that department before or after I got my fangs.”

“TMI, Lucky. But I get what you mean.” She didn’t look close to her real age which I knew was pushing fifty. She’d had a top-tier plastic surgeon on speed dial when she’d been mortal so her “work” had been flawless. Now she’d forever look like a midthirties woman in her prime.

Yes, no wonder they called her Lucky. But the fact was our history made me hate being in the same room with her. Ray was going to go ballistic when I told him I was cooperating with her. And I had to get to him fast, before he heard it somewhere else. Two weeks. Was there any way to speed her on her way out of town faster?

“I think my numbers were up in Europe. So the Siren thing could have been working for me.” She adjusted her jacket so that it showed even more cleavage. “But I never stick with one guy for long. My experience with Ray ruined me for long-term relationships. I have trust issues.”

“Oh, please. You know he was forced to break up with you back then. Your father’s goons threatened him.” I would never forget the story of how Ray had almost been castrated by Mr. Carvarelli’s men. Her father had decided the unknown singer wasn’t good enough for his daughter. That incident had convinced Ray to break up with Lucky and leave town without a word of explanation to her. This had been way before Ray had become famous.

“I know that now. I didn’t know it when I was young and in love!” Lucky jerked the scarf off her hair and stuffed it into her purse. “I’ve been trying to get over my issues. Europe was good for me. In the man department anyway. I had my pick and played the field. But I can’t really say I was that much more successful.” She shrugged. “Could have just been the vamp thing. So I’m not sure I’m buying your Siren story.”

“Buy it or not, it’s true. About me anyway. Go by Ian MacDonald’s house. He has a lab there. He can test your blood and see if it matches mine. I have no idea whether you inherited the man magnetism or not. I don’t control stuff like that.” I sighed. “Look. I held up our side of the deal and I need to get out of here. We’re done. I’ll take the rest of the money now.”

“Oh, no. We’re not done. There have to be powers that go with the blood thing. We’re meeting again. After I get MacDonald’s confirmation.” She handed me a business card. “I know where you live. I expect to hear from you soon. And don’t think you’re getting any more money yet. That little tidbit wasn’t worth even the first grand. I want to hear more about this Siren business. Capite?”

The Italian word made my eyes mist as I thought about my buddy Flo, so far away. I could really use her wise advice right now.

Lucky wasn’t finished. “I want your best sire effort for fifty large. And we have a contract. So I don’t want to hear any more about it. You don’t like dealing with me? Tough.”

I stalked over and threw open the door into the shop. “I’ll tell you what’s next, fledgling. As your sire, I call the shots. Now get the hell out. Don’t call me, I’ll call you.”

“Hah! Look who grew a pair. I like the way you’re standing up to me, girlfriend.” Lucky patted me on the shoulder and sauntered toward the cash register. “Ring me up, sales girl.”

“Erin, that scarf Ms. Carver has in her purse is one fifty. Add it to her bill.” I smiled as Lucky narrowed her eyes. “That’s one hundred and fifty dollars, not large at all. And I am not your girlfriend.” I walked into the back room and closed the door. Then I leaned against it. Lucky Carver. God, I hated that woman. She’d called me “girlfriend” and patted my shoulder with Erin as a witness. If Ray heard about that he’d feel so betrayed. I had to get to him. But there would be no way to diffuse the rage he’d feel when he realized she was here, close enough to kill.

I dug my cell out of my purse and dialed his number. We exchanged pleasantries then I got down to business. Could he see me tonight?

“Glory, babe, of course, come on over. Or do you want to meet me at N-V for a drink and dancing?” He sounded sober and happy to hear from me.

“That would be fun another time but I have something serious to talk to you about.” I cleared my throat when nerves seemed to close it. “I’ll be out there as soon as I can.”

“Is it about your meeting with the Storm God? You know I hired your old bodyguard Laurie. She didn’t give me details, of course. She’s discreet. But she did say you had a rough night when I asked her about it.”

“Yeah, I did. I’ll tell you all when I get there.” I ended the call and walked out the back door to my car parked in the alley. No need to get Ray stirred up about Lucky before I had a chance to tell him face-to-face. I dreaded this. But somehow I had to calm him down and get him to accept the fact that I wasn’t betraying him by working with her. Hah! Now if I could just convince myself of that, it would be all good.


When I stopped my car in front of Ray’s house on a cliff overlooking one of Austin’s lakes, I realized I’d forgotten something important. I still wore those awful black clothes. I started to turn around and head home to change when he threw open his front door. He was barefoot, looking too delicious in low-riding jeans and a snug T-shirt that would have brought big bucks on the vintage-band rack in my shop.

“Are you coming in or not?” He grinned and loped over to my car. “What’s the matter? Did you want to put on lipstick first?”

“It wouldn’t be a bad move.” When he opened the car door, I took his hand and let him pull me out. Ray loping. It was just novel enough that I grabbed him and kissed his smile. “You are looking really, really good.”

“Well, thanks. Can’t say I can return the compliment.” He checked me out from head to toe. “What’s up with the outfit? You look like a bag lady. And I know you like the top down but I have a feeling you didn’t bother much with your hair tonight before the ride out here. Your cheeks are red too.”

“Wow. Way to make a girl feel special, Ray.” But since he was right, I just stepped away from him and spoke to Laurie who was hovering near his front door. After he shut it with her still on the outside, I turned to him. “I’m glad you hired Laurie. She’s amazing. You sleep with her yet?” I figured if he could be blunt, so could I.

“I don’t sleep with my bodyguards.” He slung his arm around me. “And I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, babe. Just hate that you’re obviously bummed about something. Come in the living room and tell Ray all about it.”

I leaned against him. “Yeah, I’m bummed. Let me unload on you. You won’t believe what the Storm God told me.” I sank down on his leather couch so that I had a view of the lake. I knew far down below us there was probably a boat tied up at the dock; Ray always had one—a real go-fast. Lights twinkled in the distance along the edges of the large expanse of water and it was a dreamy setting. I turned to Ray as he settled beside me and I gave him a dramatic version of the whole tale.

“Sounds like you’re well out of that Siren scene. Not surprised Aggie’s killed that many men. She’s exactly what I thought she was—a stone-cold bitch.”

“Yeah, well, I sort of feel sorry for her now. She’s got to keep serving that guy. And has been at his beck and call for over a thousand years. Imagine, Ray.” I sighed as he rubbed the back of my neck where my muscles were tied in knots.

“Rather not.” He turned me so he could work the kinks out. “Relax, babe. You are so stressed. And no wonder. What did Blade think of this? And Valdez?”

“I’ll get to them in a minute.” I gave him a blow-by-blow of Achy tossing around lightning bolts and Circe’s appearance, along with the bombshell she’d dropped about Jerry and how we’d met.

Ray’s magic hands had relaxed me to the point that I’d gone along when he’d coaxed me into lying on my stomach. Now his hands stilled and he pressed a kiss on the back of my neck. “You’re shittin’ me. She set Blade up?”

“Yeah.” My voice wobbled but I sucked up the urge to cry.

“Guess he didn’t take it well.” Ray’s hands started moving over my body again.

“You could say that.” I sighed as his hands eased aches I hadn’t realized I had. “Jerry’s gone to Castle Campbell in Scotland. Enough said.”

“I’m sorry, sweet thing.” Ray’s deep voice was close and he nuzzled my ear with his lips before he continued easing every taut muscle in my back.

“Thanks.” I rested my heavy head on my hands, getting more relaxed by the moment. “Mmm. You know you could get a job doing this.” I actually yawned.

“Record sales tank, I’ll keep it in mind.” Ray’s fingers wandered to new territory that I knew was more erogenous zone than tight muscle. “What are you going to do about it? About Blade?”

“Can we change the subject?” I started to steer his hand away from the naughty direction it was taking but it felt too good. “I’m sick of my own drama. Tell me what you’ve been up to.”

“Staying sober, though it hasn’t been easy. But I have to admit I got scared straight.” Now both his hands were getting a little too bold. Sue me, but they felt good enough that I swallowed any objections and let Ray have his way.