Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans - Page 57/58

“Yes, but not by my hand. It was my clever way of getting rid of you without actually doing the deed directly, you see.” Achelous glanced up at the sky too. Looking for eavesdroppers? “Not clever enough. Because here you are, damn you.”

“Get to the point, Achy. Why can’t you kill me?” Was I crazy? I should just be glad someone had put limits on this megalomaniac and figure out a way to disappear while I had the chance.

“Did you ever wonder where Sirens come from, Gloriana?” He said the words conversationally.

“Uh, no. I guess I figured they were like all creatures that go bump in the night. They just are. No one tries to explain Olympus or the kind of action you just put me through. Hell, even vampires are the stuff of nightmares and fairy tales.”

Achelous laughed. “Nightmares indeed. Gods, I couldn’t believe it when you showed up with Aglaophonos after centuries. It was like a cruel joke.”

“Yeah, it was really funny how you left me in the mortal world with no memories or resources.” I really hated the man’s arrogance.

“Without resources?” Before I could stop him, he grabbed my hand. His fingers were warm, almost hot. I guess from tossing around lightning bolts. Was he revving up for more torture? I snatched my hand back and saw sparks fly but he let me get away with it. I did try to read his mind but hit a stone wall.

“If I had any resources, I sure don’t remember them.”

“Gloriana, I left you your Siren’s beauty and body, though I couldn’t resist adding a little extra in a few places.” He laughed when I looked down at my hips. “A god’s got to have some fun. I planted memories for you of a mortal family too, religious zealots. How did you like that?”

“Glad you could amuse yourself.” Bastard. I sent this mental message but he just grinned.

“Before I’d been away from you for more than a human fortnight you had a man taking care of you, in love with you.” Achelous quit smiling. “Mortal fool.”

“My husband.” I remembered the young actor who’d taken me off the streets and adored me. But he’d died so soon and of a freak accident. Or had it been an accident? My heart seemed to roll over in my chest and I felt sick. “Did you kill him?”

“Naturally. You were supposed to suffer, Gloriana.” Achelous’s eyes were cold as they swept over me.

How easily he spoke of taking an innocent man’s life. I felt chilled and wanted to slap his face. I came to my senses but couldn’t hold my tongue. “All this because I didn’t have the stomach for the killing? Is that the acid test for you?”

“Of course!” He jumped up. “As soon as I was satisfied that you were alone and starving I really did leave you to your fate. I had no idea Circe took a hand in things after that and sent you a vampire to make you immortal.” He looked down at me and shook his head. “I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you here, by this lake, still alive hundreds of years later. Meddling bitch.”

“I’m glad Circe got the better of you. She saved me and now she’s taking your Sirens away from you. What you did to me proves you’re not fit to have them, Achelous.” I felt his power wash over me as he frowned down at me. The hairs on my arms stood on end and the wind began to howl. “You going to strike me down for telling it like it is?” I braced myself.

“I probably could kill you now and get away with it. The Siren part of you has been polluted by your years as a blood sucker. God, you even have fangs.” He stepped back and raked me with a look that should have incinerated me. But he was holding back for some reason.

“Polluted? Thanks a heap. Yes, I’m vampire. I won’t apologize for that. And you’re a god who can manipulate people as you wish. What you did to me…” I turned to look out over the lake. “Do you know I can’t bear to even stick my toe in that water without fear?” I looked at him. “And I can’t sing a simple song and stay in tune.” I sighed. “You already killed some of the best parts of me, Achelous.”

Achelous threw out his hand and shot lightning at the nearest tree. It broke in two and burst into flames. He towered over me and for a minute I wondered if he was about to finish the job. I gritted my teeth, fangs down, thinking that I’d sink them into his neck and make him bleed before I’d stand here and just take it.

“Zeus’s armpit, but you’ve turned into a disgusting hag. I blame it on your living in the mortal world for so long. Remember this.” Achelous rested his hands on my shoulders and I felt electricity sizzle through my body in an excruciating arc. Smoke actually came out of my toes and I could smell my hair burning. “You are a daughter of Olympus. That and only that has bought you your life tonight.”

My teeth clicked together and it was a moment before I could speak. When I finally managed a breath, I tried to jerk away from him.

“What do you mean?” The sky was full of roiling clouds and I shivered in the chill wind.

Achelous suddenly shoved me away, his own legs firmly planted in the sand. He was the picture of strong male and utterly merciless. “I’ve said enough. Get the hell out of here before I decide to take my chances and end you now, Gloriana.”

I scrambled to put more distance between us. “Okay then. And thanks. For kicking me to the curb.” Before he could decide to fry me with another lightning bolt, I pulled together what little strength I had left and shifted into bird form. Then I flew out of there as fast as my wings could carry me.

I kept expecting to be shot out of the sky, well-done before I hit the ground. Instead, I actually made it across the lake and landed not far from Ray’s house in the woods near the shore. I spotted my tiger friend prowling the grounds.

“You okay?” Laurie shifted and stood beside me while I got back to human form. It took me a while because I was at pretty low tide on the energy scale.

“Okay? Um, let me check. In one piece. Yes. Still sizzling. Kind of. Achy did a number on me but he let me live. All in all it was pretty intense.” I smiled at her. “Thanks for coming to the rescue.” I felt my hair and came away with some pieces that were toasted. I was obviously going to need a trim before I traveled anywhere.

“You handled it pretty well on your own. And, I’m sorry I abandoned you, but I was under orders I had to obey. I felt horrible leaving you there.” She clapped me on the back so hard I staggered. “Let me make it up to you. Ray says you’re headed out of town. Need backup?”

“No, I’m good. Did he send you? Across the lake?”

“No, he never heard a thing. Too into his music. Circe called me. I left Will in charge of Ray and took off.” Laurie shrugged. “Guess you must have figured out that I’m hers to command. I don’t exactly advertise that fact so keep it to yourself.”

“Sure. We all have secrets. Keep an eye on Ray while I’m gone, will you?” I sighed, the idea of flying back to my apartment absolutely exhausting.

“Glad to. And if you want a ride tonight, I’ve got a car parked a block away.” She grinned. “Yes, I read your thoughts. Come on.”

When we were in the car, Laurie glanced over at me. “You look terrible and you lost a lot of blood. I never saw anything like what Achelous did to you, Glory. Stabbed with lightning. Ouch.”

“Yeah. It wasn’t exactly a walk in the park.” I sighed and leaned back in the seat.

“You’re drained.” She held out her wrist. “Here. Help yourself.”

“Are you kidding me?” I had to admit my fangs had been down since I’d landed next to her. Hot shifter blood.

“I can take it. Got to warn you, my stuff is high-octane.” Laurie grinned. “It’ll rev your engine.”

“Then I’m not saying no.” I picked up her wrist and took a whiff. Hello. “Promise to pull me off if I get carried away.”

“You got it.” Laurie didn’t even blink when I sank my fangs into her vein.

Oh, sweet Heaven but she’d been right. High-octane and I could feel the power flowing into me with each swallow. It was a matter of will to ease away from that fountain and lick the punctures closed. Were-tiger. And plugged into Olympus. Oh, yeah, there was something extra here.

“Thanks.” I sighed with contentment as Laurie started her car and headed to Sixth Street.

“No problem. You really let Achelous have it tonight. Watching you two go at it, I admired your guts.” She laughed. “Or figured you were suicidal.”

“I was just really, really steamed. I kept having these flashbacks, seeing the things I’d had to do with him, for him, horrible things.” I shuddered. “No woman should have to live like that. The Sirens were abused for too long.”

Laurie nodded. “Circe says there’s a Siren treasure. You did work for Achelous for a thousand years and change. Seems like that should have earned you a little compensation. Not promising anything, those gods and goddesses do like their gold, but you might have something coming to you later. The wheels of justice will turn slowly and Zeus will have to pry it out of Achy’s hands, you know. But Circe says she’s going to try to get you a little severance pay.”

“No kidding? Thank her for me.”

“She owes you, Glory. You don’t think she took the Sirens on because of girl power, do you?” Laurie smiled wryly. “It was all about the gold.”

“Wow. So Achelous…?”

“He’ll be after some of it as reparation. The Olympus CPAs will be very busy over this whole deal.”

“Interesting.” I sighed. “Well, if a little of it comes my way, I’ll be thrilled but obviously I won’t hold my breath. Thanks for letting me know. And thanks for the backup.” I hugged Laurie when she let me out at the apartment building. When I got upstairs I had a visitor waiting.

Aggie sat on the top step. “Girlfriend, that was some tough talk you pulled out of your ass tonight.” She jumped up and threw her arms around me. “The sisters sent me to tell you we’re in your debt.”