Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs - Page 48/63

Two hours later we were back at the hotel. Neither of us had been much in a party mood after the confrontation with Chip. We’d put in a token appearance at a big bash at a hotel ballroom for the Grammy nominees. There had been so many famous people there I’d gotten whiplash from gawking. Now we headed up to the suite. I’d called Flo from the limo and she was meeting me there to help me decide which dress to wear on the green carpet tomorrow night. I couldn’t really get excited about it. Not with Ray in a funk.

“You’re awfully quiet, Ray.” I leaned against the elevator wall to take the pressure off my aching feet.

“I’m going to wake up Nate and ask him about my contract.”

“It’s pretty late.” The doors opened and I pushed myself up and out to head down the hall.

“Tough.” Ray pulled out the key card and opened the door when we got there. “I need some answers.”

Valdez sat in front of the TV, his paw on the remote. He was fast, but not fast enough.

“Pay-per-view mud wrestling?” I looked at Ray.

“You’re reimbursing me for that, asshole.” Ray stalked over to Nathan’s door.

“He’s got company. She’s noisy. That’s why I had the TV on.”

“Tough shit.” Ray pounded on the door. “Nate, I need to talk to you. Now.”

After a tense two minutes, Nate opened the door a crack. “Not a good time, bro.”

Ray grabbed Nate’s arm and jerked his best friend into the living room. His naked best friend.

“Ray!” I turned my back. Oh, boy. Nate’s hours in the gym had sure paid off. There was a mirror across the room and I realized I still had an excellent view.

Ray glanced at me and handed Nate a throw pillow. “Cover yourself. Glory’s getting off to this.”

“Am not.” I couldn’t hide my grin, though, as I sat on the couch and kicked off my shoes.

“What the hell is this about?” Nate looked longingly back at his dark bedroom, then closed the door. “I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

“Too damned bad.” Ray frowned. “I met Chip Rollins tonight. We discussed my contract.”

“Oh, yeah?” Nate picked up another pillow and covered his nicely toned tush.

“Yeah. Seems Chip owns me. His word. Why the hell would you make a deal like that for me, Nate?” Ray paced the floor. “And, news flash, Chip is a vampire.”

“The hell you say.” Nate fumbled his pillows for a breathless moment, then regained control. “No freakin’ way.”

“Ray!” I couldn’t believe he’d just ignored Chip’s warning. And if he didn’t think Chip would read Nate’s mind the next time they met, he was crazy. Ray had just put Nate in incredible danger. I didn’t say anything else, though. One crisis at a time.

“I’m not Chip’s property, Glory. Nate knows what I know.” He frowned and shook his head. “But obviously that doesn’t go both ways, does it, Nate?”

“I did the best I could for you, Ray.” Nate dropped the back end pillow to put his hand on Ray’s shoulder. “I was up against a wall. Your drinking was getting out of hand and everyone in the music business had heard the rumors. Sales were flat on your last album and reviewers called the work sloppy. The only hit to come out of the thing was the duet with Sienna Star, and that’s because the woman’s a perfectionist and you know it. That’s why we’re here at the Grammys this year.”

Ray jerked away from Nate and strode over to the open doors at the balcony. “No one said anything to me about all this.”

“Not that you remember anyway.” Nate glanced back at me, then followed him to the doorway. “Ray, there were no other offers. You want to make records and, without a major label backing you, there’s no distribution. Chip’s got that all locked up. You have to work with him.”

“Thanks a lot.”

“No, man, this is good news. Don’t you see? The Chipster will understand your condition. Am I right, Glory?” Nate looked to me to back him up.

I got up and walked to Ray’s other side. “That’s what Chip said, Ray.”

“Yeah, right before he started issuing orders and making threats.”

“Now, Ray, I don’t think he exactly ordered you not to deal with MacDonald.” Though I wished he had.

“He threatened you? And who’s MacDonald?” Nate looked at me, then Ray.

“Never mind. Go back to your playmate. Screw your brains out.” Ray frowned at me. “At least one of us is getting some. Aw, fuck it!” In a flash, he changed and flew off the balcony in bat form.

“Ray!” I screamed. “I’ve got to go after him.”

“The hell you say.” Valdez jumped in front of me. “Not a chance.”

“He can’t go out alone in that mood. He might do something crazy.” I wiped at my wet cheeks. Stupid to cry for Ray. He was going to have to get over his disappointments. But if he was going out to MacDonald’s, I was going with him.

“You’re not going. Is Flo coming here?” Valdez bumped me back from the balcony railing.

“Yes, but what difference does that make? It’ll be too late to follow Ray then. I have to go now or I’ll lose his scent.”

“Aw, shit. Stay here. Do not leave.” And in a blur, Valdez shifted into a bat and flew off the balcony in the same direction Ray had taken.

“Wow. What was that about?” Nate gave up on modesty and gripped the railing to squint into the dark.

Good luck trying to see either Ray or Valdez. I had excellent vamp night vision and it was obvious to me that they were long out of sight. I just hoped Valdez caught up with Ray. I sighed and walked back to the couch.

“Ray wants to see daylight again. This vampire named MacDonald claims he has a magic formula that can make that possible. I’m afraid that’s where Ray’s going. To buy some of those drugs.” I slumped in my seat and put my feet on the coffee table.

“That sounds dangerous.” Nate was back in pillow mode and easing toward his bedroom. “You won’t let Ray do anything stupid, will you, Glory?”

“I’m trying my best, Nate, but he’s a man. Men do what they want. Am I right?” Just then I heard a woman speak Nate’s name from the bedroom. “Go, your booty call is getting anxious. Oh, and I’m expecting company. So would you keep it down? I’d hate for Flo to be embarrassed.” I said that with a straight face.

“Right. Sorry. I should have taken this downstairs to her room. There’s still time . . .”

“No, carry on.” I waved my hand, my voice rough with tears I struggled not to shed. I cleared my throat. “I’m just playing with you. We’ll be in my bedroom. If we hear anything, we’ll just turn the TV on loud.”

Nate hurried out of the room and I gave in and actually shed a few tears. First for Ray because I felt like I’d failed him. Chip was right. A good mentor would have taught Ray to appreciate his new vampire powers, not obsess about what he couldn’t have. And how about Valdez? I couldn’t believe he’d taken off after Ray like that. He’d done it for me, because he sure didn’t care if Ray flew into the sunrise or not. When the knock came at the door and I realized Flo had arrived, I blew my nose and forced a smile. I didn’t want her walking in on this sobfest.

“What is this? Why are you sad?” Flo gave me a hug. “Where is your bodyguard? I don’t think I ever see you by yourself.”

“He went after Ray, who is upset and just took off. No guards, nothing.” I took a shuddery breath. “Stupid idiot. I hope I never have to mentor another new vampire. They are nothing but trouble.”

“You’ve got that right, girlfriend. I sure won’t do it.” Flo took my arm and pulled me to the bedroom. “Look at you. You bought the green dress after all? It looks great on you. And a six. You are so skinny!”

I couldn’t believe I didn’t care. Hadn’t even weighed in for the last few hours. No point. The waistband was cutting into me and I couldn’t wait to get out of this beautiful dress. Oh, God, I was not going to cry again. Wait. Really, I wasn’t going to cry. Gee, maybe I was actually getting over my body image obsession.

“I didn’t buy the dress. Ray bought it for me. To wear to the parties tonight. He was so proud of me.” Oops. Another little crying jag. Stupid. I wiped my eyes and blew my nose.

Flo patted my shoulder. “He’s smart. He knows you did this to look good for him. For tomorrow night. Now, show me these three dresses. Do you like them? Is one your favorite?”

“I like all three of them. Each one has something special about it.” I pulled the first garment bag out of the closet. “And I didn’t lose the weight for Ray; I lost it for myself. It made me feel great. For about five minutes anyway.” I unzipped the bag. The first dress was the black one that would work even when I gained the weight back. Good thing.

“Pretty. Black is always elegant. Try it on.” Flo got busy inspecting the shoes and purse while I pulled the jewelry out of the safe. “Oh, these are real. Can you keep them?”

“No, they’re on loan. Ray talked about buying me something, but I won’t let him.” I sniffed and then decided enough of that. I glanced at the clock. The men had been gone less than an hour. How long did a temper tantrum take anyway? Had Valdez just trailed Ray or had he confronted him and tried to force him to come back? They both had been itching for a fight. Maybe they’d pounded each other and worked off some steam. Oops. More tears. No, not happening. I sucked it up and slipped into the black dress.

“Pants? The designer made you pants?” Flo walked around me. “Cute. But I don’t think so. Not for such a big night. But that’s just my opinion. What does Israel say?”

“He doesn’t say. I haven’t asked him yet. But his first reaction was just like yours. No pants.” I loosened the belt. Oh, hell, I hadn’t gone through all of this just to give up now. I needed one more night of skinny and I didn’t have a nighttime supplement. Ian might have called and I’d turned off my cell at the parties. And Jerry. Had he tried to call me? I’d been so wrapped up in the Ray drama, I hadn’t given a thought to what was going on with the Campbell Clan. I grabbed my purse and turned on my cell. One message.