Phenomenal X - Page 28/75

Aunt Dee glances up from the pudding she’s making on the stove. “Even Alice?”

“Well…” I grimace. “Everyone but her.”

“Aye, when will that chica ever learn to lighten up? Even evil needs a holiday.”

I laugh. “You sound like Quinn.”

“Ah, correction. You mean Quinn sounds like me.”

Quinn struts into the kitchen in her pajamas, raking her fingers through her long, dark locks. “I sound just like what?”

“Me,” my aunt clarifies.

Quinn pulls some grapes from the fridge and pops one into her mouth. “Definitely not. You won’t catch me making pudding at nearly midnight. You’re a weirdo.”

Aunt Dee chuckles as she pours the pudding into a glass bowl. “A creative mind is always a strange one, honey.”

Quinn pulls herself up on the counter and dangles her long legs as she eats her grapes. “Ma, guess what? I already got Anna to admit she wants to shag Mr. Sexy.”

My mouth instantly drops open, and Quinn winks at me before she pops another grape into her mouth. I’m never going to get used to how open she is with Aunt Dee.

“Oh, good choice Anna. I peeked outside when he dropped you off last night. He’s a handsome one, that one is.” Aunt Dee licks the spoon before tossing it into the sink. “When are you seeing him again?”

My shoulders sag. “I don’t know. He came into Larry’s today, but things didn’t go so well.”

She tilts her head and pokes out her bottom lip. “I’m sorry, baby. Maybe it’ll all work out. If he’s smart, he’ll see what a catch you are and come to his senses.”

“That’s the thing. I’m pretty sure that’s all he wants—to catch me.”

Aunt Dee walks across the kitchen and stops in front of me. Her dainty hand pats my cheek. “I wouldn’t be so sure. A man like him doesn’t have to work hard for women. He sees something special in you, or else he wouldn’t have put in this much effort.”

I give her a sad smile. “He told me he doesn’t get serious with women.”

“Maybe he’s not ready to allow himself to have feelings for you, but if he gets to know you, he’ll feel different. You’re impossible not to love.” She kisses my cheek, and for the first time in a long time, I feel unconditionally loved. There’s no judgment from her when I tell her about my issue with Xavier. Instead, she encourages me to hold on to hope. “Anna, please at least think about calling your father. He misses you.”

I nod even though I have no intentions of speaking to him yet. “Okay.”

She pats my cheek. “Goodnight, girls.”

The moment my aunt locks herself in her room, the unmistakable sound of a motorcycle rumbles to a stop outside.

Quinn grins. “One guess who that is?”

I suck in my bottom lip, trying to hide my grin as I dash to the front door and pull it open just as Xavier steps onto the concrete stoop. “Hi.”

His blue eyes flash in surprise. I’m sure the way we left things earlier has him wondering why I’m suddenly so happy to see him. It’s amazing what a little soul searching and a shove from your family can accomplish.

“Hey, Anna. I…um…shit.”

Xavier rubs the back of his neck and looks away as if he needs a moment to regain his composure before his eyes are able to meet mine again. “I had fifty different speeches prepared for you. I practiced on the way over, but none of them sounded like good enough apologies. Nothing I can say will make what I said any less shitty, but I am sorry. I just thought you should know.”

For some reason I’m getting the impression that this is a huge step for Xavier. It’s good to know he’s at least recognized that there’s enough of a connection between us for it to matter that he’s hurt my feelings. I’m sure the word “sorry” isn’t one that he says a lot.

The sudden need to comfort him overwhelms me and I reach out and touch the warm skin on his bulging forearm. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have pushed you.”

His lips pull into a tight line. “Don’t do that.”

“What?” I ask, completely surprised and immediately jerk my hand away. This isn’t exactly the reaction I imagined when I apologized in return.

Xavier’s eyes soften. “You were right to say what you said. I know I use women, and I’m sure that’s probably what you think I want to do with you, so don’t apologize for standing up for yourself. Never allow yourself to be used, or be forced into something you don’t really want. Don’t apologize for asking for respect. You deserve it.”

I stand a little taller. “Okay. I’ll remember that for next time.”

His mouth pulls into a one-sided sexy grin. “Next time? Are you saying we’re still friends?”

I laugh and roll my eyes. “Yes, as long as our friendship rules still apply.”

“Good.” He grabs my hand without warning or apology, and pulls me toward his bike. “Then we’re going for a ride.”

I pull the door closed behind me and follow him down the path.

This is crazy.

I’ve never known anyone to have a friendship like this. I shouldn’t let this go on, because I know he’s going to end up breaking my heart. If he keeps being so sweet to me, I will fall for him. No question. I know myself well enough to know that if this continues it will end badly for me, but I don’t have the willpower to turn him away. I want to be near him, even if it’ll never mean as much to him as it does to me.