Phenomenal X - Page 61/75

Xavier crouches down, and I jump as fireworks shoot up from the stage surrounding him. More smoke clouds around him as he jumps up and throws his shoulders and head back as a loud howl erupts from his mouth.

My God.

My breath catches. He looks like a warrior ready for battle, not a guy about to take on a friend in the ring. Xavier is one hell of an actor, because even I believe him.

He struts down the ramp and makes his way over to the side of the aisle I’m standing on. Rowdy fans pat his shoulders as he walks by them, heading right toward me.

His dark hair appears even darker because it’s wet. He must have poured water over his head backstage at some point. Water speckles his shoulders as he stops in front of me and leans in over the railing to kiss my cheek for a second, allowing the camera crew to get a good shot of our brief moment of intimacy before he continues his march to the ring.

“The following match is scheduled for one fall,” the man in the ring announces. “Making his way to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing two hundred and sixty-five pounds, he is…Phenomenal X!”

I scream at the top of my lungs as Xavier pulls himself onto the ring and slips through the red ropes.

Liv elbows me. “Listen to that crowd. They love him.”

“I can see why. He’s amazing,” I say in a dreamy tone as I watch Xavier climb up the turnbuckles of the ring and flex his arms and howl.

There isn’t a whole lot of time between Xavier’s music and another song being played. It’s song with a very thick Latino sound, and the heavy bass beat pounds around the arena.

Brian pushes through the curtain, and Liv cheers and encourages Kami to do the same for her daddy as he flexes his pectoral muscles, making them bounce to the beat. The championship belt gleams against the flash of the stage lights, and it’s hard to miss the charisma of this man. I laugh as he makes his way down the ramp and winks in Liv’s direction.

The announcer introduces Xavier’s opponent. “Making his way to the ring, from Miami, Florida, weighing two hundred and forty pounds, he is…Brian ‘Razor’ Rollins!”

Pandemonium erupts as Brian’s playful expression turns serious the moment he steps into the ring with Xavier and then holds the belt in the air. Both men stare each other down, making the crowd believe that they hate each other.

Bright lights flick back on overhead and a bell rings. Xavier and Brian circle each other, and I hold my breath. I don’t like the idea of the two of them hurting each other. I know it’s their job, but that doesn’t make it easy to watch.

Brian and Xavier step toward each other at the same time and lock up. It appears pretty evenly matched until Brian twists around and catches Xavier in a headlock.

Brian grabs his other wrist and grunts as he pulls his arm tighter around Xavier’s neck. Xavier’s arms flail about wildly for a second, but then he punches Brian in the ribs. Brian’s grasp loosens, and Xavier turns around in time to clothesline his opponent.

A collective, “Ohh,” echoes through the massive room as Brian falls down to the mat. Xavier doesn’t waste any time climbing to the top of the corner rope, standing tall as he towers over the ring. Camera flashes go crazy as Xavier stretches his arms out and sends his body flying toward Brian.

Brian kicks his leg in the air just as Xavier comes down on him, landing against the left side of Xavier’s jaw.

Xavier grunts and lands on the mat next to Brian. Both men remain motionless for a moment, and then Brian begins to crawl toward Xavier, ready to cover him for the pin.

Brian hooks his elbow around Xavier’s leg the referee falls down to the mat, and smacking it as he counts.

“One!” the crowd chants along with the referee.


The count is interrupted as Assassin flies through the crowd, hopping over the barricade and sliding into the ring. As soon as Rex is able to stand, he begins attacking Brian, ripping him off Xavier.

Liv gasps beside me and covers her mouth as the bell from the ring begins sounds, signaling the end of the match.

“What is it?” I question, thoroughly confused as to why she’s upset. “Isn’t everything choreographed?”

“This isn’t a part of the show. That asshole, Rex, has gone rogue.”

My eyes widen as I direct my attention back to the ring. The moment Xavier realizes what’s happening, he jumps to his feet.

Rex wastes no time sliding back out of the ring and walking backwards up the ramp while Xavier stares him down.

There’s a cocky smile on Rex’s face like he’s just rained on Xavier’s parade and enjoyed it immensely.

“Winner of this match due to disqualification, and still the heavy-weight champion…Brian ‘Razor’ Rollins!” the same announcer calls out.

“I don’t understand. What just happened?”

Liv frowns. “Xavier was supposed to win the belt from Brian tonight.”

I gasp as my eyes flick back up to the ring where Xavier is kneeling beside Brian talking to him along with a doctor.

“Can Assassin do that?”

Liv shrugs. “He just did. Now the shit is gonna hit the fan. That asshole had better not have hurt Brian. We need to get backstage so I can check on him when he goes back there.”

I follow Liv to the backstage area and instantly we’re surrounded by loud chatter as the other wrestlers are trying to figure out what in the hell just happened. Rex is nowhere to be seen, but his is the name on everyone’s lips.