Phenomenal X - Page 72/75

“We could practice that kiss first, if you’d like?”

He waggles his eyebrows at me, and my stomach turns.

“Dream on.”

I shove out of my chair and head for the door without a backwards glance.

Once I’m out in the hallway, I rub my forehead vigorously. How am I going to tell Xavier? He’ll lose his mind.

I head into the weight room—the one place I know I can count on finding Xavier. The man loves to push his body to the limits. Never in my life have I known a man as strong as him.

Xavier holds a bar in his hands, three large weights on each side, and his shoulders tweak up and down. I’ve learned during my time with him in here that this kind of training works his shoulders.

I sit on the bench in front of him, watching him work. After he finishes his reps, he sets the bar down and steps over it.

He plants his lips on mine. “Hey, beautiful, where were you?”

“With the writers,” I tell him honestly.

He twists his lips. “What did they want?”

I take a deep breath. “They gave me a character name.”

Xavier chuckles as he sits next to me and wipes his face with a towel. “What is it?”

I roll my eyes. “Anna Sweets.”

He laughs. “That’s fitting. Is that all they wanted?”

I shake my head and frown.

He slides his index finger under my chin and gazes into my eyes. “What did I say about frowning?”

My frown deepens. I can’t help it. I don’t want to tell him the truth, but I know I have to. It’s not like I can exactly keep this from him. “They wrote a storyline for me…and it involves a love triangle with Rex.”

“What?!” The roar in his voice is unmistakable, and I jump.

Instantly, he’s on his feet and although I grab his wrist, attempting to calm him down, it’s no use. I see the rage building in his eyes. “Please, calm down. Is there anyway we can get out of this?”

“You told them no, right?”

My mouth instantly goes dry. “I couldn’t.”

Pain flickers across his face. “Couldn’t, or wouldn’t?”

“Xavier…how…? I didn’t…do you think I want Rex?” I ask, flabbergasted that he could ever think that about me.

“It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been used by a woman, just to get ahead around here.” The coldness in his voice is unmistakable.

“Whether you believe it or not, I mean it when I tell you that I love you. I love you so much that it kills me to even think about being away from you. That’s why I agreed. Vicky told me that if I didn’t I would be fired and banned from coming backstage with you.” My voice shakes as my emotions threaten to get the best of me.

Xavier runs his hand through his hair. “This is horse shit!”

Before I can say anything else he darts out of the room.

By the time I get to the door, the hallway is empty. I head to the right and search every single room. After about ten minutes of searching I turn around and head in the opposite direction.

Five minutes later I find myself back at the catering room. I glance inside and start to turn away when out of the corner of my eyes I spot Xavier, only he isn’t alone.

Xavier stands beside the wall while Deena leans against it. My stomach clenches as I take in their seemingly intimate stance with one another.

Deena peers over Xavier’s shoulder and notices me standing there watching. To add salt in the wound she runs her hand down his bicep.

Xavier’s eyes widen as soon as he spots me.

Before I can stop myself, I storm over there and fling Deena’s hand off of him. “Keep your filthy slut fingers off of him!”

Deena raises her hands in surrender. “I’m not fighting you. I’m with the next champion now. You can have X for all I care.”

“Then remember that, and stay the hell away from him,” I say through gritted teeth. “Leave.”

Deena’s stare meets the challenge in my eyes. Finally, she huffs and then practically runs out of the room without a fight.

I’ve never been jealous like this before. I guess I don’t share well either.

I begin backing away from him, and he reaches for me, but I quickly swat his hand away.

“Anna! Wait!”

I don’t want to hear his explanation. I know what I saw.

I storm down the hall toward the exit, but he catches my wrist and spins me to face him before I can make it outside.

“Leave me alone, Xavier!” I order.

“No,” he says sternly.

“How could you?”

Xavier catches me in his arms, halting my escape.

“Leave me alone,” I demand again and shove against his chest.

His jaw muscle flexes beneath his skin as he attempts to hide the emotion in his face. “Don’t you see that I can’t?”

“Why?” I plead.

Can’t he see I just need to get away?

I can’t deal with him…this…the entire situation.

He grips my shoulders, and his gaze locks with mine. “You’re the one, Anna. The dream I’ve always been chasing. You make me feel whole. I’m addicted to your light. Please—” There’s a noticeable break in his voice. “Please, don’t take that away from me. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You give me hope that I can be a better man, because I see myself through your eyes. Give me a chance to be that man.”