Real Vampires Get Lucky - Page 32/60

"Not arguing. Think about it. Lucky's probably had dozens of lovers since then. What's the big deal?" I couldn't take my eyes off Israel. So unfair. Then Valdez nudged me with his nose. "Okay. I'll keep reading. 'Last night I had my chance. When I saw him in the lobby of our hotel, he was surrounded by his usual groupies, who are barely legal. Ray pretended he didn't see me. Bastard.' "

"Hell, I wouldn't want to see that bitch again either." Valdez sniffed Ray again. "This is Steve's work."

"Of course it is. Lucky wouldn't know how to turn anyone vampire. Listen. 'Etienne read my mind and saw how hurt I was. He said he'd help me teach Ray a lesson. We went to Ray's suite an hour before dawn, used the whammy to get in and took care of Ray for good. Obviously I didn't want to kill him. Too easy.' " I took a shaky breath. She'd actually thought about killing Ray? What she'd done was bad enough, but to end his life . . . Well, okay, she'd done that too. Boy, she'd been smart to send a letter, because if I could get my hands on her now, she'd be dead meat. I don't care how many bodyguards or goons she had around her.

"Man, obviously you really don't want to make Lucky Carver mad."

"You don't want to make me mad, either, puppy. Lucky's not getting away with this." I blinked until I could focus again. " 'Ray loves the sun. He spends all his free time on his boat or his private island in the Bahamas. With Etienne helping me, I made sure Ray will never see the sun again. Too bad Etienne tells me that his tan won't fade.' " Poor Ray. I ran my fingers through Ray's hair again with silent apologies to Blade. Hey, I'm only human, sort of. And Ray lit my fire in a different way. With music. When I'm with Blade sometimes Ray's songs are in the background, helping me get my groove on. It's just, I don't know, different. And Lucky had ruined it, for millions of women.

"Is that all, Glory?"

"I wish. Here's the clincher. 'Since you seem to want to help mentor new vampires, Glory, here's your chance to do it for Ray. Even at eighteen Ray was a wonderful lover. I taught him everything he knows. Enjoy, with my compliments, Lucky.' " I dropped the letter and lay back to stare at the ceiling.

"Well if that isn't a hell of a note, I mean letter." Valdez sighed and put his head on his paws. "Somehow I don't think Ray here is going to like his new life or lack of."

"No kidding." I sat up and just looked at Ray again. I couldn't freakin' believe it. A fantasy man in my bed. But how on God's earth was he going to, er, function as one of the primo rock stars of this and the previous century as a vampire?

"Hey, darlin'. Where'd you come from?"

Oh, God. His startlingly blue eyes were open. Blood-shot, but open. He'd managed to turn his head, but I could tell the effort had cost him. Obviously he'd partied hard before Lucky and Etienne had found him and taken him out. I swallowed and faked a smile.

"Hi, Ray." I pulled up the sheet, because I'd be damned if I wanted his first sight of me to be in my worn flannel Snoopy jammies. Hey, I hadn't been expecting company.

"Sorry, darlin', but I don't remember your name." He gave me a half smile, grimacing as if his head hurt, which I'm sure it did.

"Where are we?" He narrowed his gaze. "This isn't my hotel room."

Guess not, with the shabby not-so-chic décor (not intentional, just all I could afford) and pink floral sheets (sue me, but I like them).

"No, this is my place. I'm Glory St. Clair."

Valdez jumped off the bed and trotted around so that Ray could see him. He stuck his nose across my tummy and had the good sense to act doggylike for the moment, merely wagging his tail.

"Your hound?" Ray stretched out his hand, which was shaking, by the way. "Doesn't bite, does he?" Valdez gave his fingers a sloppy lick until I pushed him away.

"Not unless you mean me harm." I opted for a coy look, trying desperately not to revert to slathering fan. It wasn't easy. What would Ray do if I gave his fingers a sloppy lick? "You don't, do you? Mean me harm?" Oh, wow, I got one of those patented Caine bad-boy smiles. "Only if that does it for you, sweetheart." Melt, melt. I cleared my throat. "I have a bit of news for you, Ray. Something rather earth-shattering." Oh, God, my British roots were showing. Happens sometimes when I'm really stressed. Kind of like Blade's Scottish thing. Blade. What would he think if he walked in right now and found a naked rock star in my bed? I glanced at Valdez. We weren't going to tell Blade anything about the naked part, were we? Valdez just wagged his tail, happy to have something on me.

"Could this news wait? I've got a hell of a hangover. Don't suppose you've got some Scotch around here. Or coffee. Even aspirin. Something to take the edge off?" Ray closed his eyes. Damn shame that. And sagged back on the bed. Oh. Front view. Oh. I jumped out of bed, Snoopy jammies and all, and just stared. And stared some more. Shameless gawking. Dark hair. Not so much on his chest. Niiiice chest. Dark nipples. Happy morning erection, even though it was evening, despite hangover or reaction from dying and being brought back undead. The other side of those long, long legs. Oh, ew, oh. He had a piercing. There. A silver ring with what must be a half-carat, or more, diamond. Interesting plaything. I swallowed and ran to the bathroom, stopping at my closet to pick up a nice silk robe, navy with lace trim.

I brushed my teeth, my hair, dumped the jammies and threw on the robe. Thought about lipstick but figured that would be overkill. I stopped in the kitchen to toss down some Twinkies for Valdez and grab some Bloodthirsty for myself and Ray. Oh, boy, did I have some explaining to do.

I searched the living room for Ray's clothes. Are you kidding me? Apparently all he'd arrived in were silk boxers and a black Tshirt. Not that I was complaining, but he'd need more than that if he was ever leaving my apartment. Hmm. Israel Caine, Gloriana St. Clair's sex slave. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Of course there was that concert scheduled to begin in about three hours. I knew because Flo and I had talked about going but couldn't get tickets. Not that that would stop us. We'd figured we'd put the whammy to work, slipping in near the stage somehow right before Israel came on. I glanced at the clock. Oh, God, Ray was in no shape to sing tonight, not without some major rejuvenation. And Flo should be home soon to get ready to go. At least it was Sunday night and the shop was closed, but . . . Ray. Damn but Lucky had done it this time. I walked into the bedroom, but Ray wasn't there. Instead I heard the shower running. Boy, the visuals just kept on coming. Never let it be said that I didn't make the most of my opportunities. So I was reclining on the bed in what I hoped was a seductive pose, my robe falling open just so and sipping my Bloodthirsty when I heard an ominous thud.

"Uh-oh." I ran into the bathroom, glad he hadn't locked the door, and found Ray passed out in the tub, the water rapidly turning from lukewarm to cool. I shut it off and hauled him out of there. At least my recent experience with Lucky had shown me what to expect and I didn't panic. She'd passed out several times at first and had been weak and disoriented until I'd talked her into drinking some Fangtastic.

He was heavy, but I toweled him off and, thanks to my vamp superpowers, managed to lay him gently on the bed. I only copped two or three accidental feels while I tried to make him comfortable. Then I forced a sip of Bloodthirsty down his throat. His eyes fluttered open as he swallowed and coughed. "What is this? Bloody Mary?"

"No, that was last year's brand." Then I realized he was probably talking about a tomato-juice cocktail, not my old favorite blood substitute. Before I could stop him, he grabbed the bottle and took a deep swallow, then shuddered and collapsed back on the bed.

"Something's wrong with it. Tastes funny. I don't do drugs, darlin'. If you're trying to hook me with somethin', forget it." He was talking with his hand over his eyes. Now he uncovered them again. "And you never turned on any lights, but I can see you just fine. What's up with that?" He grabbed my hand and squeezed.

"Nothing. Relax."

"God damn it. If you drugged me, I'll see you in jail no matter how pretty you are." Valdez was growling and showing teeth because Ray still gripped my hand hard enough that it would have hurt if I'd been a regular human female.

Inside I was singing, "Israel Caine thinks I'm pretty!" But I merely said, "I didn't drug you. I don't do drugs either. Does the name Lucky Carver ring a bell?"

"Luciana Carvarelli," Ray whispered. He actually looked over his shoulder.

"One and the same."

"What's she got to do with anything? I swear I haven't seen or spoken to the woman in almost twenty years."

"But she saw you. Last night. And you knew each other once." I picked up Lucky's letter. "She says here you dumped her as soon as you had your first hit song."

"That was a hell of a long time ago. I was just a kid." Ray ran his hand through his wet hair. He was really pale and I took pity. I jumped up and grabbed some more towels and a blanket out of the bathroom closet.

"Here." I watched him towel dry his hair, then run another towel down his chest and, um, yeah, farther south. He wrapped the blanket around himself, ending the peep show.

"I feel like shit. You sure you didn't drug me? Did Lucky?"

"No, she did something more permanent." I passed him the bottle of Bloodthirsty again. "I know this tastes funky, but it'll make you feel better."

Valdez settled on the foot of the bed again, ready to jump in if Ray took the news badly. I took a second to curse Lucky for dumping this in my lap. Then another second to absorb the thrill of being so close to the sexiest man alive according to more than one poll. Oops, make that the sexiest man formerly alive.

Ray took a few tentative sips, then finally a swallow. "What's wrong with my teeth?" He stuck his finger in his mouth. "Shit! Did Lucky break my teeth? That woman must have the memory of an elephant."