Real Vampires Have Curves - Page 17/56

"I haven't lived close to you in decades, Jerry, and we've always had hunters to deal with." I held up my hand when he opened his mouth to argue. "I know. Westwood's more high tech than the others, but I'm sure not abandoning my shop to chase you to Lake Charles and hide inside your casino. Sorry, Jerry. You mean well, but I'm staying."

"If you won't go there, I'll have to come here."

"What?" I put down my can.

"You heard me. I'll move here, to Austin."

"You'd really do that? For me?" This was serious. "What about your business?"

"I've already had offers. I'll just sell it." He sat down on the chair across from me, his elbows on his knees as he stared at me. I stared back. Seeing him in his plaid always reminded me of other, more primitive times. Some of them pretty damned good. If only he didn't look so absolutely hunky… Not a factor.

"You aren't going to do this for me. Uproot your life. Forget it."

"I'm not going to forget it. Besides, I was ready to move on." He sat back and crossed his legs. Naughty man, he'd flashed me. And did I look? You bet. His family jewels were just as impressive as the rest of his package.

"You sure you want to come to Austin? It's totally unnecessary. I have my own life. Friends."

"So do I. Mara will be happy to come with me. She's obsessed with taking out Westwood."

"Of course. This is about Westwood." Thump. Well, there went my ego. Time for a strategic retreat. I glanced at the clock and got to my feet.

"It's been swell, but I'm going downstairs now. You can wait for Damian and Flo to come out if you want. But I've got a business to run." I hurried into the bedroom to grab my purse and keys. Valdez sat next to the door with his leash in his mouth.

"You're not gain' without me, Blondie."

"I know. You're coming." I turned to Blade who, ever the gentleman, had jumped to his feet. "My day worker, Lacy, has been on duty by herself since six this morning. I probably need a third person, a third shift. I don't know yet. Maybe I should close from six in the morning until noon." My mind raced with possible solutions.

Better to think about business than the man who stood so close I could have reached out and touched his face, a face which looked freshly shaved. It would be smooth except for the occasional rough spot, that mirror thing again. I remember shaving him, back in the day. He'd loved the attention and had showed his gratitude in some very clever ways… No, I was getting sidetracked. Business. I had to relieve Lacy.

Blade stepped even closer. "You're serious about this store, aren't you, Gloriana?"

"Of course I am. I'm finally getting why you've always owned your own places." Blade has a string of businesses all over the world. He'd start one, decide to move on, then keep a percentage while he set up something else in a new location. No wonder he's rich. "I'm sure you'll make a profit when you sell your casino."

"Yes, I will. But I don't give a damn about that." He brushed my cheek with his thumb. "I'm worried about you. You're in danger here, Gloriana. Please be careful."

I fiddled with Valdez's leash to keep from leaning into that touch. No, I was not that needy.

"Thanks for your concern. But I'll be okay." I patted Valdez's head. "I've got my guard dog, Damian's security system complete with panic button, and my friends." I smiled and pocketed my keys Damian had left on the coffee table. Leaving my keys had been careless of me, but I'd been so upset… I narrowed my eyes.

"Wait a minute. Last night." I stomped my foot. "Don't. Ever. Speak. Into. My. Mind. Again." I punctuated each word with a finger stab into Blade's hard chest. He didn't even flinch. Which made me really want to hurt him.

"It was an emergency. Valdez reported that Westwood was here in Austin and that Florence said the shop was closed when she came home. She was worried when you weren't upstairs either." Blade grabbed my hand and held onto it when I tried to wrench it free. "I didn't know where you were, Gloriana."

"And you have to know where I am every minute of every day? Why not just lock me in the Campbell dungeon?" I looked down at his hand which had tightened around mine. "Oops. I forgot. You lost the keys to the dungeon when you called your father—"

"That's enough. I'm only trying to keep you safe. It's my obligation." I swear if a vamp could stroke out, Blade would be on his way to intensive care.

And I wasn't far behind him. Obligation? Not exactly a declaration of undying love. And wasn't I an idiot to want one? After all this time? I took a breath and looked down at my hand, just about mangled by his.

"Let go, Jerry." I wiggled my fingers. "Seriously. Do you keep track of all the other vampires you've turned during your long and not so illustrious career? Heard from Katie lately?" Oh, boy. Call nine one one. Blade was going to blow. Mr. Wonderful had made a few mistakes in the past. I hadn't been the first woman he'd turned. Or the first one to decide he wasn't her lord and master.

"Leave Kaitlyn out of this." At least he finally let go of my hand.

I could see his struggle to contain his anger. If I had any sense, I wouldn't goad him. But I was sick of being sensible, sick of being controlled. I mean, he'd interrupted me in bed with another guy. It doesn't get any worse than that. If that made me an ungrateful bitch, so be it.

"Katie seems to have figured out how to be free of your control. Maybe I should give her a call. You got her number?" I whipped my cell phone out of my purse.

"Damn it, Gloriana. Why do you fight me?" He crushed me in his arms, purse, cell phone and all. I felt the scratchy wool of the plaid tossed over his shoulder against my cheek and voted against an undignified struggle to put distance between us. Forget getting away from that iron grip.

"Give it up, Jerry. You can't keep me safe. You can't control me or every nutcase out to stake a vampire. Not and leave me any kind of life of my own." I looked up and met his gaze. "And, news flash, Jerry, I'm going to have a life of my own." Why did I waste my breath? I'd have as much luck convincing Valdez to eat Alpo. I pushed.

Blade was stony faced. But he did let me go.

I wrenched open the door. And came face-to-face with a white-haired vampire carrying a hot pink Kate Spade purse.

Chapter Eight

"You!" I grabbed his shirt and jerked him into the apartment.

"What the hell?" I swear he started to cross himself.

"I know this purse. It belongs to Florence."

"Is Florence here? Do I have the right apartment?" He looked down at the purse. "I'm just returning this."

"Who's this?" Blade was fingering his broadsword again.

The vampire stiffened. He was a pretty tough looking dude. I never could have pulled him inside without the element of surprise.

"I could ask the same. I'm looking for Florence da Vinci. Is this the right apartment or not?"

"She lives here. What's it to you?" Maybe I was crazy, but I got up in tough dude's face. This jackass had been going around snacking on students without taking the proper precautions. He narrowed his gaze on me. Another mind reader. Why was I not surprised? Everyone did it but me. And could I read his? I actually tried and hit a brick wall. Of course not.

"Florence and I are, were, close. She left this at my place last night." He held out the purse. I took it, handling it with the respect it deserved. Florence has a terrific purse collection. One I was planning to raid as soon as I had some place special to go.

"You let a defenseless woman go out alone last night?" Blade had abandoned his broadsword to pluck a dagger from his shoe.

"Haven't you heard vampires are in danger here?"

"Perhaps you are in danger, Scotsman. Not many men have pulled a knife on me and lived to tell the tale." The vamp slipped his own dagger from his sleeve. Slick. He tossed it from hand to hand like he'd welcome a little street fight. Valdez growled, obviously eager to join the fray. In my living room? Not tonight. I glanced at the clock. I bad to get downstairs.

"You boys play nice." I laid the purse on the coffee table and opened the door. Valdez came with me, though he gave Blade a lingering look like he was hoping to be invited to participate in the action.

"Blade, explain to our guest how we blend. Nicely. And tell him what happened to Flo after she left him last night." I slammed the door and headed down the stairs. They couldn't kill each other unless one of them packed a wooden stake. Not my problem. I'd had it up to here with men.

I got to the shop. At least one part of my life was on track. Lacy was ringing up a sale. The woman at the counter gasped when she saw Valdez and I quickly stowed him in the store room. He growled when I slammed the door in his face, but business is business.

Two other women were checking prices on my selection of vintage handbags. I needed more but Flo had already refused to part with any of hers.

Flo. Obviously the white-haired vampire was her lover, ex-lover now. He was handsome, looked in his midthirties and his hair was platinum, not white. It was easy to see why Flo had been attracted. He had an edgy quality, but most male vamps did. And that just added to their attraction.

Freddy came into the shop just then. Not edgy. But a welcome sight. I could send him upstairs to referee. Though I knew from past experience that he had a wicked temper himself when riled.

"Why do you want me to go upstairs? And I've worked on anger management. It takes some serious shit to make me blow." He had a pile of clothes over his arm.

"Blade and the white-haired vamp I told your mother about are upstairs circling each other with knives." I heard a customer gasp. "Sorry, ma'am. Figure of speech. They're cutting up veggies for the potluck later." Freddy grinned. "And I forgot my wok?"

"Good comeback." I lowered my voice. "I know they can't kill each other, but I'd hate to have to get blood out of the carpet."