Superstars of Tomorrow - Page 329/388

Chapter 329: God-Level Advanced Course

Translator: BeetleBarker Editor: Tennesh

Great-Grandfather Fang placed the sealed vegetables into the preservation warehouse and wrote down the address in Qi'an City. They would be sent over tomorrow.

Knowing that Fang Zhao would be heading to Huangzhou to further his studies, Great-Grandfather Fang was extremely reluctant. He had waited so long for Fang Zhao to finish filming, but now Fang Zhao would be going to Huangzhou to study. Great-Grandfather Fang had heard that a normal course normally took about one year and that some were even longer.

He did not know when he would next get to see Fang Zhao. Even though modern communications were very convenient, it still could not be compared to the real person standing right there. Great-Grandfather Fang's recently fluttery mood once again became downcast.

After dinner, Great-Grandfather Fang had Fang Zhao accompany him on a stroll.

Great-Grandmother Fang brought Curly Hair out for a walk and did some aerobic exercises with a few of the other old ladies.

On the second day, Fang Zhao, together with Curly Hair, left Yanbei City's retirement facility quietly and returned to Qi'an City.

The "rabbit" was quietly nested inside the apartment's water tank. The water tank's lid still appeared as before, and the surrounding pots of plants did not appear to have any traces that they had been nibbled. Fang Zhao brought up the surveillance footage for a look and saw that this "rabbit" had not lifted the lid.

Fang Zhao had received a reply from the time he had left a message with this hybrid sea slug's breeder, Denzel. Denzel's replies were in the form of short videos. It seemed like Denzel was also very busy on his end, given his hurried and short replies.

"That 'rabbit' is really good to rear. You have also seen it for yourself. Even if you don't give it anything to eat, it can still photosynthesize like a plant. You don't have to worry about it starving to death. Your five million will not turn out to be a bad investment," Denzel had explained, as if he was afraid Fang Zhao was regretting the purchase. "Perhaps it doesn't like the feed. If it is nibbling on leaves, let it be. I have checked and those potted plants of yours aren't too expensive. By eating those leaves and basking in the sun to photosynthesize, it can sustain itself for quite a while. This is even more cost-effective than giving it feed...

"You can also try occasionally changing things up and feeding it some fresh food. Meat and vegetables are fine. It is different from other sea slugs. If it likes leaves, you can throw more in. Don't put in too much. If the leaves are fresh, it might not like them. Oh, right, it also loves to eat jellyfish. The more poisonous, the more it likes them. However, for the sake of your own life and well-being, my personal recommendation is that you don't feed it those, especially those really poisonous ones like sea wasps and Portuguese man o' wars. Prepare some comprehensive antidotes at home so even if you do get stung, they can at least be a buffer to ensure that you survive until you can get treatment at a hospital...

"As for what you said about its IQ, its learning ability is much higher native sea slugs'. However you don't have to worry. Compared to people, it is still rather stupid. It has already been identified as a nonthreatening invasive species. The probability of it becoming an invasive species is extremely low. It exists apart from native species, so it won't reproduce. Even if the relevant authorities come and investigate, you don't have to worry. All credentials are in order...

"It's a pet, after all. It's fine as long as it looks good. If you don't think it looks good, then you can just treat it as an emergency light. If you really don't wish to raise it, you can sell it. Eighty million!" When he mentioned this, Denzel felt a little sour. When he'd sold it to Fang Zhao for five million, he had felt that he'd gotten a good deal at Fang Zhao's expense. When he had turned around, though, he'd realized the authoritative pet magazine had given it a valuation of 80 million!

Fortunately. Denzel was also earning quite a lot cultivating krill. Otherwise, he would feel like puking blood every time this was mentioned.

After watching Denzel's replies, Fang Zhao looked at the seemingly very content "rabbit" in the water tank. Then he trimmed some leaves off a potted plant and tossed them in.

Occasionally giving it some stuff to change up its diet was fine, just not jellyfish and the like. Those were too dangerous.

As for antidotes, Fang Zhao decided to install a few more. He didn't need to worry about himself, but should anyone visit him and have itchy hands, at least the antidotes might be able to save a life.

As he watched the "rabbit" within the water tank start to nibble on the leaves happily, Fang Zhao thought about Denzel's replies. Fang Zhao laughed as he tapped his fingers on the walls of the glass tank. "If you end up going out of control, I won't sell you; I'll just cook you and be done with it."

Shelving the matter with the "rabbit" for now, Fang Zhao went through the contents of the interview that the company had collated and sent him. This sort of interview had high entertainment value. The questions and answers seemed impromptu, but there would be a script and a sequence.

As he looked through these, the Silver Wing gaming department manager, Wayne, called.

"Fang Zhao, today, the two 10th-generation machines that the company bought have arrived. Although they are only the standard versions and cannot be compared to the luxury version you own, the price is still acceptable. The youngsters in the team say that it is much better to use compared to the 9th gen. When will you be coming over to give them a try?"

Fiery Bird had finally mass-produced and released the 10th-generation standard version. Fang Zhao was the worldwide ambassador for the 10th-generation console.

Back when Fang Zhao had endorsed high-end earpieces, many people had started making guesses and wondering what luxury item Fang Zhao would endorse next. Now they had their answer.

Following the endorsement of the magical object of earpieces, the Diting Z Series, Fang Zhao once again had the status of a global ambassador and endorsed the current magical object of gaming consoles, the 10th-generation "Rhapsody."

Although the 10th generation had entered mass production, its price was still not something that normal people could accept, and it was considered a luxury item.

"I will be busy these few days, so I won't be going over," Fang Zhao replied.

"I know, Prairie Fire's interview, huh. Don't take it too seriously. That is something Prairie Fire and our company has planned out. Just memorize the replies the company prepared for you and everything will be fine. I hard that the company originally wanted to promote you full force, but unfortunately, you are planning to further your studies, so the company had to temporarily change their plans. They want you to bring along two acting newcomers to the interview?"

"Yes. I know those two, so it's all right to bring them along."

A business-oriented company would still like to do that which brought about the most benefits. Since Fang Zhao had other plans for himself, they would get Fang Zhao to bring along newcomers. On the company's end, they were worried that this method of making use of Fang Zhao's popularity would give rise to a negative reaction from Fang Zhao, so they had specifically explained it and asked about Fang Zhao's views on the matter.

Fang Zhao also knew those two newcomers. Back when they'd had minor roles in the cast of "Founding Era," they had tagged along with Ji Polun and had meals together. These two newcomers had ability and could take hardship. All they lacked was opportunity, so Fang Zhao was willing to lend them a hand.

Seeing that Fang Zhao did not have any negative reactions, Wayne cleared his throat and said, "I know that your ambitions lie elsewhere. All right, I'm not going to beat around the bush. The reason I called you today is because of those newly signed youngsters."

Silver Wing's own e-sports team had already developed. Team members were offered competitive wages, so naturally, they were able to attract some capable fresh talent. This year, Wayne had signed a few promising ones, but Wayne realized that these youngsters in the team had started to have inflated egos.

They might be a little more well behaved in front of their department manager, but the moment Wayne turned his back, these youngsters loved to put on airs online. Every time they won a match, they itched to let the entire world know. Wayne had told them many times before, but it had fallen on deaf ears and Captain Jinro had even needed to make an appearance.

Wayne was worried that if this sort of attitude continued to swell, even the veterans would inevitably start to get complacent.

Put in simple words, they deserved a spanking.

Without a rude awakening, there was no way they would calm down.

Therefore, Wayne had once again sought out Fang Zhao.

"Teach this bunch of brats a lesson and, at the same time, give Jinro and the other first-string members some training. I know you have said before that you don't wish to meddle too much in e-sports and want to leave the scene to them, which is why I insist that you take part in the newly released missions. I also know that you are preparing to further your studies, but are you able to spare some time to help put these kids in order?"

Fang Zhao considered his schedule over the next few days and replied, "All right."

In the Silver Wing gaming department, the bunch of people who were getting swollen heads from the newly arrived 10th-generation consoles suddenly felt chills throughout their bodies.

After Fang Zhao ended the call with Wayne, he received a call from the person in charge of Silver Wing's talent development and studies.

The person in charge did not dare to be negligent and so contacted him frequently. The matter of Fang Zhao wanting to head to Huangzhou to further his studies was approved by the big boss of the company, and she had personally asked about it. Naturally, the person in charge had to be more proactive.

"Fang Zhao, I have understood a little about the schools over at Huangzhou and have had detailed talks with people at Huangzhou Music Academic and Huangzhou Institute of Art. There are no big problems with this situation, so you don't have to worry."

The person in charge seemed to have some slight intention to take credit. Not only because he thought highly of Fang Zhao's potential but, more importantly, after the person in charge finished handling this matter, he could also get some benefits from the boss. It was about time he received a promotion.

As he thought about a promotion and a pay raise, that person's tone unconsciously rose a little.

"Young man, being willing to study and improve is a good thing. Regardless of what path you take, the company will support you vigorously. For music institutes, I can give you a guarantee, take your pick of any of the top 10 schools in the world!

"Let's not talk about our own Yanzhou's QiMu. Your alma mater has teachers and lecturers that all recognize you. Even if we don't do anything, they will be more than willing to accept you. As for the two right at the top of the rankings, HuangMu and HuangArt, if you want to get into their advanced courses, we can help arrange that. Although there might be some slight resistance, don't worry, problems can be solved. Previously, our company has sent a few of our contracted composers over for advanced studies.

"Resources and strength are still very important. Furthermore, the momentum of Silver Wing's development in Yanzhou has already pushed down our two old rivals. The company is more than willing to spend even more resources to develop the potential of our talents. We must always look long term."

This wasn't just limited to Silver Wing. Many large entertainment companies worldwide worked this way too, but they never revealed it publicly. Entertainment news might frequently show news of a certain film star enrolling in a certain prestigious university, institute, or research facility for advanced studies, but most of the time, it was the influence of the teams and families behind them.

"Huangzhou Music Academy is slightly more specialized, and they groom musical talents in specialization and techniques. However, Huangzhou Institute of Art has more genres of art. Many of the current big shots in the entertainment circles originated from there. These two each have their own advantages, so it depends on which one you think suits you best. Have you made a choice yet?" asked the person in charge.

"I have chosen," Fang Zhao replied.


"Huangzhou Institute of Art, 'Twelve Tones' advanced class."

The other side suddenly went silent.

After a while.

"Ermm... This... HuangArt's Twelve Tones is not within our operable range," stammered the person in charge.

Huangzhou Institute of Art's "Twelve Tones" advanced class might not have been known by many people, but it was rather well known in the music circles.

"Twelve Tones" got its name from the " five pitches, seven notes, twelve tones 1 " recorded in ancient books. After the Founding Era, the New Era was divided into twelve continents. Huangzhou Institute of Art's founder had chosen the name "Twelve Tones" and set up an advanced course only for the best of the best.

Generally speaking, for the majority of most schools, the credentials of advanced courses did not have the value and acknowledgment of normal graduate credentials. "Twelve Tones" was an exception. Its credentials were the gold standard anywhere one went.

In this advanced course, from the teachers to the advanced course students, every single one was a somebody.

There would be one round of recruitment for the "Twelve Tones" advanced course every year, and only twelve people were recruited each round. Whether it was composing, singing, dancing, or another specialty, each batch recruited exactly twelve.

Every year, many characters praised as geniuses attempted the enrollment examination. The intense competition and frightening elimination rate made many people shrink back.

"Twelve Tones" had another name: god-level advanced course.

Therefore, when he heard Fang Zhao announce that name, the Silver Wing staffer's forehead started to sweat. How am I able to do anything?!

"It's all right, I can take the examination myself," Fang Zhao replied.