Your Guardian Angel (Guardian Angel #1) - Page 16/23

“She went home to her parents,” Mila informed me. “Uncle gave her clearance to return whenever she wanted.”

I had to leave a lot earlier than I planned; Mila and Ivan Aleksandrov were going to visit Mila's great aunt. I hugged Mila goodbye and walked out the front door, to my surprise Eli was leaning on a concrete column.

I walked past him but he caught up quickly. We walked through the hidden path again. I thought back to when Eli grabbed me and had spoken to me with such emotion. He did care about me, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

When we emerged from the opposite end of the path, Eli pulled me by the wrist in a different direction.

“Where are we going?”

“For coffee.”

“I thought we couldn’t be alone together?”

“It’s just coffee and it’s in public. I’m not an animal.”

“You said it, not me.”

I followed Eli until we reached a cute brick house; it reminded me of my grandmother’s house.

“Is this your house?”

“Yes, awesome, isn't it?" He laughed. He ran inside and grabbed a set of keys for his Audi Q5 that sat in the driveway.

We drove down to the Sage shops and ordered coffee at the bakery Eli took me to on my first day at Sage Sanctum.

“I know I came on a little strong before, I just wanted you to know there are people here for you,” he confessed.

“I know, thank you.”

He exhaled in defeat. I knew it wasn't what he wanted to hear. Eli wanted me to confide in him and put all my feelings on the table, but I couldn't do it. Even though he could feel the highs and lows of my emotions, I didn't want him to know the cause of them. I did, however, want him to know he was my high and that I felt instantly happy as soon as I saw him. He probably already knew that.

“I’m petrified of being alone,” I mumbled. “When I’m alone, I spiral into depression. I feel like I’ve lost all hope, all strength, and all my emotions rain down on me. I feel like I’ve fallen down a hole and I don't have the strength or will power to climb back out. So I give up all hope and let the darkness take over me. I let it consume me and I feel hopeless and worthless. I feel angry and sad at the same time. I just… I don't know.”

Eli placed his hand on top of mine and we locked eyes. His reflected the same despair mine did, he felt what I felt. He had experienced some of my pain first hand. I felt guilty opening up to him and bringing him into my world; I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

He let go and sat back as a woman brought us our coffee. She smiled and flirted with Eli. I also noticed she had pulled her shirt up a little, revealing her stomach. I didn't know you could ask someone if they wanted any sugar in such a suggestive manner. Eli smiled and declined politely. When she left, she threw a bitchy glance at me over her shoulder.

“Jealousy?” questioned Eli.

“Hmm?” I looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“I have never felt jealousy come through our bond before,” he stated, with a rather amused expression.

I felt my cheeks light up in embarrassment. “Jealous? Yes, because she didn't offer me any sugar.”

“Well, for what it’s worth, you’re way better than her,” he said casually whilst sipping on his coffee.

“How so?” I asked, trying to sound indifferent, but straining my ears to hear what he had to say.

“She clearly tries too hard; wears way to much make-up and went as low as showing flesh to get my attention. You and I both know her shirt wasn't that high when we arrived.”

“You were perving?”

“I was being observant, two completely different things. A guardian angel has to be observant, no matter where they are.”

“Fair enough,” I replied.

We finished our coffee pretty quickly and talked about classes. An hour had passed before we jumped back in the car and head back to the school. After a quiet car ride, we arrived at his house. I unbuckled my seat belt.

“Ruby, wait,” Eli blurted, he looked like he regretted it as soon as he said it. “Thanks for opening up to me at the bakery.”

I smiled.

“Well, it is Sunday, and we don't have classes, so tell me something about you.”

“I love coffee,” he proclaimed.

I nudged his shoulder. “C'mon, you know what I mean, something personal.”

Eli stared out the windscreen, thinking. “I am glad you came to Sage Sanctum.”

“I didn't really have a choice. You abducted me, remember?”

“It was more like a rescue.”

I listened as he laughed. It was so melodious and perfect.

“And if you need anything, anything at all, let me know. I don't care if it’s the middle of the night or midday. I’m your guardian angel, that's what I’m here for.”

“…Then kiss me.”

“That’s not what I meant, Ruby.”

“You said if I need anything. Don't you want to?”

“That isn’t a necessity, and whether I want to or not is irrelevant. It’s wrong.” I leant over to him and he didn't lean away from me.

“Why should we have to conform to what the higher power wants? I know you feel it, too.”

“Ruby, stop.”

Our faces were only inches apart. I could feel his hot breath on my face, he still hadn't moved away from me.

I opened the door and slid out of the car. It took Eli a few seconds to compose himself before he followed.

“Where are you going?” he called after me.

“It’s eleven thirty, so I’m going to the dining hall, sir,” I said mockingly, with my back to him. “See you there.”

I walked quickly back to the student campus. Mila said she would be back in time for lunch and to meet her at the dining hall. Sure enough, outside the dining hall stood Mila and Gabriel. Noticing my arrival, Gabriel said farewell to Mila and acknowledged me with a wave.

“Guess, what?” she squealed. She didn't even give me a second to try and guess.

“Gabriel asked me on a date.”


“I know, I know, uncle blah blah blah, but Gabriel has already asked for my uncle’s permission and he said yes!” she interrupted.

“He said yes?” I spat.

That definitely wasn’t what I was expecting.

“We’re going to dinner at La Hope this Tuesday night,” she informed me.

“He’s a senior and is twenty years old,” I debated.

I know, I was being a bit of a hypocrite considering I made out with a teacher at this school who was also my guardian angel and seven years my senior. Not to mention I'll be meeting up with Hunter secretly to learn my magic, but still, this was Mila, and I felt protective of her.

“It’s only two years. Ruby, don't worry,” Mila said. “It’s just one date.”

Even though I protested a little more, she ignored it. There was nothing I could say to change her mind, she was going and that was that.

We sat down for lunch; on the menu today was ham sandwiches and fruit salad. My stomach grumbled at the healthy choice, I was really hoping for cheeseburgers.

“I see you’re pimping Mila out now to make extra money,” sneered Raina.

I don't know what went on in her silly little head, but for some insane reason she had chosen to sit next to Mila and I. Even though she sat next to us, she was thinking when she decided not to sit within arm’s length of me and on the other side of the table.

“What are you talking about, now?” asked Mila.

“The word is that you are going to ‘dinner’ with Gabriel.”

Her emphasis on ‘dinner’ annoyed me.

“…and he’s a guardian angel.” Her friend snickered.

“What are you getting at? It’s just dinner,” Mila mumbled.

“Oh honey, when Ruby is involved, it’s never just dinner.”

Bam! Something within me clicked, a fire burned in my chest and my skin became increasingly warmer. I lunged across the table, punching Raina in the eye and knocking her off her chair. There was a loud slap as we came into contact with the hard floor. Her friends screamed but didn't help her. I had Raina pinned to the floor; she held such fear in her eyes a few tears rolled out. Strangely enough, I didn't feel sorry for her. I wanted to hurt her more.

“What gives you the right to talk as if you know me? If you ever talk to me or even look at me again, I will kill you.”

We were circled by people chanting “fight, fight, fight,” and I even heard some people ask their friends if I was going to bite and drain her blood. Whatever vampire stories were circling around about me now, I would have just confirmed them. I moved with such precision, control, and speed, I would have thought I was a vampire, too.

“The guardians are coming,” someone called out.

“Ruby!” the inevitable deep voice boomed. Of course it was Eli.

The crowd moved out of his way in fear he might throw them across the room. Strong hands reached around my waist and pulled me off her. Eli slung me over his shoulder; I kept contact with Raina’s face the whole time Eli was carrying me outside.

“Put me down,” I growled when we were out of the common room. “Put me down! I'm not a child.”

Eli dropped me straight on my arse. "Then stop acting like one," he shouted.

I stood up and looked him dead in the eyes. “She deserved everything she got; she has messed with me from day one all because I wouldn't sit with her and her shitty group.”

“Watch your language.”


“Because it’s disrespectful, it’s disgusting, and I’m telling you to. You can't just lose control like that.”

“That wasn't me losing control. That was me smacking a bitch.”

“Ruby, stop! Who are you trying to impress? No one is here. Drop the act.” I sat down in the grass and dropped my head into my knees. I didn't cry, I was too angry to cry. Eli knelt down in front of me.

“You can’t let anger get the better of you, same with jealous girls and their gossip.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Ignore it.”

“I can't, she pushes and pushes. It’s not once a day, it’s every single time she sees me or Mila.”

“Mila handles it well; she handles it like a goddess should. You handle it like a renegade angel. You can't beat up everyone that makes you angry.”

I wanted to reply with things like ‘I can try’ or ‘watch me,’ but as much as I didn't want to admit it, Eli was right, as always. I shouldn't have attacked Raina, but at the same time, I felt so much better. I felt relieved I let Raina know I wasn't afraid of her, that she couldn't push me around like everyone else.

“Miss Moore,” called Mr Aleksandrov. “I see you have gotten yourself into a bit of a situation.”

Shit, it must be serious if Ivan Aleksandrov himself came to see me about punching a student, but not when a bunch of psychotic vampires attacked me. I didn't answer; I kept my head on my knees.

“Stand up,” Eli demanded.

He was always bossy when Mr Aleksandrov was around. Exhaling dramatically, I stood up, looking Ivan Aleksandrov dead in his face.

“Every afternoon you will assist Mr De Luca in cleaning the auditorium.”


“No buts.” Aleksandrov turned and walked off. That’s it? I never got to explain why I punched Raina.

“Control your pet,” Tay scorned before thudding off after Ivan.

Eli scowled at him, arms crossed in front of his chest.

“You’re confined to your dorm for the rest of the day and you’ll only come out for dinner,” he ordered.

“What? It’s only lunch time!” I protested.

“I'll let Mrs Ploit know that you can't leave. I'll escort you from your dorm to the dining hall and then back after you’ve eaten.”

I stormed off in the direction of my dorm room, tears splashing at my eyelids as I stomped. I knew Eli would have a hard time trying to block out my emotions. I was angry and I was making sure he knew it. I marched through the dorm, eventually coming to my door and slamming it behind me. Just as I thought today couldn't get any worse, there, upon my pillow lay another letter.

Deeper Than Physical Attraction

I froze. I breathed slowly trying hard to control my emotions so Eli didn't come kicking my door in.

“It's okay,” I whispered.

I thought saying something out loud instead of in my head would help, but it didn't. I grabbed the note and opened it rapidly. I used both hands as I held the paper up, hoping to calm the shaking, again, it didn't.

Dearest Ruby, began the note.

Relax a little. I am not watching you from around corners or through windows. I will not come to you, you will come to me.

I have something special planned.

See you very soon.

I frowned. Whoever it was, they were delusional. Who in their right mind would go to their killer? My body relaxed as I thought this could all be a sick practical joke, perhaps it was Raina? Regardless, until I found out if it was or not, I couldn't let my guard down.

This morning was very eventful; I argued with Eli, visited Mila, got coffee, and punched Raina, not to mention all the other stuff in between. I grabbed my pillow and threw myself onto the bed. As soon as I got into a comfortable enough position, I fell asleep.

I felt like I napped only a few minutes when knocks sounded upon my door. I glanced at my clock as it beeped, alerting me that it was dinner time. I slept for five hours! I raced over to the door; not bothering to straighten my hair.