Until Jax - Page 57/73

“Fuck,” I growl, ripping my hat off and running my hand over my head then down my face. “I don’t want to have to show Ellie this, but I know if she finds out I kept it from her, she’s going to be pissed, especially when she wants to help.”

“Do you want me with you when you show her?” my uncle asks, and I shake my head.

“No, I won’t show her until after Hope goes to bed. I’ll send you a message when I get her answer.”

“I’ll talk to July tonight too,” Wes says, sitting back and crossing his arms over his chest.

“If this is the guy, it will be a lot easier to find him with a name attached to his face,” Tallon says, looking down at the picture.

“But this isn’t the guy who purchased Ellie,” I remind them, and Wes’s jaw goes hard.

“If we find him, he may know who the buyer was.” Mic adds.

“I still can’t believe some sick fuck is buying virgins,” Z grumbles from across the table.

“You and me both,” I growl, hoping like fuck that we catch this guy before any more women are taken. There is still no lead on the woman whose family contacted us when she was taken weeks ago. The only thing we know is she was meeting a guy she met online for dinner. The day she disappeared, so did her profile, along with the profile of the man she was meeting and their online conversations. It was like it never happened.

“We’re going to catch these guys. They will fuck up, and that’s when we’ll shut them down,” my uncle says, standing then looking at Wes and me. “Let me know what the girls say, and we’ll figure out the next step after that.”

“Will do.” I nod, watching him walk off, followed by Tallon, then I stand as well. “I’ll call after I talk to Ellie,” I say, watching Wes grind his jaw and lift his chin before getting chin lifts from the rest of the guys and leaving.

“You wanna talk to me about what went down with Ellie’s coworker?” I ask my cousin Sage, leaning back against my truck outside of the Broken Eagle’s Bike Shop.

“There’s nothing going on. We hooked up; she’s whacked; I told her to stay away; end of story.”

“She told Ellie she has a twin, and she’s the one who did what she did.”

“Heard that. Don’t buy it.” He shrugs, but I see something in his eyes that says he’s lying, or at the least that he doesn’t know what to believe.

“Have you ran a check on her?” I ask him softly, crossing my arms over my chest, watching his eyes go hard.

“Have I ever gotten involved in any of your relationships?” he asks, pointing a finger at me then growling “Fuck no, I haven’t. So drop it.”

“This isn’t about that and you know it. I’ve met Kim. She seemed nice, and definitely didn’t look like the kind of girl who would drug someone she was interested in.”

“I love you like a brother, but I’m telling you to stay the fuck out of it.”

“Run a check,” I say, watching his eyes flash.

“I ran a check; she’s an only child. So like I said, leave it the fuck alone,” he growls, storming off toward his car.

Watching him go, I shake my head, opening the door for my truck then pausing before getting in and looking in his direction. “Whenever you get your head outta your ass, I’m here,” I yell at his back, watching his shoulders sag before I hop into the cab, start up my truck, and take off toward home, where I know Ellie and Hope are waiting for me.

Chapter 10


Sitting cross-legged on Jax’s bed, I stare down at the picture in my hands, feeling something ugly creep over me. Even though I remember the night July and I escaped from the house we were taken to, and even though I can still recall every single scary moment, I could never fully remember the faces of the men who had taken me. But now, looking at the picture in my hand, memories begin to flood back, more detailed than they ever were before.

“Hey, you’re safe here, remember?” Jax says gently, and I feel his fingers under my chin, bringing my eyes to his. “I promise nothing is going to happen to you.”

“I could never really picture his face until now, but it’s him,” I say, licking my bottom lip, feeling my pulse speed up and my hands shake.

“That happens sometimes. The rush of the moment clouds everything, making it hard to remember anything clearly, but then something will happen and the fog will clear, making it easier to remember,” he says, and that’s exactly what this feels like. When they asked me and July if we could help them make a sketch of the assailant, neither of us we’re able to paint a clear enough picture for the sketch artist and they had to give up.

“So what does this mean?” I ask, holding up the piece of paper then dropping it down onto my lap.

“Wes is showing this to July tonight. If she says the same thing you have, that this is the guy, then we will start tracking him,” he says as dread fills my chest.

“I don’t want anything to happen to you,” I say, watching him smile, which pisses me off. “I’m serious,” I growl in annoyance.

“I know you are, and that’s what makes it so cute,” he says, taking the paper out of my lap and tossing it to the floor. Then he crawls over me, pushing me to my back in the bed. “Do you think she’s asleep?” he asks against my ear as he settles himself between my spread legs, allowing me to feel his erection through the material of his jeans and the thin cotton of my sleep shorts.