Revive - Page 14/70

Scott was in there and his watchful gaze made me uncomfortable. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I finally asked.

He settled back against the counter before answering me. “Had a visit from your ex husband yesterday.”

My concern about James spiked as dread filled me. “What did he want?”

“He wants me to fire you, and in return he offered me a lot of money.”

“You’re fucking kidding?” I exploded. Dread gave way to anger; how dare he fuck with my life like that?

Scott shook his head. “Nope, not kidding. You sure picked an asshole there.”

“You have no idea.”

“What’s his story? He didn’t tell me why he wanted me to fire you, just made me the offer.”

I sighed. James was supposed to be out of my life for good but here he was, right back in it. “His family has a long history in politics and although he swore he’d never go into it, he seems to have changed his mind. He showed up out of the blue the other day and offered me money too. He doesn’t want me to talk to the media about him.”

“Got some nasty shit in his closet, has he?”

“You could say that.”

“You accepting his offer?”


He nodded and pushed off from the bench. “Good. Me either.”

I’d known he wouldn’t accept the offer. I didn’t even have to ask him. Scott Cole was a good man, even if most people took him for an asshole. He looked out for those he loved, and I knew that he loved me like family. He’d shown me that too many times for me not to know by now.

Harlow breezed into the kitchen, and Scott grinned at her. “Can we eat now?” He asked as he reached out and smacked her on the ass. She shooed him away with a slap to his arm. This only encouraged him more, and he wound his arm around her waist so he could pull her into him and plant a kiss on her neck.

“I’ll leave you two to it,” I said, more to myself than them because they were too engrossed in each other to hear me. I headed out to the back deck, and closed my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath of the cool air. We were having a cooler autumn than usual and I was enjoying it. I despised the muggy heat of a Queensland summer, and we’d had a hot one this year, so this was a welcome change.

I pulled up a seat and relaxed into it. Exhaustion was claiming me after a busy couple of months finishing off my beauty course and working full time throughout it. I hadn’t wanted to get out of bed this morning, but I knew that Harlow would be disappointed if I didn’t make it, so I’d forced myself to come. I closed my eyes and let sleep claim me.

That was, until a husky voice startled me awake. “Lunch is ready.”


My eyes flew open and desire pulsed through me at the sound of his voice. I jumped up and landed on unsteady feet. His strong hands caught me and his eyes searched mine; looking for what, I wasn’t sure.

“Hi,” I breathed out.

He blinked and for the first time ever, I saw Nash unsure of himself. His face was a blank mask and his breathing was uneven. “Hi,” he stuttered, and released me from his grip once it was clear I was okay.

I took a deep breath. This was so awkward, and I had the sudden urge to get out of here and run far, far away. Instead, I rallied my bravado and said, “I’m starving. What’s Harlow cooked?”

“Umm, not sure. She just told me to get my ass out here and bring you in,” he replied, his usual composure returning.

I faked a smile. “Okay, well let’s not keep her waiting.”

I didn’t wait for his reply; rather I started walking inside. His footsteps behind me indicated he was following me, but he didn’t utter another word either.

Harlow smiled at us as we entered the house; it was a strange smile though, the one I usually associated with her when she was dreaming up one of her schemes. “Glad you could join us,” J drawled, as he settled into the seat next to Madison and draped his arm over the back of her chair.

“Fuck off,” I muttered, and he grinned. I shook my head and returned his grin.

There were two seats left at the table; two seats next to each other. I sat but Nash mumbled something about getting a drink. I tracked his movement to the fridge and he caught me staring at him when he turned and asked me if I wanted a drink. My face flamed red; I knew it did because it always happened whenever I was embarrassed to be caught out at something. His eyes narrowed as he took it in, but he didn’t acknowledge it; he simply held up a can of coke and a can of lemonade with a questioning look. I pointed at the coke and mouthed a thank you before turning to Madison and asking her an inane question. “Have you gotten any new tattoos lately?”

She looked surprised, but answered me, “No, not since J and I had our tattoos done after the wedding.”

I mentally slapped myself. What a stupid conversation to start. And so out of character for me to be babbling on about shit.

Nash slid into the chair beside me, and handed me my drink. I ignored the fluttery sensation his fingers grazing against mine gave me.

“Velvet, how much longer have you got left on your beauty course?” Madison asked as she passed me the salad.

I started loading salad onto my plate. “Just over a month left to go.”

“And then what will you do? Will you leave Indigo or do both?”

Scott cut in. “I’m trying to get her to keep working one night a week.” He laid a huge smile on me before continuing, “Going to have to make you an offer you can’t refuse, I reckon.”