Revive - Page 42/70

I ran my hand through my hair. “Trust me when I say I want to stay here and fuck you, but I’ve got club shit to take care of this morning.”

Her disappointment was as strong as mine. “Do you get time off at lunch?”

“Fuck, if you’re suggesting what I think you’re suggesting, I’ll fuckin’ make time at lunch.”

“I’m pretty sure we’re on the same page, Nash. I’ll be at my place all day; feel free to bring your tongue over. And your cock. Definitely bring your cock.” She was grinning at me now and I laughed at her.

“I’ll be sure to mention it to him.”

“Good. Now, back to my original question. What are you cooking me for breakfast?”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “Isn’t that a woman’s job, darlin’?”

She raised her eyebrow back at me. “If you think I’m the kind of woman that lives by those outdated ideas, then this ends right now.”

I loved it when she fired up, and my dick stirred again. Christ, at the rate we were going, I was going to be hers completely soon. She was going to fucking own me. I needed to slow this shit down a little. “I’m all for equal rights, but I don’t cook breakfast for anyone, babe”



I waited for her reply. I didn’t delude myself; we were in a battle here. A battle to see who held more power at the moment.

She shrugged. “No worries, I’ll just have a coffee.”

Ah, fuck it.

She’d won.

I made coffee.



Shit, bugger, damn.

My morning had gone really well after Nash dropped me at home on his way to the club. I’d finished off some study for my exams that were coming up and then I’d given myself a facial, a pedicure and washed and blow-dried my hair. If Nash was coming over at lunch, I was going to look damn good for him. However, my mother phoned and reminded me I was having lunch with her and Anna. I’d completely forgotten and now had to let Nash know I was cancelling. He hadn’t answered my call so I texted him.

Me: Gotta cancel lunch with your tongue. Forgot I had lunch planned with my family. Catch you tonight.

I finished getting ready for lunch and checked my phone before I left. Still no reply. There wasn’t much I could do about it so I locked up the house and left. We were meeting for lunch at the Breakfast Creek Hotel and the traffic was a bitch. However, my car was running so well after Nash had worked on it that it made the traffic bearable. Either that, or the fact I was thinking about Nash made it bearable.

The lunch crowd was loud today, and there were people everywhere. I scanned to find Mum and Anna, finally locating them in the corner and then made my way to where they were. Anna grinned at me strangely and Mum gave me a huge smile.

As I sat down, I asked, “What? Why are you two acting weird?”

Anna didn’t hesitate to tell me; she was bursting to get it out. “You’ve been with Nash again, haven’t you?”

“How the hell can you tell that?”

She gave me a sly smile. “Well, I couldn’t, but it was a good guess.” She looked me up and down. “Mind you, you do look very happy and soft.”

“What does that mean? The bit about being soft.” My sister spoke in riddles half the time; I was forever trying to decipher what she meant.

“Your shoulders aren’t as tense as they normally are, and you don’t have that look on your face that says ‘don’t fuck with me cause I’ll fuck back’.”

Mum laughed and nodded her agreement. “She’s right, Velvet. You seem different. Who is this man?”

Before I could answer her, Anna did it for me. “Nash is one of the bikers who own Indigo.”

I corrected her. “He doesn’t own the club as such; Storm own it.”

She waved her hand in the air. “Semantics.”

“How long have you been seeing him?” Mum asked.

I sighed, wishing that Anna hadn’t said anything. They’d both been pushing me to start dating again for years so I could only imagine the questions I was about to be hit with. I would rather have told Mum in my own time, once I knew where it was heading, if anywhere.

“So, is it dating or just sex?” Anna wanted to know next.

“God! Why do you need to ask so many questions?” She completely exasperated me sometimes. I loved her to death, but her need to know everything drove me insane.

“Why do you always avoid my questions?”

“Aargh!” If I could have screamed, I would have. But I couldn’t, and I knew that if I didn’t give her an answer, she would just keep asking. I pointed my finger at her and gave her a very serious look. “Alright, I’ll answer your question but it’s the last one you ask, okay? Otherwise, no more answers.”

I waited for her answer and she nodded. “Yes, you answer that and I won’t need to know anymore. Except for the size of his - ”

“Anna!” I screeched. “Enough! It’s not just sex and it’s not dating. There, are you happy?”

She looked perplexed. “What kind of answer is that?”

“The most honest one I’ve got.”

Before anyone had a chance to say anything more, my phone buzzed with a text message. I quickly snatched it out of bag hoping it was Nash replying to mine from earlier. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face as I read it.

Nash: Didn’t get your message and now I’m at your fucking house with the biggest hard on I’ve ever had and no pussy to take care of it.