Revive - Page 47/70

Nash growled, and his grip on my ass tightened. “She’s busy for the rest of the fuckin’ year,” he said, and I had to stifle a laugh at his possessive attitude. Definitely not the Nash I was used to, but damn it made me glow.

Harlow joined the conversation. “Nash, you’re not going all territorial, are you?”

I wasn’t sure how he would handle this now, but he surprised me yet again by saying, “Yeah, babe, I think I am. And if anyone’s got shit to say about it, I don’t give a fuck.”

He’d managed to surprise Harlow too. She sighed, a dreamy look in her eyes. God help us; Harlow was a born romantic. “I knew it would just take a good woman to make you change your ways.”

Harlow had a way of making you feel good about yourself. Calling me a good woman touched me in unexpected ways. I’d struggled with my self worth growing up and marrying a man who took every opportunity to tell me how worthless I was, hit me even harder. Over the last couple of years, I had dealt with a lot of my issues and was a much stronger woman, but there were days where I questioned myself. Being told I was a good woman by another woman meant a lot.

Nash was amused. “Let’s not get too excited, Harlow. A woman won’t make me change my ways completely.”

She grinned at him. “And we wouldn’t want that, Nash. But I have a feeling that Velvet’s going to change you in all the right ways.”

I was growing uncomfortable with this conversation now. Changing a man was never a goal of mine, and I disliked women who fell in love with the idea of a man only to then spend the rest of their lives trying to change him to be what they wanted. Also, Nash and I were still getting to know each other; I didn’t want to make this out to be more than what it was yet.

I smiled at Harlow, and then looked up at Nash. “I’m going to go and help Madison in the kitchen.”

He nodded, and let me go.

A moment later, I breathed a sigh of relief when I hit the kitchen and found Madison on her own. She looked up at me, and caught the look on my face. Frowning, she enquired, “You okay?”

“Yeah. It was just getting a little intense in there with Harlow and Nash. I needed some space.”

“What? Are they arguing?”

“No. Harlow’s going on about me changing Nash in all the right ways or some shit. I love her, but damn, she’s a hardcore romantic, isn’t she?”

Madison laughed. “Yeah, she really is. And to think she ended up with a biker like Scott; the least romantic man you could find.”

“It’s certainly a strange combination, but it works for them, doesn’t it.”

“Possibly he tames the romantic side of her, tames those unrealistic expectations she might have, and she brings out the tiny bit of romance he has in him.” She shrugged. “I’ve really got no idea, but I’m glad they found each other.”

We fell silent, lost in our own thoughts. I was contemplating Harlow and Scott; it had certainly shocked the hell out of me when he’d pursued her, but she had been the best thing for him. And he had changed in subtle ways. Perhaps that was what Harlow had meant; people change each other without even meaning to.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Madison passed me a pumpkin and some potatoes. “You can be in charge of getting those ready.”

I took them off her. “What’s for dinner?”

“Roast lamb and vegies. And I’m making cheesecake for dessert.”

“Did I hear the word cheesecake?” J asked as he joined us.

“Yeah, baby, I’m making that chocolate one you like,” Madison told him, giving him a huge smile.

He dropped a quick kiss on her lips before taking a swig of his beer. “That’s why I married you, woman.” He grinned at her. “That and your other assets.”

“Yeah, yeah, J. We all know why you really married me.”

“And why’s that?” He leant against the kitchen counter, waiting for her answer, still grinning like an idiot.

“Because you’re a very smart man who knew I was the best thing to ever happen to him.”

He pushed off the counter and leant his face down to give her a longer, deeper kiss. “Can’t argue with that, baby,” he murmured before adding, “Your surprise guest has arrived, by the way.”

“Oh my God, why didn’t you say something?” Madison shrieked, slapping him away from her, and running out to the lounge room.

I was intrigued to see who it was so I followed her out. The sight that greeted me punched me in the chest, and threatened to suck all the happiness out of me.


Madison’s best friend, Serena, was in the lounge room. And she was all over Nash. And Nash wasn’t doing anything to stop her. In fact, he had his arms around her, his hands dangerously close to her ass. He was listening intently while she whispered something in his ear. Whatever she said was funny, and he roared with laughter just before she moved her face away from his and laughed with him. My gaze zeroed in on her hand that was placed across his chest; almost in a possessive manner.

Madison reached them and pulled Serena out of Nash’s arms so she could hug her. “You finally made it!” she exclaimed.

“Yeah, chica, I finally got here,” Serena replied, squeezing Madison back.

They finally let each other go, and Serena passed her car keys to Nash. “Can you bring my bags in, sexy?” she asked him, and I was stunned when he grinned at her and nodded. I watched him walk outside, my heart icing over.