Revive - Page 55/70

I didn’t doubt what he’d just said about the consequences for Marcus if they discovered this to be true. The Sydney chapter was the Mother Chapter of Storm and their President and VP were violent motherfuckers who even Kick did his best not to piss off, and Kick wasn’t the kind of man to worry about anyone.

“Any of this ringing bells for you, VP?” I asked.

Scott slowly shook his head, obviously still processing it. “No, but I’ll be looking into it, that’s for damn sure.”

Kick frowned, and asked, “You think it’s wrong?”

“No, brother.” He gave me an enquiring look, and I read what he was asking. I nodded to indicate it was safe to talk to Kick about Marcus. Turning back to Kick, he said, “A few of us are currently looking into Marcus’s activities. Seems he’s trying to steer us back into drugs and has hooked us up with Adelaide for a foot in the door.”

“You don’t want back in the drugs?” Kick asked.

“Fuck, no. We don’t need it to survive, and we don’t need the attention.”

“Yeah, I hear you,” Kick agreed.

“What’s your plan?” Scott asked him.

“I’ve got some coppers up here to talk to; see if they know anything. Other than that, I don’t think there’s any club members who would know much. Unless you think there’s someone worth talking to?”

I remembered what Blade had said the other day. “You ever hear of someone called Blue?”

Scott swung his head in my direction. “No, why?”

“Haven’t had a chance to tell you yet, but Blade said he’s upped his surveillance on Marcus and they’ve come across that name. Said that Marcus is looking for someone called Blue.”

“Who’s Blade?” Kick asked.

“Marcus’s son, my half brother, but he’s not tied up with Storm. He’s got his own thing going on.”

I eyed Scott. “Might be worth Kick’s while to go have a chat with him.”

Scott nodded. “Yeah, brother. You want to hook that up?”

“Sure,” I agreed.

Scott stood. “Anything else?” he asked Kick. “

“Nope. Thanks for your time, man.”

“No problem, Kick. Just keep me in the loop. Yeah?”

“Will do. And like I said, the repercussions for Marcus won’t be good if he was involved.”

“Yeah, I’m hearing you,” Scott said, his concentration far away; probably sifting through his mind to find anything that might relate to this.

He left and when I heard the front door slam shut, I said to Kick, “Fuck, man.”

“Yeah, brother, fuck is about right. I’ve never liked Marcus but I like Scott; it’ll be a lot for him to deal with if his father did this.”

I considered it. “Mostly, I think he’ll be okay with whatever happens. Marcus has fucked him and their family around, and Scott has nothing to do with him anymore.”

“That’s good. I believe Marcus is guilty; it’s just a matter of proving it. Once we have proof, my VP will move fast. You think Scott will step up to Presidency if this goes the way I think it will?”


“And who would take on VP?”

I didn’t hesitate. To me, it was a no-brainer. “Griff.”

He nodded, and then grinned at me. “We going hunting tonight, or are you pussy-whipped these days?”

I thought about Velvet, and returned his grin. “No hunting for me anymore, brother.”

“Figured as much. What’s the story there? I thought you’d sworn off relationships.”

“Yeah, you and me both. Velvet and I kinda happened by accident but I think it was inevitable.”

“She know about Gabriella and Aaron?”

“No.” The anxiety surfaced but it was bearable; I focused on my breathing to keep it under control.

“When do you plan on telling her? Before the end of June?”

I rubbed the back of my neck. “Shit, Kick. I don’t fuckin’ know.”

“Christ, Nash. It’s been what, ten years this year? That’s a long fucking time to carry this shit with you and not move on. Seems to me you could do with a woman to help you through it.”

He was right. I knew he fucking was. I’d been dealing with this very thought the last couple of days. The closer Velvet and I got, the more I wanted to open up to her. “You’re a pushy fucker, you know that?”

His face remained serious. “Yeah, and you need someone like me to push you, otherwise you’re going to end up alone and miserable. You’ll be chasing pussy in your fuckin’ wheelchair if you don’t find someone to settle down with.”

I laughed at that thought. “They’d be fuckin’ lucky to have me, asshole. My cock will still be in hot demand when I’m in a wheelchair.”

He lost the serious face and grinned at me while shaking his head. “Shit, you never shut up about your cock, do you? Just tell me you’ll talk to her, brother. It’s time.”

I raked my hand through my hair, and agreed, reluctantly. “Yeah, I’m gonna fuckin’ talk to her.”

Kick stood. He had that determined look in his eyes, the one that told me he was on the prowl. “I’m gonna hit your club. You coming?”

I jumped up, fucking tripping over myself to leave. Velvet was working tonight, and although we hadn’t made plans to see each other, I’d known that wouldn’t happen. I needed her. Kick just looked at me and gave me that ‘you’re so gone’ look. I scowled, and muttered, “Not a fuckin’ word, brother.”