All Your Reasons - Page 11/22

Oh...holy fuck...shit....fuck!

My arms go around him, and I dig my fingers into his back as I take everything he gives me. Jett fucks me with a raw need. I feel it flowing between us, connecting with my same need. It joins us and we move in perfect synchrony. Sex has never felt this good for me and I have an overwhelming desire to give him more than I’ve ever given a man. A desire to open myself up completely and let him take anything he wants from me.

He stops moving and looks at me with hunger. “You wanna ride me?”

I do, but not now. Now, I just want him to fuck me until I see nothing but exploding light. I shake my head and squeeze my legs around him tighter. “No.”

No more words are needed and he thrusts inside again. He does it slower this time while holding himself above me and keeping his eyes pinned to mine. It’s like he’s trying to look into my soul, like he’s searching for something there. His eyes reaching out to me while he fucks me awakens my closed off heart. I’m helpless to stop it, and as he moves me closer toward orgasm, he also moves me closer toward him.

“Fuck, Presley, I’m gonna come. You close, baby?” His head drops down to rest on my shoulder as he keeps moving inside me.

“Yeah...” I move with him, chasing it.

And then it hits. White light begins flashing behind my eyes and pleasure like I’ve never known possesses me. I hold onto him tighter and my core clenches around him.

“Fuck!” he roars as he comes hard. He thrusts one last time and then his body tenses as his release grips him.

I’m lost inside my own pleasure just as much as he’s lost in his. We’re clinging to each other, but for those few moments, we’re disconnected. The only thing we’re connected to is our bliss.

Eventually, he lifts his head and murmurs, “Shit...”

I open my eyes to look into his. Giving him a smile, I nod my head. “Yeah....shit.”

He laughs and pushes up off me to go and dispose of the condom in my bathroom. Then he comes back and lies next to me on his back. We’re silent for a while, and I love that he doesn’t feel the need to fill the silence with small talk.

He reaches for my hand and holds it. “You okay?” he asks.

I’m trying to process all the emotions coursing through me. I truly don’t know what I’m feeling. But I turn to him with a smile and shift onto my side. Trailing my hand up his stomach to his chest, I reply, “Yes, I’m more than okay.”

He pushes a couple of strands of my hair off my face. “Was that performance good enough to score a date with you?”

God, he has no idea.

“As if you’re going to let me say no,” I mutter, not wanting to admit to either of us just how much I now want that date.

He chuckles softly. “Good point.”

I shift positions onto my back, and we’re quiet again for a while. It’s not until he presses a kiss to my forehead that I realise I’ve almost fallen asleep. I blink and look up into his eyes. “Sorry.”

His face crinkles into a smile. “All good, sweetheart. You obviously need some sleep, so I might go.”

Disappointment washes through me but I say, “Okay.”

I mustn’t do a very good job at hiding what I’m feeling because he says, “I don’t want to go, trust me. But I’ve got an early morning tomorrow and I really think you just need some sleep without me distracting you. If I stay, you’re not gonna get much sleep.”

“You’re right. I do need sleep.”

His eyes search mine, almost like he’s making sure I’m being honest. Then he brushes his lips across mine before pushing up off the bed. As he dresses, I also leave the bed to dress so I can walk him out.

At the front door, he snakes his arm around my waist and kisses me. “I’ll call you,” he promises before turning and leaving.

I trudge back to bed trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach. He says he’ll call, but will he? And do I really want him to? I have such warring emotions where Jett is concerned, and I fall asleep with the thought that it’d be best if he didn’t because then the decision will be taken away from me. And I won’t be able to fuck another thing up in my life.

Chapter Four


I sink down into the chair at the café and look at my best friend, Erin, sitting across from me. “What?” I ask as she grins at me.

“You’ve totally been laid.”

“I have.”

“Tell me more,” she throws out as she opens her menu and glances down at it.

“First, tell me if you’ve heard of a band called Crave.”

“Fuck yeah, everyone’s heard of Crave.”

“Shit.” Am I the only person on the planet who hasn’t heard of them?

“Oh my god, did you fuck one of the Crave men?”

I answer her only with a smile.

“Holy fuck, Presley!” She’s momentarily impressed but then she remembers who she’s talking to. “Wait, I thought you were done with rockers.”

My chest heaves, and I blow out a long breath. “I was.... I am...” My voice trails off as I struggle with this answer.

“Oh god, you’re not.”

I take in her concern. Erin watched me fall apart while Lennon treated our marriage as if it meant nothing to him. “Jett seems different.”

Her eyes widen. “Jett Vaughn... bloody hell, you attract them, don’t you?”