All Your Reasons - Page 17/22

I nod and bite my lip. His gaze drops to my lips, and he mutters, “Fuck.”

He kisses me again and presses himself against me, his cock hitting my entrance. I wrap my legs around him and encourage him in. Jett doesn’t need to be told twice; he thrusts in, hard and fast, on a grunt. I swallow a scream and show him how much I want him with my kiss. He fucks me like a man possessed, and I’m sure I now know what nirvana is.

Nirvana is Jett.

His head drops while he pursues his release, and I shut my eyes as it takes over me again. Ecstasy like I’ve never known wraps itself around my body, curling into me, reaching deep inside, and setting off a chain reaction of sensations that light every single nerve ending of mine with pleasure.

Jett is ecstasy.

I drift off in a sex haze, and it’s not until Jett speaks that I come back to consciousness. “You good, sweetheart?”

I open my eyes and look up into his. “Yeah,” I say, lazily.

He smiles at me before asking, “You wanna have a shower with me?”

“I don’t think I can stand just yet. You go ahead. I’ll have one after you, when I’ve got my legs back.”

His smile spreads out into a full-on grin as he pushes up off me. “Addiction complete,” he says with a wink and saunters into the bathroom.

I watch his sexy ass until I can’t see it any longer and then let out a long breath.

What the fuck am I doing?

I don’t want Jett, and yet I want nothing but Jett.


I need to get my head together. He’s a player, so chances are he just wants a short-term thing here. He probably just wants sex. I can do that. I just need to keep my heart out of it because Erin’s right; I do tend to fall fast and hard.



After I finish showering, Jett surprises me with a request. “Are you free today to photograph a party?”

“What kind of party?” I really just want to go home, lock myself away, and regroup. Being around him causes me to make choices I don’t want to make. Choices that are leading me further down the path towards spending more time with him.

His usual sexy grin is replaced with a serious look. “It’s a birthday party for a kid who has cancer. We’re his favourite band, and he requested us to sing at it. Photos weren’t a part of the deal, but I think it’d be cool for him to have them.”

My heart melts a little at his generosity and kindness. Damn, that wasn’t supposed to happen.

“I’m kind of busy -”

He steps into my space, snakes his arm around my waist, and pulls me close. “I know what you’re doing,” he whispers.

I feel tongue-tied. This never happens; men don’t cause me to struggle with my words. “What am I doing?” I manage to get out.

“You’re trying to avoid me. But see, the thing is, I’m your new addiction, so you can’t avoid me.”

Oh god, if only he knew.

“Is this how you charm all the women you sleep with?”

“I don’t charm the women I sleep with. I’ve never wanted to be an addiction for any of them. You’re the first,” he admits, stunning me.

“So this is just sex, right?”


“But what if that’s all I want?”

“Sometimes you can’t have what you want, Presley.” His voice is low, commanding. I hate it, but I love it more. It turns me on, and I resent the desire I have for him to use it more often.

“You’re kidding, aren’t you?”

His stare is challenging me to argue, like he gets the final say in this. “No. I told you what I want, and I’m going to get what I want.”

I try to push out of his embrace, but he tightens his hold on me. “You know you want this as much as I do,” he asserts.

“I know I want the sex as much as you do, but you’re wrong if you think I want to date you.”

His eyes narrow on me, and he relents, letting me go. “We’ll start with the sex, but you still owe me at least one date.”

“Uh-uh, we had that last night.”

“You working at my concert is hardly a date.”

“There was a party involved; that’s a date in my books.” I know I’m pushing him, but I need to. I need to protect my heart.

He shakes his head and mutters, “You’re going to test me, aren’t you, sweetheart?”

“Not if you understand we’ll never be more than sex.”

He chooses to ignore that and moves on. “So, about this party today. Are you really busy?”

“Yes.” I’m not backing down; it’s not what I do, and I’m not starting now.

Nodding slowly, he murmurs, “I’ll let you get away with that this once.” His voice is quiet but firm. There’s a warning in it, and I don’t miss it. He’s not going to be easy to persuade to my way of thinking, and I’m not sure if I’m annoyed by that or quietly excited.

Chapter Seven


I scan through the photos on the computer in front of me. West can hardly hold his excitement in. “Fuck man, she’s fucking talented. These photos are the best we’ve ever had taken.”

He’s right. The photos Presley took at our concert last week have a quality to them I’ve not seen before. She’s captured atmosphere and emotion, and mixed her own brand of edginess in to create photos any band would kill to have.

“We have to book her for our next tour,” Hunter interjects.