Tempest of the Stellar War - Page 371/571

At this time, the front door of the cabin opened, and a Milky Way Alliance officer came in and looked at the crowd.

“Good, you’re all ready.”

The officer’s cold voice sounded. “You are about to airdrop into the Zerg area. The mission is to arrive at the A9 planet base within ten days from now, in 240 hours… Each team’s captain, please step up. ”


Wang Zheng and five other captains walked forward.

“This is the captains’ exclusive energy bracelet. Planet map information is also included inside. Please input your passwords and wear it on your wrist. When you meet with danger, you can activate the energy shield on your bracelets. Within ten minutes, there will be air support arriving. However, please note that once it is activated, you have withdrawn from the IG competition. Is that understood?”

“Yes, understood!”

“Any more questions?”

“Reporting, I have a question.” Zhang Shan raised his hand.


The officer did not become impatient, but nodded and motioned Zhang Shan to speak.

“Yes, if anybody in our ranks is injured and unable to act, will there be support?”

“This is actual combat. Everything is based on actual combat. Other than the 128 teams, there is no support – unless you give up the competition. Alright, anything else? I’ll give you another minute.”

“Reporting!” Max from the Clark Star raised his hand.


“Isn’t it unfair that the team will lose the competition because of one or two players?”

“Have I ever said that I wanted everyone to arrive at the objective? If only five team members can arrive at the planet base on time without calling for support, then they will pass.” The officer’s voice was as cold as ice.

Everyone’s faces changed. Should they abandon their players?

“Will the team members who were temporarily left behind to able to receive medical care in time?”

“Don’t let me repeat my answer. Only the captain can use the energy bracelet to call for medical care or support. The only guarantee on our side is that we will arrive in ten minutes. The decision on when to use it should be considered and made by your captain. Of course, taking into account the fairness of the competition, there is also another revival round, which will also be undertaken by your team captain. If you are able to win the challenge, you will have the chance to be revived and continue to participate,” the officer explained in great detail.

This was for teams that had protected their teammates, but had been delayed too much and were unable to arrive on time.

“Time’s up. Five minutes from now, you will make an airdrop!” The officer performed a military salute and turned away. At the same time, four ports were opened on both sides of the cabin.

Revival round?

After hearing this, everyone’s looks were a little better. “It sounds like the IG is still quite humanane, there is even a revival round.”

Le Gadamer grinned. “You are all wrong.”

Within a moment, the ship quietened down.

“For the military, completing the task is the first priority. Do you think the IG will be so kind? That revival round is simply to reduce our determination. There is nowhere to retreat to!”

After a long while, some people shook their heads. “Damn, we should stop scaring ourselves. It is not necessarily the case that we will encounter something major. At the very worst, we’ll just take turns carrying our teammates.”

“True. I can’t believe it. The Zerg war zone? As long as you understand the Zerg’s habits and perform your reconnaissance, plus a bit of luck, safe passage is possible.”

Le Gadamer was still shaking his head, but he did not say anything more. Understanding the Zerg’s behavior? How could the IG be so simple? Usually, most people had already taken on the Zerg for training. However, those Zerg were all experimental products controlled by humans, and could not be compared to this. However, he did not want to say anything more. On the battlefield, they were both comrades and competitors, so it was useless to say anything else. Although he had not thought about how much further he could go, he would at least not shame the Thunder Republic.

On the Solar System’s side, everything was instead silent.

The airdrop into the Zerg war zone and the Demon Island training at the IG training camp of the Solar System were actually very similar. It was said that this test had not been chosen for more than 10 years.

Meng Ao, Lie Wuqing, and Drachmach had made almost complete preparations for this IG. In fact, they finally had an advantage.

The five minute preparation time soon ended, and the lights on the four dropgates all switched to green. At periodic intervals, each team jumped out of the transport ship one by one.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the transport plane began the airdrop. Each team left in intervals of three minutes in order to prevent different teams from landing in the same area.

“Clark Team, GO!”

Max led his teammates, and as the first batch to jump off the transport plane, they instantly disappeared into the clouds.

Three minutes later, Le Gadamer brought his Thunder team and rushed out…

The Solar System team was the last. Luo Fei’s fat face was ashen and his knees could not stop shaking. Lear coldly glared at Fatty, and he immediately straightened up. However, just by looking at his face, you could tell he was definitely fighting back the fear.

In all likelihood, this was probably a fear of heights. At this altitude, Fatty’s timid behavior had once again resurfaced. However, no one could be bothered with him. Even if he shut his eyes, he would still have to jump.

Wang Zheng took the lead and jumped out into the air. The unique coldness of the high altitude ran all over his face as if he was rubbing against rough sandpaper.

Looking down below, it was a pitch dark forest. The lush trees covered a vast area of ??the space. From a distance, he could spot a few rivers and lakes.

Wang Zheng’s eyes were on the ground, constantly memorizing the direction and distribution of the landscape. There was only one opportunity for this high altitude observation of the terrain, and every detail must be carved into his mind as deeply as possible.


At this moment, a fierce wind suddenly came from behind Wang Zheng, and a figure fell rapidly at an abnormal speed.

Too late to be surprised, Wang Zheng felt a sudden weight on his body. This was a familiar sensation. When there was a sudden increase in gravity within the gravity room, his body would have a similar sensation.

In an instant, Wang Zheng’s falling speed doubled!

“Everyone, be careful! The planet’s gravity is three times the standard gravity. F**k, that scared me.” Zhang Shan’s cry came from the communicator.

“Everybody, hold on, do not open your parachute yet…”

Wang Zheng started communications, but he hadn’t even finished his sentence before he felt a sudden change in his body. The falling speed suddenly returned to normal. It felt just like an illusion, as if he was floating in the air, but in reality he was still falling.

The gravity had once again returned to normal.

“What the hell is this situation? Should we open the parachutes?” However, Zhang Shan’s falling speed did not slow down, but instead had increased. It was as if the gravity at his position had increased even further.

“Calm down. The gravitational force of this plane is not stable. There are multiple pole interactions with high altitude gravity anomalies. It will stabilize after falling down to four kilometers, open the parachute at 2.8 kilometers!” Wang Zheng rapidly said.

Zhang Shan quickly calmed down. Sure enough, after falling for hundreds of meters, his speed was suddenly reduced to the standard gravity. “Seriously, there was a moment of weightlessness before the planet gravity continued to function. It was a bit like a magnetic levitation. A floating body? Cool!”

Zhang Shan, who had calmed down, even started playing around, doing cartwheels in the air. Wang Zheng smiled. It seemed that this planet was a big problem. If the gravity of the high altitude field was already changing, the gravity on the ground would definitely have its differences. From here to the destination, the Zerg would not be the only problem.

In the air, his gravity did not change until he fell to four kilometers, where it finally stabilized at 1.5 times the standard level.

The parachutes were deployed at 3.5 kilometers. The landing destination was an open clearing beside a small river.

From the moment their feet touched the ground, they had entered the war zone.

No one spoke at all and quickly stripped off their landing gear, shifting into their combat suits. Everyone had instinctively formed a semi-circular defensive formation on the side of the river.

“Gravity: 1.5 times the standard gravity. Air contents: oxygen content 29%, nitrogen 69%, no harmful gases, we can breathe freely. Humidity 61%, temperature 31.5 degrees Celsius…” Meng Tian was responsible for analyzing the surroundings and was constantly updating in real time.

Wang Hao took off the poisonous gas filter. As the oxygen content was higher, the body’s muscles felt as though they could exert even more explosive strength.

Looking around, there was a lush forest next to the river, and all the trees were dozens of meters tall. Between the trees, there were only dense shrubs, and no traces of a road could be seen.

“Are there Zerg here? I don’t think they would gather in a forest. There should be a few roads in this area.” Zhang Shan frowned and questioned.

Wang Zhen opened the Skylink map, thinking that there would be a detailed map of the area. However, in fact, there were only two red points in the distance. That was the destination, and the entire journey was unknown.

“For the route ahead, we must first pass through this forest. Everyone, be careful.” Wang Zheng calibrated the position and pointed the way forward.

Achilles looked at the energy bracelet on Wang Zheng’s wrist and said, “Before leaving, I think we should arrange a combat team. The individuals with defensive abilities should stand in front and on both sides to protect the attackers. If we meet an enemy, they should go forward to block the attacks, but leave it to the attackers to finish them off.

“I will be responsible for offense.” Lear has always been clear in his stance, and he glanced at Luo Fei, who was still breathing heavily. He immediately stood up straight.

Lie Xin scratched her chin. “I’m fine with anything.”

Zhang Shan shrugged. Damn, it seemed that they would just be meat shields. It was only him, Wang Zheng, and Zhang Runan. This was discrimination against the people of Earth. “What’s the problem? Its just a few bugs. If we meet them, we should just directly kill them. Why should we remain on the defensive?”

Masasi smiled. “I don’t mean to say this. IG is not child’s play. If we want to reach the planet base in the Zerg area within ten days without any support, we have to maximize efficiency, save our energy, and be ready to respond to anything.”

It was obvious that the Moon people had quickly adjusted their states and were clear on the objectives and the method to proceed forward.